Internet Rules: Unboxing digital laws in Southeast Asia 2021 21 September 2021 By APCNews

Twenty-four digital rights defenders will convene from 20 to 24 September for the “Internet Rules: Unboxing digital laws in Southeast Asia” workshop. Over the course of the week, the participants will explore a variety of topics including ICT laws and jurisprudence, access, infrastructure and...

Towards an inclusive, sustainable, trusted internet: APrIGF in 2021 20 September 2021 By APCNews

The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) serves as a platform for discussion, exchange and collaboration at a regional level. This year will be a hybrid event in Kathmandu and the overarching theme is “Towards an Inclusive, Sustainable and Trusted Internet".

APC nominated to the #GoodID Awards 2021 07 September 2021 By APCNews

We are proud to be nominated, along with several other members of the APC network, for this year’s #GoodID Awards, convened by the Omidyar Network.

Joint letter: An open, interconnected and interoperable internet

Joint letter

Joint letter: An open, interconnected and interoperable internet

Joint letter, signed by a coalition of civil society and industry stakeholders, raises concerns about the human rights risks of internet fragmentation and setting out principles for an open, interconnected and interoperable internet.

Civil society calls on international actors in Afghanistan to secure digital identity and biometric data immediately


Civil society calls on international actors in Afghanistan to secure digital identity and biometric data immediately

Aid agencies, humanitarian organisations and other international actors operating within Afghanistan, as well as private sector vendors who supply and service digital identity, are urgently called to safeguard digital identity and biometric databases created in Afghanistan.

India: Spyware use violates Supreme Court privacy ruling

Joint statement

India: Spyware use violates Supreme Court privacy ruling

Eleven groups, including APC, call on Indian authorities to immediately, independently and credibly investigate the government’s alleged use of advanced spyware to target activists and apparent opponents.

APC policy explainer: Disinformation

Policy explainer

APC policy explainer: Disinformation

APC considers disinformation to be a complex and multifaceted problem that cannot be properly addressed by a fragmented approach. It is also a multistakeholder challenge that requires dialogue between different sectors. In this document, APC explains why, where and how we work on this issue.

APC and Derechos Digitales submission to the ITU Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues  (CWG-Internet)


APC and Derechos Digitales submission to the ITU Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet)

APC and Derechos Digitales welcome the opportunity to contribute to the open consultation on “The role of the Internet and international Internet-related public policy in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and possible future pandemics” organised by the ITU's CWG-Internet.

Open letter to TECNO Mobile

Open letter

Open letter to TECNO Mobile

APC and several APC member organisations in Africa form part of a coalition of 11 civil society organisations that have called on TECNO to make serious changes to its practices to protect users' privacy and security.

Open letter calling on Apple to abandon its plans to build surveillance capabilities into its products

Open letter

Open letter calling on Apple to abandon its plans to build surveillance capabilities into its products

APC joined with an international coalition of over 90 civil society organisations in an open letter to Apple, calling on the company to abandon its recently announced plans to build surveillance capabilities into iPhones, iPads and other Apple products. 

#HoldTheLine Coalition welcomes dismissal of cyber-libel charge against Maria Ressa and calls for remaining charges to be dropped


#HoldTheLine Coalition welcomes dismissal of cyber-libel charge against Maria Ressa and calls for remaining charges to be dropped

APC and the more than 80 other organisations that comprise the Coalition welcome the dismissal of a cyber-libel charge against Rappler CEO and founder Maria Ressa in the Philippines – the second spurious charge against Ressa to be dropped in just two months.

Policy explainers

Inside the Digital Society: Assumptions on the internet and (geo)politics 21 September 2021 David Souter

I’ve spent some of that time reflecting on the way we’ve thought about the internet and digitalisation over three decades, and how we may need to think differently in future. What assumptions have we made; and what assumptions should we make, about its relationship with politics and geopolitics?

Seeding change: Murambinda Works on building community networks and ICT solutions that respond to people’s needs 16 September 2021 APCNews

How are APC partners improving their communities’ lives? Murambinda Works is fostering digital inclusion and literacy while building the link between internet access and other fundamental rights, such as education, in Zimbabwe.

Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 1): Is electronic data determining whether a woman has been raped or not? 12 September 2021 Ratna Appnender for

This insightful piece highlights how digital evidence is overwhelming the legal and judicial imagination by looking specifically at cases of rape trials in India.


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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