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Articles by Associate Editor Claire Elise Thompson

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Imagine 2200, Fix’s climate-fiction contest, recognizes stories that envision the next 180 years of equitable climate progress, imagining intersectional worlds of abundance, adaptation, reform, and hope. Read all 12 stories here.

Climate fiction, or cli-fi for short, has emerged as an increasingly popular genre that puts environmental issues front and center. Although often considered a subgenre within science fiction, it has long since moved beyond that realm as the impacts of a warming world, once thought far off, have become commonplace.

With the boundlessness that fiction offers, writers and artists can use it as a vehicle to imagine a better future and the path we might take to get there. Or, they can model the kind of resilience and adaptation humanity will need in coming decades. 

Below, we’ve categorized some of the genres and movements that inspire and inform climate fiction and reveal just how intersectional it is. 

As its name suggests, futurism refers to art that imagines the future. It originated with an Italian art movement in the early 20th century that cel... Read more

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