The Wayback Machine -
History is written based on various knowledge sources documented from time to time. Today we have, many such documentation done in various corners of the world. However, locally in Karnataka we do not have many such documentation done. Some of the collections available are exclusive and it is difficult for common man to access it and use the knowledge stored there. Also the problem is that, they are not centralized for easy access. Keeping all these in mind, some of us got together to start a portal for documentation. We have named it ‘Sanchi Foundation’.

“Sanchi” is a not for profit organization working for the documentation of audio-visual heritage.

We do documentation in folk, classical art forms and other steams of knowledge on priority basis. Documentation is something, which is largely ignored by many. Some understand the importance but are not sure what is the best way. Keeping this in mind, we also want to create online material about documentation. We would also like to do workshops and train people in documentation. We hope this effort will help us create a community, which contributes to a documentation, which will eventually become the collective source of knowledge. We want to make our documentation available for public use for free. So all the documentation done through Sanchi Foundation will be released under Creative Commons and released to public usage. However, it would be restricted from commercial usage. We are a not for profit organization. Our work happens through gracious donations by generous donors. We also depend on community participation for documentation. So if you would like to donate any rare video of famous personalities, places, processes, any audio clip, text, video clip do write to us and we can work together about the possibilities of documenting it.

Video Section

This section contains video documentation. Short films and other curated video content. Though the general idea is to have video documentation, we are open to all genre of video contribution for this section. Uploading your data, accessing something you are looking for and all other details are mentioned in the section it self.

Audio Section

This section contains audio documentation of various great personalities, oral traditions and so on. Though the general idea is to have audio documentation, we are open to all genre of audio contribution for this section. Uploading your data, accessing something you are looking for and all other details are mentioned in the section it self.

Text Section

This section contains several unpublished books, books copyright opened to creative commons, some exclusively written write-ups for Sanchi etc. We are open to all genre of text contribution for this section. Uploading your data, accessing something you are looking for and all other details are mentioned in the section it self.

Training Section

This section has write-ups on various aspects of documentation. This is also a platform where anyone can discuss issues related to documentation and various cultural aspects. We also conduct occasional workshops on various aspects of documentation. The details of such program too could be found in this section.

Support Sanchi Efforts

You can support “Sanchi Foundation” by donating a small amount. You can also involve yourself in our projects effectively by sharing your ideas, organizing events, implementing and executing projects which make big difference or also by making a small payment towards donations.

All donations to Sanchi Foundation (R) get 80G income tax exemption.

ಸಂಚಿ ಫೌಂಡೇಷನ್ ಮಾಸಿಕ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆಗೆ ಚಂದಾದಾರರಾಗಿ‍

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ಸಂಚಿ ಫೌಂಡೇಷನ್ ಮಾಸಿಕ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆಗೆ ಚಂದಾದಾರರಾಗಿ‍

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