WordPress events in France

2021-09-30 (Thursday)
Retour d’expérience sur un projet d’intranet évolutif et multi utilisateurs

Community: WordPress Nice

2021-09-30 18:30

Online event

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Signed up 25.

Pour ce meetup de rentrée, nous accueillons David Peronne, fervent participant du meetup niçois !
David nous fera un retour d'expérience sur un projet qu'il a mené. Suite à une demande client un peu particulière et sur une base WordPress, il a créé un outil sur mesure capable d'échanger des messages et de sauvegarder des informations telles que des températures. L’outil devant être accessible via une page d’identification et utilisable sur tout équipement ayant un accès internet. Tout le contenu se gère en front que ce soit les messages mais aussi les pièces jointes et images. Des fonctionnalités avancées (date de publication, d’archivage et répétition de message) ont été également intégrées.

Dans ce Meetup, nous aborderons les différents besoins du client et comment ces fonctionnalités ont été réalisées.

David est développeur WordPress en freelance depuis 2009. Il travaille principalement pour les agences sur les projets WordPress / WooCommerce et les maintenances préventives.

2021-10-13 (Wednesday)
Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Lyon

2021-10-13 20:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 6.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Paris

2021-10-13 20:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 11.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Toulouse

2021-10-13 20:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 8.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!