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2021-10-13 (Wednesday)
Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Egypt

2021-10-13 20:00

Online event

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Signed up 7.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!