When you donate to the FSF as an associate member, you support the essential freedoms for all computer users, with a sustaining contribution.
Join with over 4,000 active members in 76 countries, representing a diverse membership of computer users, artists, software engineers, hackers, students, and activists.
When you donate as an associate member, you are part of an informed society working together to make a better world: respectful of individual freedom, social solidarity, personal privacy, and democracy — built on free software.
The Free Software Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your member donation is tax-deductible in the US.
“I've long been a supporter of the ideas of the FSF and the whole free software movement. Today, I wanted to make a tangible contribution to the FSF, as well as openly declaring my support for the key advocate and defender of software freedom.”
— Cathal McGinley, member #5886
Why donate as an associate member?
- As a software developer, free software lets you build and improve on the work of others, as part of a social community — built on the principles of sharing.
- As an artist, you can do things with free software that proprietary software does not allow. All free software allows you to use it for any purpose.
- As a user, free software removes you from the power struggle of proprietary software, where you are able to help yourself and are not dependent on a single developer or company to help you.
- As a student, you can study and modify the software you use, learning from and enhancing the tools that you use for education.