Waš tykac pśidaś

Before you submit your plugin, we ask you to review our Guidelines and read the Frequently Asked Questions. A brief selections of common questions are listed below the form.

Before you can upload a new plugin, please log in.

Once submitted, your plugin will be manually reviewed for any common errors as well as ensuring it complies with all the guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the review process take?

This is in the Developer FAQ. It takes anywhere between 1 and 10 days. We attempt to review all plugins within 5 business days of submission, but the process takes as long as it takes, depending on the complexity of your plugin.

What will my plugin URL be?

Your plugin’s URL will be populated based on the value of Plugin Name in your main plugin file (the one with the plugin headers). If you set yours as Plugin Name: Boaty McBoatface then your URL will be https://wordpress.org/plugins/boaty-mcboatface and your slug will be boaty-mcboatface for example. If there is an existing plugin with your name, then you will be boaty-mcboatface-2 and so on. It behaves exactly like WordPress post names.

Once your plugin is approved, it cannot be renamed.

I made a mistake in my plugin name. Should I resubmit?

Please don’t! Instead email [email protected] and we can rename your plugin as long as it’s not approved. Since we check emails first, the odds are we’ll catch it. If we don’t, just email us and explain the mistake. We’ll explain what to do.

Why can't I submit a plugin with certain display names?

Certain plugin names are prohibited due to trademark abuse. Similarly, we prevent their use in plugin slugs entirely for your protection.