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New Time Zone in Russia's Volgograd Region

On December 16, the Russian Federation approved a law to change the Volgograd region's time zone back one hour.

View of Mamayev Kurgan, a hill with a memorial complex in Volgograd, Russia

Volgograd Oblast will have a new time zone from December 27, 2020.

©iStockphoto.com/Leonid Andronov

On December 27, 2020, at 02:00 (2 am) local time, clocks will be set back 1 hour from UTC+4 to Moscow Standard Time (MSK), which is UTC+3.

One Hour Back on December 27

On December 16, 2020, the Russian Federation Council approved the law to permanently change the Volgograd region's time zone to match Moscow time. 136 senators supported the law, which still has to be signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin before it can be implemented.

The time zone change was initially going ahead on December 20 but was moved back to December 27 to make sure that bill number 1012130-7 had time to pass through all the stages of the legal system.

Previously Changed in 2018

Volgograd already changed its time zone less than two years ago, in October 2018. Then, the time zone was changed from Moscow Standard Time to UTC+4. Now the time zone is being changed back again.

“I want an end to this whole process, and this time of troubles associated with the time zone is finally over,” said the deputy of the State Duma, Tatyana Tsybizova, to v1.ru.