

”Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm in WordPress site building and publishing, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. Right now, the project is in the first phase of a four-phase process that will touch every piece of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual — and is focused on a new editing experience, the block editor.

The block editor introduces a modular approach to pages and posts: each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing WordPress users to create media-rich pages in a visually intuitive way — and without work-arounds like shortcodes or custom HTML.

The block editor first became available in December 2018, and we’re still hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for the next three phases of work. The Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest version of the block editor so you can join us in testing bleeding-edge features, start playing with blocks, and maybe get inspired to build your own.

Discover More

  • User Documentation: See the WordPress Editor documentation for detailed docs on using the editor as an author creating posts and pages.

  • Developer Documentation: Extending and customizing is at the heart of the WordPress platform, see the Developer Documentation for extensive tutorials, documentation, and API reference on how to extend the editor.

  • Contributors: Gutenberg is an open-source project and welcomes all contributors from code to design, from documentation to triage. See the Contributor’s Handbook for all the details on how you can help.

The development hub for the Gutenberg project is on Github at:

Discussion for the project is on Make Blog and the #core-editor channel in Slack, signup information.


How can I send feedback or get help with a bug?

We’d love to hear your bug reports, feature suggestions and any other feedback! Please head over to the GitHub issues page to search for existing issues or open a new one. While we’ll try to triage issues reported here on the plugin forum, you’ll get a faster response (and reduce duplication of effort) by keeping everything centralized in the GitHub repository.

What’s Next for the Project?

The four phases of the project are Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual. You can hear more about the project and phases from Matt in his State of the Word talks for 2019 and 2018. Additionally you can follow updates in the Make WordPress Core blog.

Where Can I Read More About Gutenberg?

Where can I see which Gutenberg plugin versions are included in each WordPress release?

View the Versions in WordPress document to get a table showing which Gutenberg plugin version is included in each WordPress release.


September 2, 2021
Gutenberg is great for the right sites, for example blogging, WordPress' core. It's fast and gets the job done. Sure, there are still issues that need ironing out but overall I think it's great. Gutenberg doesn't work great for structured data and referenced data. It would be better to work with the classic editor and layout for building a complex system and API using WordPress as a CMS rather than Gutenberg, to keep things consistent. To end my review, the bottom line for me is... - Gutenberg is a great page builder! Quick and easy to use! - Gutenberg is not great for building sites that are not just blogs. It would be great if we could have a toggle to switch between classic editor or gutenberg, without the use of plugins!
September 1, 2021
Es un poco injusto apresurarse a darle una mala valoración. A mi me gusta, me parece que tiene lo necesario como editor visual. Sin embargo, instalando WP en local, en un ambiente Linux Mint me producia un error referente al archivo json. (no devuelve un archivo json valido). Estuve investigando por el foro y me di cuenta que era un problema que a mucha gente le sucedia, pero que no estaba muy claro "que" lo produce, y "como" solucionarse. Algunos simplemente lo desactivaron y se restauró la normalidad. Otros tuvieron que instalar otro theme y el problema desapareció. (fue la solucion que me resultó a mi tambien). Otros indagaron más y encontraron una coma que faltaba en un archivo PHP... Otros simplemente desactivando los permalinks, colocandolos a modo simple (algo que funcionó pero que no es lo ideal, por el SEO) Otros reinstalaron WordPress por completo... y así... historias... Pienso que cuando esté optimizado será una excelente adición al core de WP. En mi caso, en otros blogs que gestiono (no en mi servidor local), se comporta perfectamente y sin problemas. De hecho coexiste perfectamente junto a otro editor visual, Page Builder, y me parece que la combinación es genial. Le daré 4 estrellas por ahora, y espero poder darle 5 en el futuro cercano, cuando determinen donde está el error que hace que responda tan críticamente en algunas configuraciones de sistemas (estoy seguro que será una tontería). No me quejo, me va bien en mis blogs en linea, y en mi local es útil ya. Muchas gracias al equipo desarrollador, sé nota que han puesto un gran esfuerzo en esta herramienta y mucho cariño.
August 31, 2021
I have used a few editors over the past years, but this is my least favorite one. Fiddling with the blocks menu, which only appears whenever it wants drives me mad.
Read all 3òǹkà _ tò_e̩gbè̩rún_sep428 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Gutenberg” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Gutenberg” has been translated into 51 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Gutenberg” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


To read the changelog for Gutenberg 11.4.1, please navigate to the release page.