
We are taking nine months to do what only a few lucky people get to do: to circumnavigate the globe! We will be avoiding scurvy and pirates and taking mostly airplanes, but we hope to visit all of the populated continents (excepting Antarctica; too many pirates) and be back in time for school’s start next year! If 2020 is the year for anything, it’s the year for adaptation, so our itinerary may change. Keep an eye on this blog for updates, stories, and pictures from our travels. You’ll find a “main blog,” written by the lovely and talented me, as well as pages for the big kids to share their experiences with their cousins and classmates.

Please note that, because these are private blogs with pictures of our family and information on where we will be and when, we are using a password to keep each page confidential. If you would like to share any part of this blog with someone else, please check in with me first. Thank you!

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