[en] Welcome to euroquis.nl. Originally intended as a site for a European source-code-quality project, it now serves as the hub of my online presence. Most of what happens here goes on on the blog.

[nl] Welkom bij euroquis.nl. Dit was oorspronkelijk bedoeld als site voor een Europees code-kwaliteitsbeoordelingsproject. Nu is het centrum van mijn online aanwezigheid. Er gebeurt vooral wat op mijn blog.


  • Plasma System Monitor and FreeBSD

    Arjen and David – also other KDE contributors, but I’ll name those two because they suffered the brunt of my questions and merge requests – have come up with KDE Plasma System Monitor, which is an application for monitoring system resource usage, sensors and processes. It is a successor to the venerable ksysguard (14 years between those two posts), and promises better pluggability and a nicer UI.

  • Translation Sadness

    Qt is a great toolkit, with fine support for translations in general. You can take a Qt application and, assuming that the guidelines have been followed, it will adjust really well to starting in different languages. Changing languages on-the-fly is a different matter; even though there are guidelines to get you to 98%, I’m going to write about the 2% sadness that remains. OK? 确定? OK? ठीक है?

  • After Summer

    Summer (break) is over! I spent the past two weeks crossing borders – for the first times in over 18 months – to participate in small bubbled-and-tested events. Including a KDE get-together, where Aleix took a decent picture of me channeling my inner daemon.

  • Summer 2021

    Summer is here! Almost over, too, and I see I missed my sort-of-traditional summer planning blog post. I didn’t give up or go away: two Calamares releases happened at the beginning of august, some KDE Frameworks MRs of mine landed, and then my family did get on a bicycle and see some of the countryside.

  • VirtualBox guest additions in FreeBSD

    I just wrote about a simple and straightforward way to bring KDE Plasma Desktop to a VirtualBox guest with FreeBSD. After a bunch of package installations and a bit of system-configuration tweaking – it can be condensed into two commands if you like – there’s a running KDE Plasma Desktop. This post examines some subsequent tweaks.

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