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The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) is a nonprofit that supports the truth tellers. Follow our and accounts.

Washington, DC
Se unió en diciembre de 2008


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  1. Tweet fijado
    13 may.

    🔔Journalists, media workers, news outlets! ICFJ & want to hear from you. How has changed your business and practice of journalism? Have your freedom & safety to do your job been threatened? Take our survey:

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  2. hace 45 minutos

    🚨Take our survey! We’re teaming up with on a global study to map the impacts of COVID-19 on journalism worldwide and to help reimagine its future. Learn more:

  3. hace 2 horas

    's delivered some of the most valuable journalism we’ve ever seen. But it is also accelerating worrying trends & being used as a tool to curtail . Learn about our study on COVID-19 & journalism from authors & :

  4. hace 3 horas

    Journalists are working around the 🕘to seek answers from tight-lipped CEOs of medical companies, reticent public officials & others. Looking for tips on interviewing? Brush up your skills with investigative journalist . Sign up:

  5. hace 3 horas

    What threats to & journalism safety have emerged with ? How have journalists responded? We’re studying this + more in our survey w/ . Special thanks to for partnering on these aspects!

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  6. hace 4 horas

    Diversified revenue is the key to sustainability, especially in times of crisis, , Fellow & co-founder of , told the reporters . More from the discussion:

  7. hace 5 horas

    is being framed as journalism's “extinction event”, causing dozens of news outlets to close around the 🌎. Thousands of newsroom jobs have been lost or reshaped. & explain why it's crucial to track & assess the impact:

  8. hace 6 horas

    Together with , we will study: 📰Threats to & journalism safety from 🚫How journalists & news outlets are fighting the ‘disinfodemic’ 💰How is changing the news business Take our survey:

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  9. retwitteó

    Meet Dada Lyndell (), an award-winning data journalist from Russia who recently joined OCCRP's research team as an Knight Fellow to support open-source investigations.

  10. hace 7 horas

    As communities move from urging people to stay at home to opening for business, the U.S. is not prepared to meet the challenge of testing, tracing & isolation, & Prof. Eichenbaum said in our webinar:

  11. retwitteó
    14 may.

    🧵Is an ‘extinction event’ for ? 10,000+ jobs have already been lost & the pandemic has caused outlets around the world to collapse & retreat. We urgently need data to understand the scale of the crisis & help inform the recovery. Here's how you can assist👇

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  12. hace 7 horas

    Check out this interesting piece on ’s unconventional response to the pandemic. It’s one of many stories from reporters worldwide quoting our webinars with experts.

  13. hace 8 horas

    📣We're hosting a four-week online course in Arabic for MENA journalists . Plus, there are opportunities for mentorship and a $1,500 grant to pursue a story of your choosing on how is affecting refugees. Apply now:

  14. hace 9 horas

    The pandemic’s damage to the economy has put the news industry in peril, but there are bright spots, told the reporters . “I've really seen a lot of innovation sparked by need.” More from our media sustainability panel:

  15. hace 10 horas

    📌As countries begin to reopen, journalists around the world are sharing important lessons about . On May 21, Hong Kong-based journalist of will speak with about covering the outbreak in Wuhan. Sign up:

  16. retwitteó
    hace 12 horas

    When everyone’s on lockdown, it can be tough accessing the sources you need for . So we’re bringing them to you in a series of on-the-record interviews, as part of the Global Health Crisis Reporting Forum from and IJNet.

  17. hace 12 horas

    Do you live in or ? Interested in developing your digital media business? Our program on entrepreneurship in is accepting apps. Previous participants have worked with , & . Apply by May 15:

  18. hace 13 horas

    Are you an independent local publisher in South Africa? Apply by May 19 to our local news relief fund in partnership with Facebook Journalism Project! Grants range between US$10K and 35K. Learn more and apply:

  19. hace 14 horas

    ’s chief epidemiologist challenged a wide array of public health practices that are used in the fight against , in an interview with . More from our on-the-record webinar with :

  20. hace 15 horas

    Journalists need training to cover the pandemic in the same way they would for a war or natural disaster, of told @pbulter50. More from our webinar on :

  21. hace 16 horas

    . uses a citizen journalism model to crowdsource problems in rural areas of . Learn more about their impact-driven approach during the pandemic:


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