@wordpress/compose Edit

The compose package is a collection of handy Hooks and Higher Order Components (HOCs) you can use to wrap your WordPress components and provide some basic features like: state, instance id, pure…

The compose function is an alias to flowRight from Lodash. It comes from functional programming, and allows you to compose any number of functions. You might also think of this as layering functions; compose will execute the last function first, then sequentially move back through the previous functions passing the result of each function upward.

An example that illustrates it for two functions:

const compose = ( f, g ) => x
    => f( g( x ) );

Here’s a simplified example of compose in use from Gutenberg’s PluginSidebar component:

Using compose:

const applyWithSelect = withSelect( ( select, ownProps ) => {
    return doSomething( select, ownProps );
} );
const applyWithDispatch = withDispatch( ( dispatch, ownProps ) => {
    return doSomethingElse( dispatch, ownProps );
} );

export default compose(
)( PluginSidebarMoreMenuItem );

Without compose, the code would look like this:

const applyWithSelect = withSelect( ( select, ownProps ) => {
    return doSomething( select, ownProps );
} );
const applyWithDispatch = withDispatch( ( dispatch, ownProps ) => {
    return doSomethingElse( dispatch, ownProps );
} );

export default withPluginContext(
    applyWithSelect( applyWithDispatch( PluginSidebarMoreMenuItem ) )

Installation Installation

Install the module

npm install @wordpress/compose --save

This package assumes that your code will run in an ES2015+ environment. If you’re using an environment that has limited or no support for such language features and APIs, you should include the polyfill shipped in @wordpress/babel-preset-default in your code.

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For more details, you can refer to each Higher Order Component’s README file. Available components are located here.

compose compose

Composes multiple higher-order components into a single higher-order component. Performs right-to-left function
composition, where each successive invocation is supplied the return value of the previous.

This is just a re-export of lodash‘s flowRight function.


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createHigherOrderComponent createHigherOrderComponent

Given a function mapping a component to an enhanced component and modifier
name, returns the enhanced component augmented with a generated displayName.


  • mapComponentToEnhancedComponent HigherOrderComponent< TInnerProps, TOuterProps >: Function mapping component to enhanced component.
  • modifierName string: Seed name from which to generated display name.


  • HigherOrderComponent< TInnerProps, TOuterProps >: Component class with generated display name assigned.

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ifCondition ifCondition

Higher-order component creator, creating a new component which renders if
the given condition is satisfied or with the given optional prop name.


type Props = { foo: string };
const Component = ( props: Props ) => <div>{ props.foo }</div>;
const ConditionalComponent = ifCondition(
    ( props: Props ) => props.foo.length !== 0
)( Component );
<ConditionalComponent foo="" />; // => null
<ConditionalComponent foo="bar" />; // => <div>bar</div>;


  • predicate ( props: TProps ) => boolean: Function to test condition.


  • HigherOrderComponent< TProps, TProps >: Higher-order component.

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pure pure

Given a component returns the enhanced component augmented with a component
only rerendering when its props/state change


  • SimpleHigherOrderComponent

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useAsyncList useAsyncList

React hook returns an array which items get asynchronously appended from a source array.
This behavior is useful if we want to render a list of items asynchronously for performance reasons.


  • list T[]: Source array.
  • config AsyncListConfig: Configuration object.


  • T[]: Async array.

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useConstrainedTabbing useConstrainedTabbing

In Dialogs/modals, the tabbing must be constrained to the content of
the wrapper element. This hook adds the behavior to the returned ref.


import { useConstrainedTabbing } from '@wordpress/compose';

const ConstrainedTabbingExample = () => {
    const constrainedTabbingRef = useConstrainedTabbing();
    return (
        <div ref={ constrainedTabbingRef }>
            <Button />
            <Button />


  • import('react').RefCallback<Element>: Element Ref.

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useCopyOnClick useCopyOnClick


Copies the text to the clipboard when the element is clicked.


  • ref import('react').RefObject<string | Element | NodeListOf<Element>>: Reference with the element.
  • text string|Function: The text to copy.
  • timeout [number]: Optional timeout to reset the returned state. 4 seconds by default.


  • boolean: Whether or not the text has been copied. Resets after the timeout.

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useCopyToClipboard useCopyToClipboard

Copies the given text to the clipboard when the element is clicked.


  • text string | (() => string): The text to copy. Use a function if not already available and expensive to compute.
  • onSuccess Function: Called when to text is copied.


  • import('react').Ref<TElementType>: A ref to assign to the target element.

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useDebounce useDebounce

Debounces a function with Lodash’s debounce. A new debounced function will
be returned and any scheduled calls cancelled if any of the arguments change,
including the function to debounce, so please wrap functions created on
render in components in useCallback.



  • fn TFunc: The function to debounce.
  • wait [number]: The number of milliseconds to delay.
  • options [import('lodash').DebounceSettings]: The options object.


  • import('lodash').DebouncedFunc<TFunc>: Debounced function.

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useFocusableIframe useFocusableIframe

Dispatches a bubbling focus event when the iframe receives focus. Use
onFocus as usual on the iframe or a parent element.


  • Object: Ref to pass to the iframe.

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useFocusOnMount useFocusOnMount

Hook used to focus the first tabbable element on mount.


import { useFocusOnMount } from '@wordpress/compose';

const WithFocusOnMount = () => {
    const ref = useFocusOnMount();
    return (
        <div ref={ ref }>
            <Button />
            <Button />


  • focusOnMount boolean | 'firstElement': Focus on mount mode.


  • import('react').RefCallback<HTMLElement>: Ref callback.

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useFocusReturn useFocusReturn

When opening modals/sidebars/dialogs, the focus
must move to the opened area and return to the
previously focused element when closed.
The current hook implements the returning behavior.


import { useFocusReturn } from '@wordpress/compose';

const WithFocusReturn = () => {
    const ref = useFocusReturn();
    return (
        <div ref={ ref }>
            <Button />
            <Button />


  • onFocusReturn [() => void]: Overrides the default return behavior.


  • import('react').RefCallback<HTMLElement>: Element Ref.

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useInstanceId useInstanceId

Provides a unique instance ID.


  • object object: Object reference to create an id for.
  • prefix [string]: Prefix for the unique id.
  • preferredId [string | number]: Default ID to use.


  • string | number: The unique instance id.

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useIsomorphicLayoutEffect useIsomorphicLayoutEffect

Preferred over direct usage of useLayoutEffect when supporting
server rendered components (SSR) because currently React
throws a warning when using useLayoutEffect in that environment.

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useKeyboardShortcut useKeyboardShortcut

Attach a keyboard shortcut handler.



  • shortcuts string[]|string: Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • callback (e: import('mousetrap').ExtendedKeyboardEvent, combo: string) => void: Shortcut callback.
  • options WPKeyboardShortcutConfig: Shortcut options.

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useMediaQuery useMediaQuery

Runs a media query and returns its value when it changes.


  • query [string]: Media Query.


  • boolean: return value of the media query.

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useMergeRefs useMergeRefs

Merges refs into one ref callback.

It also ensures that the merged ref callbacks are only called when they
change (as a result of a useCallback dependency update) OR when the ref
value changes, just as React does when passing a single ref callback to the

As expected, if you pass a new function on every render, the ref callback
will be called after every render.

If you don’t wish a ref callback to be called after every render, wrap it
with useCallback( callback, dependencies ). When a dependency changes, the
old ref callback will be called with null and the new ref callback will be
called with the same value.

To make ref callbacks easier to use, you can also pass the result of
useRefEffect, which makes cleanup easier by allowing you to return a
cleanup function instead of handling null.

It’s also possible to disable a ref (and its behaviour) by simply not
passing the ref.

const ref = useRefEffect( ( node ) => {
  node.addEventListener( ... );
  return () => {
    node.removeEventListener( ... );
}, [ ...dependencies ] );
const otherRef = useRef();
const mergedRefs useMergeRefs( [
  enabled && ref,
] );
return <div ref={ mergedRefs } />;


  • refs Array<TRef>: The refs to be merged.


  • import('react').RefCallback<TypeFromRef<TRef>>: The merged ref callback.

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usePrevious usePrevious

Use something’s value from the previous render.
Based on https://usehooks.com/usePrevious/.


  • value T: The value to track.


  • T | undefined: The value from the previous render.

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useReducedMotion useReducedMotion

Hook returning whether the user has a preference for reduced motion.


  • boolean: Reduced motion preference value.

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useRefEffect useRefEffect

Effect-like ref callback. Just like with useEffect, this allows you to
return a cleanup function to be run if the ref changes or one of the
dependencies changes. The ref is provided as an argument to the callback
functions. The main difference between this and useEffect is that
the useEffect callback is not called when the ref changes, but this is.
Pass the returned ref callback as the component’s ref and merge multiple refs
with useMergeRefs.

It’s worth noting that if the dependencies array is empty, there’s not
strictly a need to clean up event handlers for example, because the node is
to be removed. It is necessary if you add dependencies because the ref
callback will be called multiple times for the same node.


  • callback ( node: TElement ) => ( () => void ) | undefined: Callback with ref as argument.
  • dependencies DependencyList: Dependencies of the callback.


  • RefCallback< TElement | null >: Ref callback.

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useResizeObserver useResizeObserver

Hook which allows to listen the resize event of any target element when it changes sizes.
Note: useResizeObserver will report null until after first render

Simply a re-export of react-resize-aware so refer to its documentation https://github.com/FezVrasta/react-resize-aware
for more details.



const App = () => {
    const [ resizeListener, sizes ] = useResizeObserver();

    return (
            { resizeListener }
            Your content here

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useThrottle useThrottle

Throttles a function with Lodash’s throttle. A new throttled function will
be returned and any scheduled calls cancelled if any of the arguments change,
including the function to throttle, so please wrap functions created on
render in components in useCallback.



  • fn TFunc: The function to throttle.
  • wait [number]: The number of milliseconds to throttle invocations to.
  • options [import('lodash').ThrottleSettings]: The options object. See linked documentation for details.


  • import('lodash').DebouncedFunc<TFunc>: Throttled function.

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useViewportMatch useViewportMatch

Returns true if the viewport matches the given query, or false otherwise.


useViewportMatch( 'huge', '<' );
useViewportMatch( 'medium' );


  • breakpoint WPBreakpoint: Breakpoint size name.
  • operator [WPViewportOperator]: Viewport operator.


  • boolean: Whether viewport matches query.

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useWarnOnChange useWarnOnChange

Hook that performs a shallow comparison between the preview value of an object
and the new one, if there’s a difference, it prints it to the console.
this is useful in performance related work, to check why a component re-renders.


function MyComponent( props ) {
    useWarnOnChange( props );

    return 'Something';


  • object object: Object which changes to compare.
  • prefix string: Just a prefix to show when console logging.

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withGlobalEvents withGlobalEvents


Higher-order component creator which, given an object of DOM event types and
values corresponding to a callback function name on the component, will
create or update a window event handler to invoke the callback when an event
occurs. On behalf of the consuming developer, the higher-order component
manages unbinding when the component unmounts, and binding at most a single
event handler for the entire application.


  • eventTypesToHandlers Record<keyof GlobalEventHandlersEventMap, string>: Object with keys of DOM event type, the value a name of the function on the original component’s instance which handles the event.


  • any: Higher-order component.

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withInstanceId withInstanceId

A Higher Order Component used to be provide a unique instance ID by


  • PropInjectingHigherOrderComponent< { instanceId: string | number; } >

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withSafeTimeout withSafeTimeout

A higher-order component used to provide and manage delayed function calls
that ought to be bound to a component’s lifecycle.


  • PropInjectingHigherOrderComponent< TimeoutProps >

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withState withState

Deprecated Use useState instead.

A Higher Order Component used to provide and manage internal component state
via props.


  • initialState any: Optional initial state of the component.


  • any: A higher order component wrapper accepting a component that takes the state props + its own props + setState and returning a component that only accepts the own props.

Code is Poetry.