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    Is Anal sex allowed?
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    تفسير الدين
    هل الارض مسطحة ولا كرويه وأنا أرى أن الدين الاسلامي يقول انها مسطحة وأحبها مسطحة واريد ان اري هل الارض مسطحة في الدين الاسلامي أو لا
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    about sex
    in islam can wife rub her vagina at the same time as husband has his penis insder her
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    Touching the Qur'an during menstrual periods
    Assalamu alaykum. Could you please tell me if a women on her period could read Qur'an or not? Could you give me the reasons. Thank you.
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    Is assuming someone isn't a Muslim takfir?
    When you falsely assume that someone isn't Muslim, but then find out that he is, is this takfiring?
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    Does alcohol pollute the food absolutely?
    Selamun aleykum, I've been wondering if I can buy food that has alcohol in its ingredients list, even if its not a main ingredient, cooked thoroughly and not meant to enchante any flavor etc? Theres alcohol listed on some bakery dough you have to bake yourself, which is said to be the alcohol produced by the yeast fermentation. Also other products like chilipaste thats using alcohol for fermentation and contains 2% of it. Same with white vine vinegar im mayonnaise. This one doesnt even get cooked but its not for intoxicating. So does the amount in food, the production of the alcohol or the cooking process to make the alcohol vanish matter?
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    Arabic Learning For Kids
    islam quran
    Not every student can fly over to Egypt to study Arabic at Al-Azhar. What is the best alternative? How can your kid improve his Arabic vocabulary? We've got the perfect solution for you. If you want your child to learn the Arabic language so he can study the Quran, if you want to know how to learn Arabic, or if you just want them to be in touch with their Arabic roots, you have come to the right place. The fastest way to learn how to speak Arabic We developed a unique teaching method that makes learning a new language fun, easy, and exciting. Our online Arabic language courses created especially for kids by our prestigious teachers at Studio Arabiya will guide them to master the Arabic language (fus'ha) on all levels: speaking, understanding, reading and writing. You don’t have to worry about the current level of Arabic language knowledge your kid has, our courses are for all levels from beginners to advanced. Arabic Learning For Kids We've gone to great lengths to create an effective online course that really delivers results and with a great team of teachers. Above all, our content and teaching materials are continuously reviewed and improved ensuring your kid will have the most natural and easy learning experience!
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    Learn Quran Online
    islam quran
    Learn Quran Online with this comprehensive Quran Learning Course that will help you achieve perfect Tajweed, Recitation, Develop your Quran Reading Skills and Work on Quran Memorization. How would you like to have the confidence that you can learn to read Quran online? Or become a Hafiz of the Quran in recitation and/or memorization and one of the most respected leaders and intellectuals in your community? Learn Quran Online with this comprehensive Quran Learning Course that will help you achieve perfect Tajweed, Recitation, Develop your Quran Reading Skills and Work on Quran Memorization. How would you like to have the confidence that you can learn to read Quran online? Or become a Hafiz of the Quran in recitation and/or memorization and one of the most respected leaders and intellectuals in your community? Through Studio Arabiya, you can easily learn online how to read the Quran, as well as memorizing and reciting it by completing our all-inclusive Quran course. Mastering and learning the Quran is a spiritual and mental journey that will bring you a deep understanding of the principles of being a good Muslim. By taking our Quran classes you’ll build your understanding of Allah's recitations so that you can apply them into your everyday life. What will you learn? Quran reading, memorization, and recitation with tajweed rules With the support and guidance of your teacher, you’ll learn to recite the Quran as well as memorize more ayat and surahs by using the proper techniques and rules of Tajweed. You will also learn the rules of proper recitation including Sifaat (qualities of the letters and proper mouth formation) and Mukh'arij Al'Huruf (proper pronunciation and articulation of each letter). With Studio Arabiya courses you have the option to study further and become a Hafiz of the Quran in recitation and/or memorization and one of the most respected leaders and intellectuals in your community. Our program is divided into 10 levels and with each level taking approximately up to 20-55 hours. Any level of skill can enroll in the course. If your goal is to accurately memorize the Book of Allah, or learning the general of verses or learning the reasons for revealing the verses, we will provide you with experienced and prepared tutors with all the tools in order to succeed.
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    Catholic Family
    Greetings, and first and foremost, I appreciate your patience with me. I am conflicted. I find myself gravitating towards Islam, but my family has been a unified Catholic family for over a decade. My wife has deep roots in Catholicism going back to her childhood. I have three children, and my oldest has been firmly indoctrinated in the Catholic faith and is very zealous with it. I want to further my studies of the Quran and reach out to the local Islamic center, but I am also concerned about creating discord within my family by pursuing Islam further. Have any readers of this post encountered someone in a similar situation?
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