
RSS Fixed

Posted August 6, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development, Meta.

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that the RSS for this development blog has been fixed. We’ve been so busy adding great features to WordPress that it must have just slipped under the radar. On that I’d like to bring this blog back to more what it was originally intended: an informal constant stream of news regarding WordPress development. Things have been quiet here but there has been a ton of progress happening. Just a quick summary:

  • New options system, never edit a configuration file again.
  • Full Blogger API and MetaWeblog API; partial MT API support (so tools like Zempt work)
  • Numerous improvements to the administration interface

That’s just a peek. Right now I’m working on multiple category support and the last “must-have” feature before we put out the release is password-protected posts. What else? The Movable Type import is basically done, I just want to get multiple categories working first so no information is lost in the transition. There are a few other improvements underway that will most likely be in the next release, including quicktag improvements and some geographical integration but I’ll post more on that later. When? Good question, hard to say. The time we devote to the project can vary from week to week depending on, well, life. However I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that there will be a good beta out in about a week, and the release will follow after any bugs are worked out.

To address the dev blog problem, I am going to at the very least post development updates every weekend, even if it’s just to say that nothing has happened.

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  1. Sound’s good… can’t wait! Well done!

    Comment from Totally on August 6, 2003

  2. Glad to find information. BTW, if you find your schedule slipping, please let us know on the devblog! For me, I’m waiting on a beta for a clean install that fixes the permalink problem. A real pain in the neck to take the stuff from cvs each time I do an install.

    Also, multiple categories would really help things.

    Comment from Robert on August 6, 2003

  3. any plans for wordpress to install in a subfolder rather than the root? having that kind of architecture straight from the box (so to speak) would really be an awesome feature.

    Comment from valentine on August 6, 2003

  4. Sounds awesome.. all these features.. so little time.. You guys really are doing a great job… and dont think for one moment that we are not overly greatful!

    All i need now is a photoblog? *crosses fingers*

    Comment from flashPUNK on August 6, 2003

  5. I am eagerly looking forward to the next release of WordPress so I can make use of external blogging and RSS aggregation tools I use.

    Comment from David on August 9, 2003

  6. … the next release of WordPress sounds like it will definitely be worth upgrading from my old b2 installations… such as my personal weblog. It will be nice to have the XMLRPC stuff fixed, and to not have to hack the config file each time to install and to make sure the paths are set properly. Please let us know when you get to beta. I specialize in doing exotic things that break software and am sure I’ll be able to help squeeze out all the bugs.

    Comment from Thomas Leavitt on August 10, 2003

  7. awesome. I’m excited for the next wordpress. I’m learning as much as I can about webstandards, XHTML, and such as I go along. As I go along, I play with wordpress, and new stuff. Thanks for all your work guys.

    Comment from jeremy on August 11, 2003

  8. Don’t forget to sign up for the beta list (on the download page) if you want to be the first to know about the upcoming beta.

    Comment from Matt on August 16, 2003

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