Posts Tagged“career”

Imagine you are a young artist, write songs and dream of being listened to by millions of people. Sign up to Spotify, upload your first tracks and wait for fame. But there is one problem. Not so simple. You can’t just upload a track and wait. Wait until a large number of people listen to it, when suddenly it hits the top and you become popular. Just because Spotify won’t see you among 350 million users and 70 million songs. For it you will be one of the little artists who have just started their way in the music field.…

Settling for a career can be a daunting task, especially when you do not know what you want to do. There are a myriad of options out there to choose from and just so that you do it right, let’s walk you through the guidelines that will aid in your decision-making. Gauge Who You Are At The Moment The career you choose ought to align with your skills, interest, passion, and strengths. Assessing yourself in this direction helps you understand what you can do best and narrow down to specific career paths. Doing a SWOT analysis and taking an online…

The field of electrical engineering, to many, sounds incredibly boring. This is because what people think of, is a repairman working on the power grid, or other such professionals. First of all, those professions aren’t boring either, and they serve an incredibly valuable purpose to society as a whole. Secondly, people like David Turlington, who have degrees in electrical engineering, can find very different career opportunities. In fact, Turlington himself believes that electrical engineering is a true revolution, and perhaps even the greatest one of all times. So what are some of the engineering miracles and wonders that classify this…

Of all the sectors and industries which you could choose to work in, education is the place that needs you most, throughout the entire system there are job shortages which you could fill that will give you a very rewarding career. There are so many positions which you could take on in the education sector from teaching to counselling, financial positions and even administration such as the inspirational Kevin Rolle. Kevin has worked in administration for over 20 years within the education sector and is currently Vice President of Colorado State University, proof of the success which you could achieve…

I have always felt that the best way to choose your career is not only by doing something which you are passionate about, but also something which you are naturally gifted at doing. Once you possess the skill set you need, you might find a job with a good salary and enjoy your work as well. There are many different types of people from creative types to caring types but today we are going to focus on those who love finance and numbers like Patrick Dwyer financial advisor and it is his career that we are going to look at today. The role…