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Translation of Stable (latest release): Spanish (Spain)

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Prio Original string Translation
Sessions Sesiones Details
Dimensions Dimensiones Details

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Publishers Editores Details

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Note: The site owner has disabled Google Analytics tracking for your user role. Nota: el propietario del sitio ha desactivado el rastreo de Google Analytics para tu perfil de usuario. Details
Note: The site owner has disabled Google Analytics tracking for your user role.

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Show Mostrar Details

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Mobile Móvil Details

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Tablet Tableta Details

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New Nuevo Details

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Referrals Referencias Details

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Desktop Escritorio Details

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View All Referral Sources Ver todas las fuentes de referencia Details
View All Referral Sources

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Page Views Vistas de página Details
Avg. Session Duration Duración prom. de la sesión Details
Avg. Session Duration

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A session is the browsing session of a single user to your site. Una sesión es la sesión de navegación de un solo usuario en tu sitio. Details
A session is the browsing session of a single user to your site.

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Force Deauthenticate Forzar desconexión Details
Force Deauthenticate

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