Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks

Mô tả

The Ultimate Companion to Gutenberg

Stackable is the ultimate trusted Gutenberg companion you’ve been waiting for. Build dynamic websites with our powerful yet lightweight custom blocks, ready-made designs, UI Kits, global settings, and advanced customization options all whilst boasting speedy performance. Have the confidence to easily design professional websites that stand out using a new page building experience for Gutenberg.

Transforming Gutenberg into a Page Builder. Discover a Whole New Experience of Web Design With the WordPress Block Editor.

Stackable is the all-in-one solution for creating stunning websites by transforming Gutenberg into a Page Builder. With over 100K websites using (and growing!) Stackable, Stackable has helped thousands of bloggers, merchants, designers and web development professionals make the most out of the WordPress Block Editor through fast, powerful and intuitive features.

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Ready Made Block Designs and UI Kits

Enjoy an impressive Design Library of UI Kits, Block Designs and Separators to jumpstart your designing process. Never start from scratch and design like a pro with the help of our stunning and professionally-made designs.

  • Dozens of UI Kit Designs
  • Hundreds of ready-made Block Designs
  • Dozens of block layout variations
  • Various built-in Separator Designs

Powerful Custom Blocks

Get 35 flexible custom Gutenberg blocks that are feature-rich and look good out of the box, and provide a robust foundation for any website even without a single line of code.

You can choose which of these blocks you need, depending on your workflow.

Essential Blocks
– Advanced Columns Block — View Block
– Advanced Heading Block – View Block
– Advanced Text Block – View Block
– Advanced Image Block
– Icon List Block — View Block
– Button Block — View Block
– Icon Button Block
– Icon Block — View Block

Special Blocks
– Posts Block — View Block
– Image Box Block — View Block
– Video Popup Block — View Block
– Accordion Block — View Block
– Icon Label Block
– Social Buttons Block
– Card Block — View Block
– Count Up Block — View Block
– Number Box Block — View Block
– Notification Block — View Block
– Expand / Show More Block — View Block
– Separator Block — View Block
– Load More Block (for the Blog Posts Block)
– Pagination Block (for the Blog Posts Block)
– Subtitle Block
– Price Block
– Divider Block
– Spacer Block

Section Blocks
– Hero Block — View Block
– Call to Action Block — View Block
– Feature Block — View Block
– Feature Grid Block — View Block
– Pricing Box Block — View Block
– Icon Box Block
– Testimonial Block — View Block
– Team Members Block — View Block
– Blockquote Block — View Block

Page Builder-like Design Options

Turn the Gutenberg Editor into a page builder. Fine-tune your creations with a wide range of familiar web design options.

  • Multiple Block Layouts
  • Animate Blocks on Hover
  • Block Background and Image Color Settings
  • Block Typography Settings
  • Image Shapes and Settings
  • Advanced Icon Options
  • Advanced Column and Spacing Settings
  • Global Colors & Typography Settings
  • Responsiveness
    • Live Responsive Editing
    • Ability to tweak designs for Tablet and Mobile views
    • Specify how Columns collapse in Tablet and Mobile
    • Hide / Show Specific Blocks on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile
  • Custom data-* attributes
  • Scroll and Entrance Animations**

Dynamic Content

Create dynamic WordPress websites that cater to the specific interests of visitors.

  • Dynamic Content**
  • Fully Customize your Query Loops**
  • Built-in Custom Fields**
  • Block Conditional Display**

Agency Tools

Cater to more clients effectively and efficiently with our Agency Tools, which were specially made for web design professionals.

  • Block CSS Customizer **
  • Role Manager **


Make your page building experience more well-rounded by using other popular tools. We’ve seamlessly integrated with these essential third-party plugins and tools:

  • ACF **
  • WPML
  • Blocksy
  • Toolset
  • Font Awesome
  • Google Fonts

Fast Page Loading Speed

Optimize your website’s performance, and get lightning fast page loading to make your site visitors stay. Have the chance to maximize your page speed insights and achieve high Core Web Vitals and higher SEO rankings.

  • Loads the smallest file size possible of CSS and JS files in the frontend, ~ only 7.8kb total
  • Adds almost no PHP server overhead for fast page loads
  • Zero Bloat, no jQuery, no dependencies
  • Optimized page loading with focus on Core Web Vitals
  • Responsive image loading for faster browsing speeds in mobile devices
  • Compatible with Optimization Plugins and use optimization techniques such as combining CSS and JS files and minification

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Learn More About Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks & Designs

Enjoying Stackable Blocks?

** Those marked with asterisks are part of Stackable Premium

Ảnh màn hình

  • Responsive Gutenberg Blocks
  • Page Builder-like Block Options
  • Global Settings that affect your entire site
  • Powerful Custom Gutenberg Blocks
  • Ready-made Design Library

Cài đặt

Minimum Requirements

You’ll need WordPress version 5.6 or higher for this to work.

Hỏi đáp

Is Stackable Free?

Yes, Stackable is free forever.

We have a premium version that adds more designs and advanced features. You may want to check Stackable Premium here.

Do I need to know how to code to use Stackable?

No, you don’t need to know a single line of code when using Stackable

Do you have a live demo?

Yes, we have live demo that you can check out here.

What are Blocks?

Blocks are the new shortcodes in WordPress 5.0 / Gutenberg. They’re the basic elements that you add into your content to build your pages, like buttons, cards, videos, etc.

Stackable gives you an extensive collection of blocks that allows you to flexibly create any kind of professional landing page and front page.

What are UI Kits?

UI kits are a beautiful and cohesive collection of our block designs for budiling full sites easily. These kits offer a wide variety of web design styles and categories that allow you to kick start your design process right away

What themes can I use with Stackable?

Stackable should work with any theme.

Can I disable blocks that I do not use?

Yes, you can manage your blocks and choose what blocks to enable/disable.

Can I use this plugin with other block plugins?

Yes! Stackable blocks play well with other blocks.

Can I use this add-on for other page builders I’m using?

Nope. Stackable only works with Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor.

Đánh giá

16 Tháng Mười Một, 2021
After spending some time how the blocks structure work, you can create very easily great website-pages, even with the free version.
22 Tháng Mười, 2021
Lost my job after upgrading to V3, nothing compatible and backwards compatibility not reactivable : the container block has disappeared.
Đọc tất cả 317 đánh giá

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

“Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks” đã được dịch qua 6 ngôn ngữ. Cảm ơn những người tham gia dịch vì đóng góp của họ.

Dịch “Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.

Muốn tham gia phát triển?

Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.

Nhật ký thay đổi


  • New: Dynamic Content can now be used for link titles
  • New: Added Row Gap option for the Columns block
  • Fixed: Design Library won’t load designs in some server configurations
  • Fixed: Column collapsing in tablet and mobile now takes into account the column gap
  • Fixed: Resizing columns is jumpy when there is a column gap
  • Fixed: In some themes alignfull does not work properly
  • Fixed: Icon Button block styles get applied to the button instead of the background
  • Fixed: Prevent Column block from being added as a reusable block
  • Fixed: Added transform panel in the Separator block
  • Fixed: Error when saving an Icon block while having a non-administrator role in multisite
  • Fixed: Load more button now gets removed properly when all posts have loaded
  • Fixed: Added missing translations
  • Fixed: Updated FontAwesome script to use CDN
  • Fixed: Some WordPress 5.7 and 5.6 compatibility issues


  • Fixed: Design library infinite loading spinner and fails to load design
  • Fixed: PublishPress workaround – Stackable blocks won’t load
  • Fixed: Posts block can affect the display of other Posts block in the editor
  • Fixed: Posts block won’t show featured image if size is not full
  • Fixed: Icon list columns flexbox issue
  • Fixed: Accordion block affects the icon of nested accordion blocks
  • Fixed: Pricing box alignment in some layouts
  • Fixed: Notification block close button can go out of the container
  • Fixed: Kadence compatibility – dots added to the blog posts meta (v2 block)
  • Fixed: Image box can have a small white gap if the container size has fractions in its widt (v2 block)


  • New: Added note at the bottom of the Style tab in some blocks about how to style inner blocks.
  • New: Added tip to open the List View
  • Change: Renamed Columns block to “Columns / Container” block
  • Fixed: Added another failsafe in case the frontend migration doesn’t get automatically enabled when v2 blocks are present.
  • Fixed: Removed small gap between full width blocks in the editor so they look merged together
  • Fixed: Separator now preserve aspect ratio correctly in mobile


  • New: Added a modal popup to help with the migration process to version 3
  • New: Shadow options can now be styled on hover
  • Fixed: Block widths when nested
  • Fixed: Column content widths sometimes didn’t apply especially when nested
  • Fixed: Layout styles of the Blog Posts and Card block
  • Fixed: The image cannot be selected some Card block layouts
  • Fixed: Posts Block title tag can’t be changed
  • Fixed: Remove unwanted bottom margin in columns
  • Fixed: Content Vertical Align did not apply
  • Fixed: Icon Label block icon gap showing incorrectly in the backend when you have multiple icon labels
  • Fixed: PHP warning for themes using theme.json
  • Fixed: Feature block horizontal layout didn’t show as horizontal
  • Fixed: Image Box block layouts were not aligned correctly
  • Fixed: Image placeholder height now shows correctly
  • Fixed: Blocks can be linked together if creating multiple columns at once
  • Fixed: Compatibility with wide/full align when Kadence blocks is enabled
  • Fixed: Fixed typo in the wizard text


  • Fixed: Compatibility with some plugins when backward compatibility with v2 blocks is enabled
  • Fixed: Backward compatibility with v2 blocks now work with reusable blocks
  • Fixed: Possible too many redirects when going to the wizard


  • Fixed: The onboarding / migration wizard sometimes did not appear
  • Fixed: Auto-updating to v3 doesn’t perform the migration process immediately


  • New: New version 3 blocks (old version 2 blocks will still be available)
  • New: Completely new way to use Stackable blocks
  • New: Now very lightweight
  • New: Advanced Columns which are immensely responsive (you can control how they collapse in tablet and mobile)
  • New: Style blocks when they’re hovered
  • New: Dyanmic Breakpoints
  • New: Stackable Custom Fields (premium)
  • New: Use Dynamic Content in images, buttons, and other content (premium)
  • New: Motion Effects (premium)
  • New: Conditionally Display blocks (premium)
  • New: A lot more


  • Fixed: Compatibility fix with Toolset
  • Fixed: Turning on Optimization settings prevents global colors from working in Divider block colors
  • Fixed: When no aria-label is given in Image Box blocks, role=”img” is no longer added
  • Fixed: WordPress 5.8 compatibility issues
  • Fixed: Removed some attributes which should not be included when copy and pasting styles


Custom Attributes and Optimization

  • New: You can now add your own Custom Attributes in Stackable blocks
  • New: You can now opt to only load JS and CSS frontend files only in pages that use Stackable blocks
  • Fixed: The featured image in blog posts blocks now correctly use the image’s alt text
  • Fixed: JS error encountered when a global color becomes null
  • Fixed: Icon block’s icon alignment issue when align is set to right
  • Fixed: Compatibility with WP Review Pro in the blog posts block
  • Fixed: Possible PHP warning when encountering a block without attributes when loading Google Fonts
  • Fixed: Possible dynamic content PHP warning
  • Fixed: Block error with ACF Pro when using Wysiwyg fields from Options pages as dynamic content
  • Fixed: Container links should not be included when copy and pasting styles
  • Fixed: Increased clamped padding in tablets from 30 to 100
  • Fixed: Updated documentation links
  • Fixed: The icon’s column gap did not take effect in mobile


Clickable Containers and Pagination

  • New: Containers in some blocks can now become links
  • New: Added pagination to the Blog Posts block (premium)
  • Change: Increased the minimum PHP to 5.6
  • Fixed: Jetpack social sharing buttons won’t show up anymore in the blog posts block excerpt
  • Fixed: Compatibility with WP Review Pro in the blog posts block
  • Fixed: The Video Popup block play button can be misaligned
  • Fixed: Right and bottom Container paddings in tablet and mobile are interchanged
  • Fixed: Global colors can have an error when colors are set to null
  • Fixed: A vertical scrollbar can be present in the block editor


  • Fixed: Backward compatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • Change: Increased minimum compatibility of Stackable to at least WordPress 5.5.4


  • Fixed: Constant naming issue in PHP 5.3


  • Fixed: E_PARSE PHP warning
  • Fixed: Deprecated warning shown in PHP 8


Introducing Dynamic Content

  • New: You can now add Dynamic Content to your blocks from the Dynamic Fields toolbar button (premium)
  • Fixed: Changed “Gutenberg plugin is active” notice message to be clearer
  • Fixed: Team Member block image now doesn’t grow bigger than its container
  • Fixed: Global color reset popover width
  • Fixed: Corrected custom CSS selector name in the blog post block


  • Fixed: Added Auto Block Recovery support for reusable blocks
  • Fixed: Video Popup block play button SEO and accessibility issues
  • Fixed: Possible PHP undefined variable warning in global settings
  • Fixed: Image border radius now properly shows in mobile for the Feature block
  • Fixed: Gradient backgrounds would overlap if there’s a border in Column blocks
  • Fixed: Picking a global color did not visibly show as active
  • Fixed: Text highlight toolbar button now shows pressed state when active
  • Fixed: Block title and Block description spacing in some blocks didn’t get applied
  • Fixed: Count Up and Notification block’s icon alignment not working in tablet and mobile
  • Fixed: Some em units did not display as active
  • Fixed: Missing stretch class in Feature block
  • Fixed: Disabled html editing in the Accordion block
  • Fixed: Text of some blocks now are blank when you first add them so you can type immediately
  • Fixed: Get the correct color from custom properties in Icon List block icons
  • Fixed: Better color picker support for Neve Theme colors
  • Fixed: Image Box block now properly adds min-height


  • Fixed: Compatibility adjustments for WordPress 5.7
  • Fixed: Advanced tab can sometimes be visible in the Styles tab


Copy and Paste Block Styles

  • New: You can now copy and paste Stackable and native block styles! (premium)
  • New: Added block previews
  • Fixed: Feature Grid block container image is always set to cover
  • Fixed: Removed inapplicable margin/padding unit in separators
  • Fixed: Accordion text content can be a bit blurry
  • Fixed: Don’t enqueue blank Google Fonts in Global Settings
  • Fixed: Expand block text color doesn’t apply in backend
  • Fixed: Icon block, title alignment in tablet and mobile did not apply
  • Fixed: Auto block recovery should not affect v1 blocks
  • Fixed: Margins of the Icon block title won’t apply


  • Fixed: Issue with styling duplicated blocks
  • Fixed: Accordion block migration error
  • Fixed: Google Fonts possible enqueueing issue


  • New: You can now select titles to use Pargraph tags instead of H1-H6
  • Fixed: Can’t convert reusable blocks to regular blocks
  • Fixed: Some inspector style conflicts
  • Fixed: Nested Accordion block arrows did not rotate when opened
  • Fixed: Feature Grid image shape for the column is now working
  • Fixed: Clicking on the default quote icon in the Blockquote block


  • Fixed: Accordion SEO issue with heading levels
  • Fixed: Blocks didn’t re-render when some props changed
  • Fixed: Don’t show number spacing for some layouts


  • Fixed: Blog posts block load more button stopped working
  • Fixed: Number box alignment does not apply for some layouts


UI Kits, Borders & Improved Performance

  • New: UI Kits, check the Design Library
  • New: Border options for all blocks
  • New: Inspector performance improvements
  • New: Added ID anchor tags to all blocks
  • New: Revamped getting started page
  • New: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • New: Gave the Design Library window a face lift
  • Fixed: Blog Posts block now handle custom taxonomies in posts and pages correctly
  • Fixed: Blog Posts block now shows the correct number of entries when specifying post IDs
  • Fixed: Expand block typography can sometimes not apply in the frontend
  • Fixed: Blockquote block background image tint not working
  • Fixed: Global Settings will no longer show up when in content only editing mode
  • Fixed: PHP error when other plugins use the plugin_action_links filter incorrectly
  • Fixed: Some slider controls are stuck on the left when moving them


  • Fixed: WordPress 5.4 compatibility
  • Fixed: Blocks without a layout tab would not show options when they’re first added
  • Fixed: Some image width options won’t respond


  • Fixed: Blog Posts block filter wasn’t called correctly.


Better User Interface and User Experience

  • New: You can now pick multiple categories / taxonomies in the Blog Posts block
  • New: Improved UX/UI for the block inspector and popups
  • New: Speed improvements when editing block styles
  • Fixed: Now easier to set left/right paddings to zero
  • Fixed: Compatibility issue when coming from a Stackable beta build
  • Fixed: Some disabled toggle buttons did not display as disabled
  • Fixed: Unable to reset range controls when the value has been previously changed
  • Fixed: Do not include post attributes when importing Blog Posts block designs
  • Fixed: SEO warning about duplicate id attributes
  • Fixed: A few CSS styling issues with some block layouts
  • Fixed: Some JavaScript warnings


  • New: Redesigned responsive toggles to make them easier to use and discover
  • New: Added deactivation notice when the Gutenberg plugin is detected to be activated
  • New: Added settings and Go Premium links to the plugins page
  • Fixed: Possible error when you previously installed the beta version and updated to the released version
  • Fixed: Global colors can possibly show a warning if a theme has invalid colors
  • Fixed: Footer text was in the middle of the screen in the Stackable accounts page


  • Fixed: Only add attribute identifiers in some native blocks if needed for Global Typography
  • Fixed: Partial compatibility with Gutenberg v9.1


  • Fixed: Potential PHP warnings when generating global styles


  • Fixed: Custom HTML block can result in invalid HTML and can cause frontend display issues
  • Fixed: Global colors can possibly show a warning


Introducing Global Colors and Global Typography

  • New: Global Colors
  • New: Global Typography
  • Fixed: Speed improvements
  • Fixed: Some popup settings close right away when clicking in Firefox
  • Fixed: Blocksy compatibility when detecting dark colors


  • Fixed: Some responsive font-sizes won’t apply
  • Fixed: Feature grid block default title tag shows as H2 in the Block Editor


  • Fixed: Block errors in nested blocks
  • Fixed: PHP warning undefined index page


  • Change: Moved Stackable admin settings inside Settings menu
  • Fixed: Column blocks and other blocks that use innerBlocks do not auto-recover
  • Fixed: WordPress 5.4 compatibility
  • Fixed: Background color and image in Video Popup won’t apply
  • Fixed: Force removal of pseudo elements in the Blockquote block
  • Fixed: Kadence Theme color picker issue
  • Fixed: CORS error when editing in mobile or tablet if Stackable’s CSS files are located in a another domain. When it happens now, live responsive editing will just not work.


  • Change: Added “Other” options on the bottom of the admin settings
  • Fixed: Icon list text were flowing over the other lines in the editor
  • Fixed: Admin spinner was always visible
  • Fixed: Responsive hiding doesn’t show blocks on exactly 600px and 960px widths
  • Fixed: Load more button in Blog Posts block wasn’t centered correctly
  • Fixed: Typography mobile font size issue when inheriting clipped desktop values
  • Fixed: Group into Container was producing an error
  • Fixed: AdvancedToolbarControl fullwidth console warning
  • Fixed: Block bottom margin placeholder now correctly shows 35 instead of 0
  • Fixed: Images with labels can produce invalid block html output
  • Fixed: Console warning for alignRight when displaying block designs in the inspector
  • Fixed: Added aria-label “Play” in Video Popup block
  • Fixed: Max. Content Width option now gets inherited in tablet and mobile
  • Fixed: Min. Block Height option now gets inherited in tablet and mobile
  • Fixed: Block and column margins and paddings now get inherited in tablets
  • Fixed: Some styles will now get inherited in tablets also
  • Fixed: Block errors may appear and not auto-recover when using the Gutenberg plugin


Better Responsive Controls, Better List Block Icons and Low-Highlight Effect

  • New: Better responsiveness controls: some tablet and mobile options do not automatically inherit desktop styles
  • New: You can now pick any icon for the Icon List block
  • New: You can now have different icons per line in the Icon List block
  • New: Additional icon options in the Icon List block
  • New: Icon size is now responsive in the Icon List block
  • New: Added low-highlight text formatting style
  • New: Now compatible with Kadence Theme global color palette
  • New: You can now select the text color for highlighted text styles
  • Fixed: Multisite or unfiltered HTML issue where some container styles do not reflect in the frontend
  • Fixed: Icon list block didn’t follow tablet and mobile column counts.
  • Fixed: Blog Posts Block doesn’t detect category and tag taxonomies for custom post types
  • Fixed: When in white label mode, the pricing tab still appears in the settings page
  • Fixed: Container blocks with small content widths have large paddings in mobile


  • Fixed: Columns Block uneven columns
  • Fixed: PHP Rest API notice about register_rest_route used incorrectly.
  • Change: Removed affiliate page
  • Change: Removed main menu notification for a more unobtrusive experience


Introducing: Live Responsive Editing

  • New: Responsive Preview and Editing!
  • New: Multi-block editing support
  • New: Improved styling for the admin settings
  • New: Complete WordPress 5.5 support
  • Fixed: Separator can show a thin white line sometimes
  • Fixed: Divider block alignment not being applied
  • Fixed: Column gap option not working in Icon Block
  • Fixed: Expand block showed wrong heading tag in the editor
  • Fixed: PHP Rest API notice about register_setting used incorrectly.


Introducing: Role Manager for Gutenberg

  • New: User Role Manager (premium)
  • New: Updated URL picker
  • New: Added alt text for image using title and subtitle in Image Box block.
  • Fixed: Partial WordPress 5.5 compatibility
  • Fixed: Responsive breakpoint for hiding in desktop.
  • Fixed: Missing guided CSS rules for Card Block (premium).
  • Fixed: Only show Stackable menu for users that have the manage_options capability
  • Fixed: Text transform “normal” was not working as expected.
  • Fixed: IconButton deprecation warnings.
  • Fixed: Disabling the title can possibly make the Image Box block error out
  • Fixed: Social buttons give block errors in Team Member blocks.