Support » Fixing WordPress » How to revert to classic widget screen

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  • Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @opajaap 👋

    Sorry to hear about the troubles with the widget screen. It’s probably because of some configuration issues in your site. Only a detailed investigation might reveal the actual cause of the issue.

    In the meantime, if you wish to return to the classic widget screen as a stopgap solution, I’d recommend installing this plugin: – which will bring back the old widgets, that you can continue to edit.

    As for the Check the developer tools for more details., you can find out the error message by right clicking anywhere on your browser, clicking on the inspect button, and opening the Console tab on the window that now pops up (works for most modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari). This should show the JS errors that are triggering the errors for you. If you could share those error messages with us, we should be able to guide you further on why this problem could be happening, and potentially suggest a solution.

    Let us know if you have further questions.

    Thread Starter Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Thanx for your quick reply.
    And thanx for the classic widgets plugin, makes my production sites widgets maintainable.

    These are the errors (many items):

    Object { code: "rest_no_route", message: "Geen route gevonden die overeenkomt met de URL en aanvraagmethode.", data: {…} }
    ​code: "rest_no_route"
    ​data: Object { status: 404 }
    ​​status: 404
    ​​<prototype>: Object { … }
    ​message: "Geen route gevonden die overeenkomt met de URL en aanvraagmethode."
    ​<prototype>: Object { … }
    Thread Starter Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I have 2 questions:

    1. Does it use xmlrpc.php ? I always rename it for security reasons as this file is wp’s worst vulnaribility.

    2. Is it intentionally that the widget id ( this->id ) has no value on the widget activation page when previewing? This leads to confusion when multiple identical widgets with different settings are combined and the content is cached. Example:
    Plugin wp-photo-album-plus has a slideshow widget. One can have multiple instances of this widget at the same time, showing slideshows of different albums.
    If caching could also be enabled at the backend, this would greatly improve page load time on the widgets screen.
    Or is this a bug.

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