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Translation of Development (trunk): Spanish (Spain)

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Please uninstall and remove MonsterInsights Pro before activating Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights. The Lite version has not been activated. %1$sClick here to return to the Dashboard%2$s. Por favor desinstala y elimina MonsterInsights Pro antes de activar Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights. La versión Lite no ha sido activada. %1$sHaz clic aquí para volver al escritorio%2$s. Details
Please uninstall and remove MonsterInsights Pro before activating Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights. The Lite version has not been activated. %1$sClick here to return to the Dashboard%2$s.

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The firewall of your server is blocking outbound calls. Please contact your hosting provider to fix this issue. El cortafuegos de tu servidor está bloqueando nuestras llamadas salientes. Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de alojamiento para solucionar este inconveniente. Details
The firewall of your server is blocking outbound calls. Please contact your hosting provider to fix this issue.

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Note: MonsterInsights is not currently configured on this site. The site owner needs to authenticate with Google Analytics in the MonsterInsights settings panel. Nota: MonsterInsights no está actualmente configurado en este sitio. El dueño del sitio necesita identificarse usando su cuenta de Google Analytics en el panel de ajustes de MonsterInsights. Details
Note: MonsterInsights is not currently configured on this site. The site owner needs to authenticate with Google Analytics in the MonsterInsights settings panel.

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Device Breakdown Desglose por dispositivo Details
This graph shows what percent of your user sessions come from new versus repeat visitors. Este gráfico muestra qué porcentaje de las sesiones de tus usuarios son nuevas frente a los visitantes recursivos. Details
This graph shows what percent of your user sessions come from new versus repeat visitors.

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New vs. Returning Visitors Visitantes nuevos vs. recursivos Details
New vs. Returning Visitors

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A pageview is defined as a view of a page on your site that is being tracked by the Analytics tracking code. Each refresh of a page is also a new pageview. Una página vista se define como la visualización de una página de tu sitio que ha sido realizado el seguimiento por el código de seguimiento de Analytics. Cada refresco de la página también se cuenta como una nueva página vista. Details
A pageview is defined as a view of a page on your site that is being tracked by the Analytics tracking code. Each refresh of a page is also a new pageview.

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Successfully force deauthenticated. Desautorización forzada con éxito. Details
Successfully force deauthenticated.

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Successfully deauthenticated. Desautorizado con éxito. Details
Successfully deauthenticated.

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You've disconnected your site from MonsterInsights. Your site is no longer being tracked by Google Analytics and you won't see reports anymore. Has desconectado tu sitio de MonsterInsights. Tu sitio no será seguido por Google Analytics y no podrás ver informes nunca más. Details
You've disconnected your site from MonsterInsights. Your site is no longer being tracked by Google Analytics and you won't see reports anymore.

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Your license key for MonsterInsights has expired. %1$sPlease click here to renew your license key.%2$s Tu clave de licencia de MonsterInsights ha caducado. %1$sPor favor, haz clic aquí para renovar tu clave de licencia.%2$s Details
Your license key for MonsterInsights has expired. %1$sPlease click here to renew your license key.%2$s

Adds a link to the license renewal.


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Warning: No valid license key has been entered for MonsterInsights. You are currently not getting updates, and are not able to view reports. %1$sPlease click here to enter your license key and begin receiving updates and reports.%2$s Advertencia: No se ha introducido una licencia para MonsterInsights válida. Actualmente no estás recibiendo ninguna actualización y no puedes ver informes. %1$sPor favor haz clic aquí para introducir tu clave de licencia y empezar a recibir actualizaciones e informes.%2$s Details
Warning: No valid license key has been entered for MonsterInsights. You are currently not getting updates, and are not able to view reports. %1$sPlease click here to enter your license key and begin receiving updates and reports.%2$s

Adds a link to retrieve the license.


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%1$sGet MonsterInsights Pro%2$s %1$sConsigue MonsterInsights Pro%2$s Details
%1$sGet MonsterInsights Pro%2$s

Placeholders add a link to the MonsterInsights website.


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Your network license key for MonsterInsights is invalid. The key no longer exists or the user associated with the key has been deleted. Please use a different key. Tu clave de licencia de red para MonsterInsights no es válida. La clave ya no existe o el usuario asociado con la clave ha sido eliminado. Por favor usa una clave diferente. Details
Your network license key for MonsterInsights is invalid. The key no longer exists or the user associated with the key has been deleted. Please use a different key.

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Your network license key for MonsterInsights has been disabled. Please use a different key. Tu clave de licencia de red para MonsterInsights ha sido desactivada. Por favor usa una clave diferente. Details
Your network license key for MonsterInsights has been disabled. Please use a different key.

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