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Translation of Stable (latest release): Spanish (Spain)

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1 2
Prio Original string Translation
Error message: %s Mensaje de error: %s Details
Error message: %s

The error message received.


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Update Settings Actualizar ajustes Details
Update Settings

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Your website is receiving automatic updates Tu web está recibiendo actualizaciones automáticas Details
Your website is receiving automatic updates

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Automatic updates are disabled Las actualizaciones automáticas están desactivadas Details
Automatic updates are disabled

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Authenticate now Identifícate ahora Details
Authenticate now

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We highly recommend authenticating with MonsterInsights so that you can access our new reporting area and take advantage of new MonsterInsights features. Recomendamos encarecidamente la identificación con MonsterInsights de está forma puedes acceder al área de informe y enterarte de las nuevas características de MonsterInsights. Details
We highly recommend authenticating with MonsterInsights so that you can access our new reporting area and take advantage of new MonsterInsights features.

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View Addons Ver extensiones Details
MonsterInsights minor updates are enabled and you are getting the latest bugfixes and security updates, but not major features. Las actualizaciones menores de MonsterInsights están activadas y estás recibiendo las últimas correcciones de errores y actualizaciones de seguridad, pero no las características mayores. Details
MonsterInsights minor updates are enabled and you are getting the latest bugfixes and security updates, but not major features.

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Your website is receiving minor updates Tu web está recibiendo actualizaciones menores Details
Your website is receiving minor updates

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Go to License Settings Ir a los ajustes de licencia Details
Go to License Settings

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View Reports Ver informes Details
View Reports

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MonsterInsights integrates your WordPress website with Google Analytics. MonsterInsights integra tu web WordPress con Google Analytics. Details
MonsterInsights integrates your WordPress website with Google Analytics.

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post format archive title
Vídeos Details
Context post format archive title

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post format archive title
Citas Details
Context post format archive title

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post format archive title
Estados Details
Context post format archive title

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Changes requested
With warnings
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