WordPress events in United States

2021-09-25 (Saturday)
Online Event: DIY User Group for Bloggers & More

Community: WordPress Seattle

2021-09-25 10:00

Online event

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Signed up 15.

This month we welcome Terri Nakamura as our guest. Terri has written the book:

Blogging on Instagram: Engagement Writing on One of the World’s Best Social Media Platforms

Here's a link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DND3XBR

Bring some questions and we'll see you Saturday.

Terri Nakamura is a successful entrepreneur, content creator, and award-winning graphic designer. She’s an early adopter of social media and has been a technology influencer, a social media influencer for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and was named one of the 100 most influential tech women on Twitter by Business Insider.


Are you a blogger and/or DIY (do-it-yourselfers) looking to connect with others who are interested in building WordPress websites and blogs? Then this group may be for you!

We meet once a month to discuss what we're working on, help each other on any problems we're having, and share tips on steps that can make life easier.

This group is primarily bloggers with some experience with WordPress and blogging. If you are BRAND NEW to WordPress, we'd love to see you. We also recommend attending the WordPress Fundamentals MeetUp (meets on the third Saturday of most months), which will introduce you to this great platform and get you started on your path to blogging/website management.

The DIY User Group meets on the last Saturday of each month. We hope you can join us and will spread the word. There's plenty of free parking at the Wallingford Senior Center.

I'm brand new to WordPress, is this the right MeetUp for me?
If you are new to WordPress, check out the WordPress Fundamentals Meetup. This is a great place to get an introduction to WordPress. Of course, we'd love to have you too.

Is this MeetUp only for Bloggers?
Nope! If you are a professional creating sites for clients, we'd love to have you join us to share your expertise and advice. Also, please be sure to join our Freelancer Meetup on the first Thursday of each month 10-12 AM.


If you're interested in building a big blog and/or monetization, I've found these resources to be useful:

1. Income School YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCytOqtKYpACcWMD14UjhSeQ

2. ProBlogger Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/probloggercom/

3. BackLinko YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/backlinko

4. Neil Patel YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/neilvkpatel

5. Seattle WordPress Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WPSeattle/

2021-09-27 (Monday)
JerseyPress: Using Advanced Custom Fields to Create Custom Blocks

Community: WordPress Central New Jersey

2021-09-27 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 8.

Join us for another JerseyPress Meetup event. JerseyPress Meetups are joint meetups between Montclair, Morris County, Central Jersey, and South Jersey WordPress meetup groups.
Blocks don't have to be a huge hassle, nor do you need to struggle with cutting-edge JavaScript and React in order to create your own. In this presentation, Jason will show you how to create complex blocks quickly and simply using the very popular Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. If you already have some experience with ACF, you'll love how easy it is to apply what you already know... but to blocks!
Jason Lawton has over 20 years of experience as a web developer and has focused primarily on WordPress for the past decade. He is a co-organizer of the WordPress Montclair Meetup and WordCamp Montclair.
This event will be virtual and hosted on Zoom.
Join the JerseyPress Slack group to chat with others in our community and get help: https://jerseypress.org/slack/

JerseyPress: Using Advanced Custom Fields to Create Custom Blocks

Community: WordPress Montclair

2021-09-27 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 29 of 125.

Blocks don't have to be a huge hassle, nor do you need to struggle with cutting-edge JavaScript and React in order create your own. In this presentation, Jason will show you how to create complex blocks quickly and simply using the very popular Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. If you already have some experience with ACF, you'll love how easy it is to apply what you already know... but to blocks!


Jason Lawton has over 20 years of experience as a web developer and has focused primarily on WordPress for the past decade. He is a co-organizer of the WordPress Montclair Meetup and WordCamp Montclair.


This event will be virtual and hosted on Zoom.


This is a joint meetup between Montclair, Morris County, Central Jersey, and South Jersey WordPress meetup groups.

Join the JerseyPress Slack group to chat with others in our community and get help: https://jerseypress.org/slack/

JerseyPress: Using Advanced Custom Fields to Create Custom Blocks

Community: WordPress South Jersey

2021-09-27 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 5 of 125.

Blocks don't have to be a huge hassle, nor do you need to struggle with cutting-edge JavaScript and React in order create your own. In this presentation, Jason will show you how to create complex blocks quickly and simply using the very popular Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. If you already have some experience with ACF, you'll love how easy it is to apply what you already know... but to blocks!


Jason Lawton has over 20 years of experience as a web developer and has focused primarily on WordPress for the past decade. He is a co-organizer of the WordPress Montclair Meetup and WordCamp Montclair.


This event will be virtual and hosted on Zoom.


This is a joint meetup between Montclair, Morris County, Central Jersey, and South Jersey WordPress meetup groups.

Join the JerseyPress Slack group to chat with others in our community and get help: https://jerseypress.org/slack/

2021-09-28 (Tuesday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-09-28 09:00

Online event

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Signed up 1 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

Woocommerce Walkthrough with Sara Graybill

Community: WordPress Oklahoma City

2021-09-28 10:00

Online event

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Signed up 12.

Join us as Sara Graybill with Graybill Creative walks us through setting up an e-commerce store using WordPress and WooCommerce. By the end of the meetup you will have a basic store set up and you'll be ready to start selling!

Get Help With Your WordPress Site

Community: WordPress West Jordan

2021-09-28 10:00

Online event

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Signed up 8 of 10.

Come join us for WordPress tips and tricks for business owners running their own WordPress website.

Things we will cover:
Q&A on running a WordPress website - come prepared with your questions.

Please bring a laptop if you have one, your website URL, and any questions that you may want to discuss with the group. See you there!

Due to covid restrictions, we are moving the meetup online until further notice. Thanks!

WordPress Multilingual (WPML)

Community: WordPress Madison

2021-09-28 13:00

Online event

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Signed up 12.

Details to come, but this will be an online event held over Zoom.

Choosing Plugins Wisely

Community: WordPress Racine

2021-09-28 14:00

Online event

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Signed up 11 of 30.

[Choosing Plugins Wisely] What's the best way to choose a great plugin? We'll talk about how to research and compare WordPress plugins, and make sure they are compatible with one another. The plugins that you choose for your WordPress ecosystem can have a dramatic effect on your websites. Before you go down a road of frustration, choose your plugins wisely.

What we're about

This an online group for WordPress enthusiasts in the Racine area. We host monthly meetings to support new users and discuss issues with and about WordPress. If you want to learn, teach, or meet others in the WordPress community, join us.


Content from our Meetups - the Racine WordPress Blog (https://racinewordpress.com).


If you liked one of our events, please write us a Meetup review! https://www.meetup.com/Racine-WordPress-Meetup-Group/about/comments/?op=all


We are an official WordPress Meetup charter, founded in 2018 in Racine, Wisconsin by Barney Chastain. The WordPress community (https://make.wordpress.org/community/) is a volunteer-driven movement made up of nearly 800 WordPress Meetups around the globe. If you don't have a WordPress Meetup in your region, consider founding it.


Barney Chastain (https://www.chastainsites.com/) and Christopher Stratman (https://stratmandesign.com/) are the co-organizers of this group. If you have any questions or concerns about the group, please contact us directly.


The Racine WordPress Meetup believes our community should be truly open for everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, preferred operating system, programming language, or text editor. Full code of conduct


[Online] WordPress Help Desk Meetup - Sept 28, 2021

Community: WordPress Portland

2021-09-28 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 20.

A WordPress Happiness Bar

This is the place to come for learning and getting help over a hurdle. Bring be ready to share your question or help others with their questions. No question is too small.

This Meetup is intended for a wide range of users. Whether you're a brand-new WordPress novice or beginner, a creative designer, an experienced blogger, an SEO and analytics expert, or even an advanced developer...all are welcome. We're all here to learn and share in this volunteer-run WordPress community.

Are you working on a project - your own or a client - and having challenges? Do you have an idea for your WordPress site, and you don't even know where to begin to implement it? Are you curious about what themes or plugins to choose from? Are you wrestling with your page builder? Do you need a better website host? This is the Meetup is for you!

If you don't need help, please join us anyway! There's always something to learn and perhaps you'll want to add your experience to the conversation.

The Meetup is 2 hours long and starts on time. Please join the meetup at the scheduled time (6:00 PM Pacific) by going to the Zoom link provided when you RSVP. For added security, we're not going to display the link publicly so you'll need to RSVP to see it.

Beaver Builder vs. Elementor - A Side by Side Comparison

Community: WordPress Newnan

2021-09-28 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 15.

If you use a page builder you likely have a favorite and even more likely think it is the best ever. We are going to compare Beaver Builder and Elementor. There are stories out there of users switching sides for various reasons like features, stability, and integrations but what if you actually used both? Your choice of the builder would depend on the project itself.
Let's take a side by side comparison of Beaver Builder vs. Elementor. As a person using both (BB for over 5 years and E for 9 months) I can see the pros and cons for each. We will discuss the features, the interface, the vocabulary specific to each, and extensions. Bring an open mind and learn a little about both.

2021-09-29 (Wednesday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-09-29 09:00

Online event

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Signed up 1 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

WordPress Lunch

Community: WordPress Nashville

2021-09-29 11:00 | Nashville (USA)

Jack Cawthon's Bar-B-Que
1601 Charlotte Ave, Nashville (USA)

Look for the PHP Elephpants and you'll find us!

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Signed up 3.

Map Nashville (USA)

Come out and stimulate your mind, mouth and stomach with some finely-crafted BBQ and good ol' WordPress talk. Look for the the WordPress Wapuus or signs, and you'll find us!

Woo Wednesday

Community: WooCommerce Coeur d'Alene

2021-09-29 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 7.

Welcome to Woo Wednesdays online!

Woo Wednesday is focused on using WordPress and the Woo Commerce Plugin to create, improve and expand in-person and on-line businesses.

From week to week we provide presentations, clinics, help desks, round table discussions and other offerings that hopefully will be both informative and helpful in meeting your business objectives.

Whether you have a new business idea or an established store, join us to stay up to date on the ever changing world of business and e-commerce.

After you RSVP for this meetup, a Zoom link will be provided in the meetup notice area. Come listen, learn & share at Woo Wednesdays!

Bakersfield WordPress: Virtual WordPress Wednesday

Community: WordPress Bakersfield

2021-09-29 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 9.

Thanks to Kori from AskKori.com who gave me the idea of starting a WordPress Wednesday virtual meetup.

We'll discuss WordPress news, tips & tricks, and offer free help for any issue you might be having with your website.

Join this free event and learn about WordPress, and how you can create your own free, open-source website.

Our meetup is graciously sponsored by WordPress and make.wordpress.org

2021-09-30 (Thursday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-09-30 09:00

Online event

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Signed up 1 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

WordPress Lunch and Learn

Community: WordPress Rhode Island

2021-09-30 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 9.

This meetup is for people who have questions about WordPress and who need help with their websites. During our time together we answer questions and troubleshoot.

Please bring your laptop and any login information you need to access your website if you would like help.

We usually meet at the Jamestown Library but it can change so please check the Meetup Event to be sure.

See you soon!

Wilmington WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress Wilmington

2021-09-30 17:30

Online event

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Signed up 5.

We will be discussing topics surrounding WordPress including how you (the end user or developer) use WordPress, design techniques, techniques, tools and of course simply how to use your WordPress website.

Advanced WordPress Developer Meetup

Community: WordPress Arizona

2021-09-30 18:30 | Phoenix (USA)

221 E Indianola Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85012, Phoenix (USA)

Major Cross Streets: 3rd Street & Indian School

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Signed up 0 of 25.

Map Phoenix (USA)

This is the local ADVANCED WordPress Developer meetup. Join us at the CO+HOOTS coworking offices at 6 PM on the last Thursday of every month for food, networking, and learning!

6:00 - Doors open, Networking, Food

6:30 - Introductions

We like to ask a few questions to introduce yourself. Your name, who you work for and any new development skills you have learned recently.

6:45 - Developer Roundtable

We will talk about the future of this meetup and our new concept - Nine helpful skills to become a better Advanced WordPress Developer. We will also talk about other Advanced Developer concepts and keep it open to the group.

7:30 - TBD

8:30 - Soft close, Networking

9:00 - You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here

2021-10-02 (Saturday)
WordPress Roundtable

Community: WordPress Midcities

2021-10-02 13:00

Online event

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Signed up 13 of 100.

Our WordPress MeetUp community is mostly comprised of beginners and DIY'ers. We try to cover topics that will benefit beginner and intermediate users. We mostly function as a roundtable, where all community members can contribute from their experience and learn from each other. More advanced users are encouraged to join us to share from their knowledge.

2021-10-04 (Monday)
[Online] Recap and Discussion of WordCamp US 2021

Community: WordPress Portland

2021-10-04 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 12.

WordCamp US is coming up on Friday, October 1! It’s online and free, but you do need to register in advance. If you haven’t already registered, you can do so here: https://us.wordcamp.org/2021/. You can see the schedule here: https://us.wordcamp.org/2021/schedule/. If you haven’t been to a WordCamp before, it’s a great learning opportunity with talks for a variety of levels. And when they get back to in-person, they’re great events for networking as well.

In this meetup, instead of a speaker, we’ll have an open discussion going over the talks and answering questions. What talks did you like the most? Was there anything you didn’t understand? This is also an opportunity to hear about anything you missed, whether you had a scheduling conflict, or there were concurrent sessions you were interested in and could only choose one.


Note: This will not be at our usual location, it will be an online event using Zoom. If you don't already have an account, you can sign up for free at https://zoom.us. You can download the desktop software, use a browser extension, or download the mobile app. If you haven't used Zoom before, please get set up and familiar with it in advance. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version. If you're using the desktop software, you may need to check for upgrades manually.

For added security, the Zoom link will not be public. You must RSVP to see it.

Along the bottom of the Zoom window, there are buttons to mute/unmute yourself, enable/disable your video, and access the Participants, Chat, and Reactions panels.

We encourage people to converse in our Portland Slack group for general WordPress discussion at any time. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/wpportland/shared_invite/enQtNDIwMDY4MTQzODYyLTI4ZTcyMzVjOWRhNjI0YTNmNDg2NGI1N2I3Yzc2ZGI1NDg3NjQ1N2ExMzlkZDIzNDQxM2FmY2E0NWQwZGQ3YzM

Quarterly WordPress Q & A Workshop - October 2021

Community: WordPress Detroit

2021-10-04 18:30

Online event

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Signed up 11 of 30.

Join us for our quarterly workshop to get your WordPress questions answered. This is an informal meetup where we'll have several members available to help troubleshoot and answer your WordPress questions (All questions welcome, someone should be able to help you out).

Agenda for the Meetup

6:30pm: Welcome
6:35pm: Introductions
6:45pm: Introduce our WordPress volunteer experts
6:50pm: Begin Q & A
8:00pm: End Q & A

Our WordPress Experts

Is this you?

We're looking for WordPress experts to help members with their questions.

Whether you're experienced in design, development, search engine optimization, block editor, widgets, or some other aspect of WordPress, here's your opportunity to help fellow members with their WordPress questions.

If you'd like to volunteer to answer member questions, answer the question when you register with what areas you're experienced in.

We'll add you to the list of experts. Thank you for volunteering to share your knowledge!

OC WordPress - Design Meetup

Community: WordPress Orange County

2021-10-04 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 3.

We meet the first Monday of each month to discuss design and process-releated topics. Come with questions! All user levels are welcome to attend.

2021-10-05 (Tuesday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-05 09:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

Milwaukee Wordpress Meetup for Beginners to Intermediate Users

Community: WordPress Greater Milwaukee

2021-10-05 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 6 of 35.

A FREE monthly WordPress meetup for beginner to intermediate users, who get together to share our knowledge and experience, and to meet other local fans and aficionados of WordPress. The Milwaukee WordPress Meetup is for individuals, entrepreneurs and small business owners wanting to learn what, why and how WordPress is a powerful content publishing platform, marketing tool, social media hub, CMS and complete website solution. This WordPress Meetup is open to all who are interested in or love WordPress --- join us!

Link for Meetup - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6675662690


WE WILL BE MEETING VIRTUALLY VIA THE ZOOM PLATFORM, But hope to start back up in person in August!

Link for Meetup - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6675662690

NEO West WordPress Monthly MeetUp (the 1st Tuesday or Wednesday)

Community: WordPress Northeast Ohio

2021-10-05 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 5 of 75.

Topics to be determined and announced prior to each Meetup, along with the Zoom link (must RSVP to see link)!

Please keep an eye on the day of the week as we may change to accommodate speakers' schedules. :)

ONLINE: WordPress Cape Cod Meetup via Zoom

Community: WordPress Hyannis

2021-10-05 18:30

Online event

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Signed up 6.

WordPress Cape Cod is a passionate group of WordPress enthusiasts.

The focus of our meetup is WordPress. Anyone who uses, works with or wants to understand WordPress is invited!

What to Expect:
This will be an open discussion format where you may ask or answer questions about WordPress. We may breakout into smaller rooms if the group is large.

We will be gathering virtually at 6:30 pm to check in with each other and show support for our WordPress community during this time of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For anyone who hasn't yet used ZOOM yet, here's a video to learn how to join a meeting: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-Meeting-

Whether you have a WordPress question or just want to say hi, we look forward to "seeing" you!

Ask Us Anything: WordPress Support Crowdsourcing Meetup

Community: WordPress St. Petersburg

2021-10-05 18:30

Online event

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Signed up 5.

This is a Workshop style meetup: Feel free to bring in your issues you're having with your current web projects and problems and we'll handle them using the 'Ask Us Anything' style: You can talk about the problem and we can try to give you guidance or point you in the right direction on your web project. Come prepared with some questions and also get to know the other people in WordPress St. Petersburg!

#IEWP Monthly Meetup (General Meetup)

Community: WordPress Inland Empire

2021-10-05 19:00 | ()

¡Sign up!

Signed up 3.

Map  ()

This is our OFFICIAL "General Users" Monthly WordPress meetup. The skill levels vary & conversation on every level is welcomed.

We do not go into extreme depth with this meetup but offer it as an induction into the "WorldWide" WordPress community and more general WordPress questions. On some months we will have a topic specific night with guest presenters.

All are welcome to present & if you would like to do this then fill out the SPEAKER REQUEST (https://inlandempirewp.com/speaker-request/) ( https://inlandempirewp.com/speaker-request/) form at our meetup website.

*** OUR LOCATION: RIVERSIDE EXCITE BUILDING --UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THIS WILL BE A ZOOM CALL (https://www.google.com/maps?q=3499+10th+Street,+Riverside,+CA) ***

PARKING: There is a parking structure near the building and several spots around the building that are free after 6PM.

BUILDING: We are now closer to downtown Riverside in the EXCITE building. If you have trouble finding the place feel free to call: (951)[masked]

DINNER: Sometimes we meet beforehand for dinner it will be from 5:15 PM till 6:15. We will head to the Venue at 6:30 PM & OUR Meetup Starts at 7PM. To be updated on a real time basis join our Facebook group: IEWP Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/453550238017836/)


7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Network & Announcements
7:30 PM - 7:55 PM Presentation
7:55 PM - 8:10 PM Presentation Questions
8:10 PM - 8:45 PM Open Floor Questions
8:45 PM - 9:00 PM Networking & End

VIRTUAL Post WordCamp 2021 Watercooler with the West Valley WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress West Valley

2021-10-05 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 5.

Greetings fellow WordPressers!

We hope everyone enjoyed the summer and is doing well!

This year, WordCamp US will be a one-day virtual event on October 1st. It's free to attend. Please register and see more details here: https://us.wordcamp.org/2021/

WordCamps are a great way to learn from the extended WordPress community for enthusiasts at any level. We encourage everyone to attend.

The West Valley WordPress Meetup Group will be hosting an online meetup on October 5th at 7pm. We'll have an informal watercooler follow up session after the WordCamp US event. We'd love to have you attend to share takeaways, interesting talks or interesting tips.

2021-10-06 (Wednesday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-06 09:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

The Ins and Outs of DNS

Community: WordPress Woodstock

2021-10-06 11:30

Online event

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Signed up 10.

If DNS throws you for a loop, come learn more about it so that you can tame the monster?

Bobby is the Co-CEO of WPAligned and host of the HostingSpeak podcast. He's married with two children. When he's not working, he enjoys video games, home automation, watching movies, and fishing.

Woo Wednesday

Community: WooCommerce Coeur d'Alene

2021-10-06 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 3.

Welcome to Woo Wednesdays online!

Woo Wednesday is focused on using WordPress and the Woo Commerce Plugin to create, improve and expand in-person and on-line businesses.

From week to week we provide presentations, clinics, help desks, round table discussions and other offerings that hopefully will be both informative and helpful in meeting your business objectives.

Whether you have a new business idea or an established store, join us to stay up to date on the ever changing world of business and e-commerce.

After you RSVP for this meetup, a Zoom link will be provided in the meetup notice area. Come listen, learn & share at Woo Wednesdays!

WordPress Help in Slack

Community: WordPress Northeast Ohio

2021-10-06 17:30

Online event

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Signed up 0.

*** Note: This "meeting" will be held in Slack. This is not a Zoom call. ***

During this time, volunteers will be available in the #wp-help Slack channel to assist with WordPress or website questions. Volunteers can help by teaching or assisting with troubleshooting issues on your site.

Please be respectful of the volunteers' time. If you need further help after the hour ends, please consider posting information in the #jobs channel.

This channel may be used at any time, but during our scheduled times, we will ensure that someone is available to help.

Athens WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress Athens

2021-10-06 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 4.

The Athens WordPress Meetup group meets the first Wednesday of each month to talk about all things WordPress. The agenda is set by our members, so if you want to have something discussed, let us know!

Whether you've just learned how to spell WordPress or are an expert, we'd love to have you!

We've moved online during this time of physical distancing. The link will be posted closer to our meeting date.

We're monitoring the situation and will work to resume our IHOP meetups when we can do it safely.

If you'd like to be a part of the organizing team or would like to speak/teach at one of our meetings, please contact Mike (https://www.meetup.com/members/9692936/) or Brandon (https://www.meetup.com/Athens-WordPress/members/236970121/)

To be announced: Scheduled Talk

Community: WordPress Tampa

2021-10-06 18:30 | Tampa (USA)

Charles J. Fendig Public Library
3909 W Neptune St., Tampa (USA)

We are meeting in the community room at the Charles J. Fendig Public Library in Tampa. The library is located on the corner of Henderson Blvd. and Neptune St. Parking is available at the library.

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 50.

Map Tampa (USA)

We'll update the description of this talk when we schedule it.

Bakersfield WordPress: Virtual WordPress Wednesday

Community: WordPress Bakersfield

2021-10-06 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 3.

Thanks to Kori from AskKori.com who gave me the idea of starting a WordPress Wednesday virtual meetup.

We'll discuss WordPress news, tips & tricks, and offer free help for any issue you might be having with your website.

Join this free event and learn about WordPress, and how you can create your own free, open-source website.

Our meetup is graciously sponsored by WordPress and make.wordpress.org

All Levels: Online Ask Us Anything WordPress!

Community: WordPress Baltimore

2021-10-06 19:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 12.

Ask Us Anything WordPress!

Register for it by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/Th6AZUbS2GoiCEJz5

This is a virtual meetup on Zoom for you to ask your WordPress questions and help you fix problems with your website.

The answerer for this meetup will be special guest Christian van ‘t Hof. Christian is a full-time designer & web developer with WordPress. He built his first site back in 2010, and has been doing freelance web design, development, and brand design since.

Don't have a question? You can still come and see what others ask - you might learn something!

We're asking you to submit questions in advance (please use the form at https://forms.gle/Th6AZUbS2GoiCEJz5) so that we can gather common ones together to answer them. But if you'd like to share your screen when it's your turn during the meetup, just let us know on the registration form!

You'll be muted on entry, we'll be using the chat to queue people up/ask follow-on questions.

The meetup will run 7pm ET until 8pm ET or until we finish up the questions, whichever comes first. If you pre-submitted your question and are not present, then your question will be skipped. This might be recorded, but you still must be present in order to have questions answered.

2021-10-07 (Thursday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-07 09:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

WP Freelancers Meetup

Community: WordPress Seattle

2021-10-07 10:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 9 of 45.


Do you make your living using WordPress to create websites for other people’s businesses? This new Meetup is for you! We are not about themes or plugins, rather we'll talk about aspects of having a freelance business based in WP. We’ll discuss the successes and challenges of running a small business, share stories, ask questions, share tools & resources, brainstorm ideas and generally create community for those of us who typically work in isolation.

We normally meet on the first Thursday of each month from 10-noon at the Wallingford Good Shepherd Center, Room 221. It’s not far from the freeway and has free parking. We will be meeting virtually for the forseeable future.

PS – Please note that this Meetup is specifically for those with a freelance business that relies on WordPress and not intended for those who have their business website made in WordPress. There are many other Meetups for WordPress users.

Use this link to join the Seattle WP Slack Group (https://wpseattleslack.wordpress.com/) and then you can interact with the group in the Business Channel. We post all our Freelancer minutes on our website at: https://wpseattle.org/category/freelancers-meetup/

Please join our new FaceBook Group as well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpseattle

Custom Post Types - A to Elementor

Community: WordPress Marietta

2021-10-07 11:30

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 20 of 30.

Custom Post Types are one of the most versatile and useful features of WordPress. And they don't have to be complicated.

We'll walk through easy ways to create and customize post types for any application - from registering to displaying them in Elementor.

And, as always, if you're stuck on that one little thing that just won't work the way you want, we'll be here to help.

See you in the cloud!

The Zoom link will be posted the morning of the meetup.

Monthly Meetup

Community: WordPress Chattanooga

2021-10-07 18:00 | ()

¡Sign up!

Signed up 3.

Map  ()

Join us for our monthly meetup! Topics cover all things WordPress and WordPress related.

WordPress Memphis

Community: WordPress Memphis

2021-10-07 18:00 | Memphis (USA)

FedEx Institute of Technology(FIT)
365 Innovation Dr, Memphis (USA)

We are typically downstairs in the common room or in the upstairs conference room.

¡Sign up!

Signed up 1 of 50.

Map Memphis (USA)

Parking is available on the side of the building of on the street. 

WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Spartanburg

2021-10-07 18:00 | ()

¡Sign up!

Signed up 1.

Map  ()

Bring your questions about WordPress and we will help you find a solution to your WordPress problems.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83156006419?pwd=d3ByUmR4Y1crekNSbk9qSGl1VHBndz09

Monthly Columbus WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress Columbus

2021-10-07 18:30

Online event

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Signed up 2 of 60.

Hello Everyone! Join us for a discussion of WordPress(.org)-related topics.

In October, I have a client site to DEMO. I'll show you a site I inherited and walk you through the highs and lows of the job, including that the person before me built a staging site on WordPress.com and how I had to deal with all of that and move the site. The strict parameters and limitations I had to deal with for this job will be discussed. And I'll talk about what I learned from this job. (Hopefully, it will finally be moved and launched by the time the meeting rolls around) See you Oct. 7! E-mail with questions, thanks!

Until further notice, all future meetings will be virtual @ the following location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84927326575

We will continue to have virtual meetings until it is announced that it is safe for everyone to meet in person again.

Glendive WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress Glendive

2021-10-07 18:30

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 1.

We'll talk about beginner topics and even some expert tips for managing your WordPress site!

Join us! Anyone interested in WordPress or even just websites are welcome. No charge, of course.

Buffalo WordPress Users Meetup

Community: WordPress Buffalo

2021-10-07 19:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 10.

This Monthly Meetup is for who are using (or looking to learn about) WordPress for blogging, content management, web development, running a business, e-commerce, and more.

Topics include blogging with WordPress, using WordPress to power your site, security tips, themes and plugins, and fixing and optimizing your site. Visit wpbuffalo.com for more information.

2021-10-08 (Friday)
Regular Meeting - Online via Zoom

Community: WordPress Champaign

2021-10-08 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 4.

Join us to weigh in on some strategies for moving forward as a primarily online meetup group, at least for the foreseeable future.

We'll also consider some options for topics and format, including a schedule of interactive micro and/or mini lessons -- I have a few that are ready to go on (for example) "WordPress and the LAMP stack" and "tweaking CSS via the Customizer" -- suggest a topic, or (even better) volulnteer to offer something!

2021-10-09 (Saturday)
WordPress Helpdesk & Hacking

Community: WordPress South Sound

2021-10-09 10:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 1.

Have questions or problems related to WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, themes, or Google Analytics?

This virtual WordPress Helpdesk & Hacking Meetup is a great opportunity to hang out with other WordPress users, get questions answered, maybe help others, and even work on your projects alongside other members.

Q: What if I don't have questions or problems?

A: You should still attend - you may be able to help someone else, or simply get the benefit of working on your projects with like-minded folks.

Q: I don't know much about WordPress - can I still come?

A: Absolutely, ALL skill and experience levels are welcome!

2021-10-11 (Monday)
TBA: Regular WordPress Meeting

Community: WordPress Brandon

2021-10-11 19:00 | Valrico (USA)

Bloomingdale Regional Public Library
1906 Bloomingdale Ave, Valrico (USA)

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 50.

Map Valrico (USA)

We'll update the details of this event as soon as we have them.

OC WordPress - Developer Day

Community: WordPress Orange County

2021-10-11 19:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0.

Given the state of things in the world, we are going to take this meetup online for a while until things cool down. We will send out a link to all confirmed meetup attendees prior to the start of the event so you know how to join.

This meetup is intended for developers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, just starting out or a have multiple plugins under your belt, we have room for you.

We invite you to join us as we continue our exploration of building plugins for WordPress. If you'd like to share what you know, leave a comment and we'll give you the floor.

Note: If you have questions or topics outside of the main topic, don’t worry, you won’t leave without the chance to talk about them.

2021-10-12 (Tuesday)
Appleton WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress Appleton

2021-10-12 08:15

Online event

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Signed up 0.

Appleton WordPress

Online vs. In-Person TBD - will have a final decision by the 1st of the month.

Meeting schedule:
8:15 - Check in (CST/UTC-5)
8:30 - Ideas, Q&A, etc

If you have a question that might need significant time, feel free post to the Slack group or get a hold of Dani before the meeting and we'll make sure you get to address the group early in the round table period.

Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-12 09:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

Discussion: TBD

Community: WordPress Marietta

2021-10-12 11:30

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 2 of 30.

Topic to be determined

💻 On a computer with a working microphone (built-in or external), click the Zoom link in your confirmation email to join at 11:20 A.M. on Tuesday.

🎯 When you join the meeting, you will be in the main discussion room for a brief overview of the event and what to expect.

We’re a group of local WordPress developers, designers, and publishers who get together to share our knowledge, our experience, and to meet other WordPress users in the area. This WordPress Meetup is open to all who love WordPress — join us!

Learn more about WordPress Meetups at https://make.wordpress.org/community/meetups/

How to set up custom headers and footers in divi - with open q&a; session

Community: Divi Milwaukee

2021-10-12 18:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 6.

A FREE WordPress meetup for beginner to intermediate users, who get together to share our knowledge and experience, and to meet other local fans and aficionados of WordPress.

We will be covering anything and everything about what we consider the easiest and best WordPress website/page designer or builder. Going over how to use the tool as well as showing some easy and powerful tips. We think once you have experienced Divi – you’ll love it as much as we do!

The Milwaukee WordPress Meetup for DIVI THEME is for individuals, entrepreneurs and small business owners wanting to learn what, why and how WordPress DIVI THEME is a powerful content publishing platform, marketing tool, social media hub, CMS and complete website solution. This WordPress Meetup is open to all who are interested in or love WordPress --- join us!

There is absolutely no agenda! Come with your questions, issues, or concerns. This will be an open conversation every month, so that we are able to help one another with answers, suggestions, our favorite tools or plugins, etc.

You do not need to be in Milwaukee to join in. Anyone is welcome!

We are using Zoom for these Online events.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This event is occurring every other week.

WordPress Happiness Hour at the Denver Library

Community: WordPress Denver

2021-10-12 18:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 8 of 28.

If you are a front-end designer, intense developer, writer, or a person that likes to poke around on the Dashboard, then come on by. Bring your WordPress work and questions.

This meetup is held virtually via Google Meet. Please RSVP for the link.

WordPress Meetup

Community: WordPress Fayetteville

2021-10-12 18:00 | Fayetteville (USA)

Second floor meeting space
1 E Center St, Fayetteville (USA)

If the front door is locked, go to the door at the Northwest corner of the building.

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0.

Map Fayetteville (USA)

Join us Tuesday the 8th from 6:00-8:00pm. We'll be planning out our Meetup Group's topics for the next year. If you would like to suggest any ideas, volunteer to lead a discussion, or just want to brainstorm with everybody, come on out!

How to set up custom headers and footers in Divi - with open Q&A; session

Community: WordPress Greater Milwaukee

2021-10-12 18:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

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Signed up 3.

A FREE WordPress meetup for beginner to intermediate users, who get together to share our knowledge and experience, and to meet other local fans and aficionados of WordPress.

We will be covering anything and everything about what we consider the easiest and best WordPress website/page designer or builder. Going over how to use the tool as well as showing some easy and powerful tips. We think once you have experienced Divi – you’ll love it as much as we do!

The Milwaukee WordPress Meetup for DIVI THEME is for individuals, entrepreneurs and small business owners wanting to learn what, why and how WordPress DIVI THEME is a powerful content publishing platform, marketing tool, social media hub, CMS and complete website solution. This WordPress Meetup is open to all who are interested in or love WordPress --- join us!

There is absolutely no agenda! Come with your questions, issues, or concerns. This will be an open conversation every month, so that we are able to help one another with answers, suggestions, our favorite tools or plugins, etc.

We are using Zoom for these Online events.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This event is occurring every other week.

[Online] WordPress Help Desk Meetup - Oct 12, 2021

Community: WordPress Portland

2021-10-12 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 10.

A WordPress Happiness Bar

This is the place to come for learning and getting help over a hurdle. Bring be ready to share your question or help others with their questions. No question is too small.

This Meetup is intended for a wide range of users. Whether you're a brand-new WordPress novice or beginner, a creative designer, an experienced blogger, an SEO and analytics expert, or even an advanced developer...all are welcome. We're all here to learn and share in this volunteer-run WordPress community.

Are you working on a project - your own or a client - and having challenges? Do you have an idea for your WordPress site, and you don't even know where to begin to implement it? Are you curious about what themes or plugins to choose from? Are you wrestling with your page builder? Do you need a better website host? This is the Meetup is for you!

If you don't need help, please join us anyway! There's always something to learn and perhaps you'll want to add your experience to the conversation.

The Meetup is 2 hours long and starts on time. Please join the meetup at the scheduled time (6:00 PM Pacific) by going to the Zoom link provided when you RSVP. For added security, we're not going to display the link publicly so you'll need to RSVP to see it.

Efficient and Effortless WordPress Site Management on a Budget w/ Eric Leuthardt

Community: WordPress Louisville

2021-10-12 18:15

Online event

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Signed up 14.

When you are responsible for maintaining multiple WordPress installations you need to have the tools available to streamline the process. Some hosts will bundle updates into their offering, but you do not always have the ability to control the options of when and how things are done. With the tools I will show you, you have the option to monitor, maintain, and report at will. A scalable solution such as this allows you to grow and provide service to a diverse platform of sites and configurations.

## About Eric Leuthardt

Eric Leuthardt walks the line between art and technology and does it with a New York no-nonsense approach.

Programming since the mid-80s and web designing since the mid-90s, he officially began working in the IT industry in 1995. Two Masters degrees later (one in Computer Information Systems and one an MBA in Technology Management), Eric launched his own tech company and specializes in IT security and supporting small businesses. He also enjoys teaching classes and speaking to groups.

Leveraging his undergrad degree in Video and Music Production moonlighting as a DJ for fifteen years, he was at home both on the radio and performing at events. When he transferred his talent into photography, he knew he had found his niche. A published photographer teaching and lecturing since 2008, he reaches students locally in hands on classes and events and globally through webinars and his photography club.

Eric manages several Meetup groups, including DFW WordPress Group, DFW WordPress Ninjas and the Eric Leuthardt Photography Club. Along with running his own groups, he is very active in local groups and always looking to expand his areas of expertise.

While he often uses the phrase "I know a guy", Eric actually is "The Guy".

## About WordPress Louisville

On the 2nd Tuesday of every month, WordPress Louisville meets. In the past we've met at local businesses, the Louisville Free Public Library, coffee shops, and other community gathering places. But for now all meetings are occurring over Zoom. Please RSVP to the event to get the link.

WordPress Developer Night - #IEWP

Community: WordPress Inland Empire

2021-10-12 19:00 | Corona (USA)

Circle City Center
365 N Main St, Corona (USA)

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Signed up 5 of 15.

Map Corona (USA)

The Inland Empire Dev Meetup is intended for intermediate to advanced developers. At this meetup we talk about WordPress-relevant-code-level things.

- PHP & Javascript
- Javascript Frameworks
- Modern Web Development Workflows

We are web developers first, then WordPress developers. We have an [in progress] skills ladder that gets updated regularly.

SKILLS LADDER: https://github.com/Inland-Empire-WordPress-Meetup/

We also welcome any developer presentations that are relevant to developing websites for WordPress. We look for unique workflows. Submit your talks below:

SUBMIT TALK: https://inlandempirewp.com/speaker-request/

Everyone is welcome to come share & grow in their skills!

2021-10-13 (Wednesday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-13 09:00

Online event

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Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Las Vegas

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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Signed up 4.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Los Angeles

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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Signed up 18.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Phoenix

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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Signed up 10.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Sacramento

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 223.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi San Diego

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 4.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi San Francisco

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 10.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Santa Cruz

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 3.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Seattle

2021-10-13 11:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 19.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Denver

2021-10-13 12:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 8.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Salt Lake City

2021-10-13 12:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 10.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Woo Wednesday

Community: WooCommerce Coeur d'Alene

2021-10-13 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 3.

Welcome to Woo Wednesdays online!

Woo Wednesday is focused on using WordPress and the Woo Commerce Plugin to create, improve and expand in-person and on-line businesses.

From week to week we provide presentations, clinics, help desks, round table discussions and other offerings that hopefully will be both informative and helpful in meeting your business objectives.

Whether you have a new business idea or an established store, join us to stay up to date on the ever changing world of business and e-commerce.

After you RSVP for this meetup, a Zoom link will be provided in the meetup notice area. Come listen, learn & share at Woo Wednesdays!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Chicago

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 22.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Destin

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 4.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi DFW

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 7.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Houston

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 2.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Milwaukee

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 6.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi San Antonio

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 5.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi St. Louis

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 7.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Twin Cities

2021-10-13 13:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 5.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Atlanta

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 18.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Bucks County

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 4.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Columbus

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 6.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi DC

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 11.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi New York City

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 19.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Raleigh

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 7.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi South Florida

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 3.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

Starting and Building a Divi-based Business

Community: Divi Tampa

2021-10-13 14:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 6.

• Have you been using Divi to design websites and want to start your own design business?

• Are you on the verge of developing a new Divi-based plugin, but aren’t sure how to promote your product?

• Do you like to create and design Divi content that you’d like to market?

• Are you mulling over owning a web-based business using Divi as your primary tool, but are overwhelmed by where to begin?

Join us on Wednesday, October 13th at 11am Pacific Time (-0:700 GMT), to learn tips from Divi professionals in the greater Divi community on how to start and build your Divi-based business. Freelancers, Sole Proprietors, Agencies, and Developers will find valuable discussion and information.

In this 2-hour long Mega Meetup, panelists from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and Divi experience will discuss:

- Choosing a Divi focus (freelance design, creating content, developing Divi plugins, starting a small design agency/business)
- What to consider if you’re thinking about starting a Divi-based business
- Specific skills that are helpful
- Business/freelance practice do’s and don’ts
- Marketing yourself and your business
- and more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can start and build your own Divi-based business. This is your chance to hear about first-hand experience, and gather some valuable knowledge to jump-start your endeavor!

You can find more detailed information on the Mega Meetup web page (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/), including information on the panelists.

Got a question that you’d like to ask the panel? Complete this form (https://divisac.com/divi-mega-meetup-october-2021/#mmquestion) to submit a question for us to ask during the Mega Meetup. Please have your questions in by Oct. 6th.

This Mega Meetup is a cooperative event, brought to you by the organizers of the official Divi Meetups from Sacramento, Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Atlanta, and Elegant Themes.

Join a Divi Meetup near you, or learn how you can start your own!

WordPress Developer Meetup: Topic TBD

Community: WordPress Seattle

2021-10-13 18:00

Online event

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Signed up 6 of 60.

6:00pm: Chatting/Geeking Out 🤓
6:10pm: Introductions/Ice-Breaker
6:25pm: Spotlight Presentation
6:40pm: Topic TBD
7:55pm: Wrap-up

Meeting will be in Zoom. A link will be in the Meetup event once you RSVP.

All are welcome to attend but please note: we do have a tendency to talk about some technical/developer topics. If you are looking for some less developer-focused topics, you may want to attend one of our many other Meetups each month.

WordPress Lab: Take Your WordPress Site to the Next Level!

Community: WordPress South Central Coast

2021-10-13 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 8.

Hello WordPress Geeks!

TOPIC: Screen Reader Text

Let's talk about Screen Reader Text! What is that, you say? Screen Reader Text helps those who depend on assistive technologies remain on your site in comfort. It also allows you to maintain your site aesthetic while improving Accessibility. I'll show you a couple of ways to add Screen Reader text to your own sites!

HELP DESK will still be open!

Are you working on a project, your own or a client's, and you're having some challenges? Do you have an idea for your WordPress site and you don't even know where to begin to implement it? Well, this Meetup is for you! Bring your project and we'll look at your sticky parts or help you strategize how to move forward with your ideas.


In these interesting times getting online is essential, especially for your "non-essential" business. We can brainstorm ways to get online technically AND creatively with WordPress.


Sometimes knowing where to begin is just too overwhelming. When you gain more clarity and focus on what you want to achieve, it's easier to look for options. Bring your big WordPress Dreams and let's see if we can help you find the first step to implementing them.


Are you stuck? Something isn't working the way everyone else says it should. You've spent days and lost hair trying to figure it out. Maybe a few more pairs of eyes and extra brain power can help you. Bring you're buggy situations and let's see if we can fumigate your issue!

The Meetup is 2 hours long. Depending on number of participants and issues not everyone may get help for their specific issue. So, I will go in the order of RSVP's. Isn't that incentive for you to grab your spot now?

WP518: October Meetup

Community: WordPress Upstate New York

2021-10-13 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 2.

Agenda TBD

2021-10-14 (Thursday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-14 09:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

Gainesville WordPress Monthly Meetup

Community: WordPress Gainesville

2021-10-14 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 1.

Learn WordPress Tips & Techniques every month! We are currently meeting virtually every month in Zoom. Be sure to register so you will receive the Zoom link.

WordPress Lunch and Learn

Community: WordPress Rhode Island

2021-10-14 12:00

Online event

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Signed up 2.

This meetup is for people who have questions about WordPress and who need help with their websites. During our time together we answer questions and troubleshoot.

Please bring your laptop and any login information you need to access your website if you would like help.

We usually meet at the Jamestown Library but it can change so please check the Meetup Event to be sure.

See you soon!

WordPress Meetup - Tempe

Community: WordPress Arizona

2021-10-14 18:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 5.

6:00 pm Intros & Announcements
6:10 pm Presentation (TBD)
7:10 pm Q&A
7:30 pm Adjourn!

Auburn, WA WordPress Meetup Group

Community: WordPress Auburn

2021-10-14 18:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 1 of 30.

The Auburn, WA WordPress Meetup Group is for any WordPress user – new or experienced – who wants to learn more about WordPress, network with other users and developers, and discuss all things WordPress.

The meetup will be a video conference due to ongoing social distancing. We will be using a technology called Zoom for the meeting. The meeting will start with everyone joining the video conference using video and audio on your computer or smartphone. If you aren't actively speaking, please mute your microphone.

The first part of the meeting will be a help desk collaboration that may either be everyone or breaking into smaller groups.

The second part of the meeting will be a round-table discussion of WordPress topics.

WordPress Happiness Bar

Community: WordPress Central Kentucky

2021-10-14 18:30 | Lexington (USA)

Third Street Stuff
257 North Limestone, Lexington (USA)

Third Street Stuff - parking lot is off Limestone at 3rd - across from Doodles

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0.

Map Lexington (USA)

Due the Corvad 19 pandemic - WordCamps are no longer live in person events - they have moved to online formats or they have cancelled- until further notice. Go to WordCamp.org for further information

WordPress meetups have also cancelled or have gone to an online format - WordPress is recommending all meetups cancel in person meetups until things open up again

So far as the local group Third St Stuff is closed as is everything else - The Lexington Libraries are closed and so our reservations for meeting room space have been cancelled

So far a online or virtual Meetups go - first the 2nd Thursday Happiness Bar format is basically a place for problem solving and or showing what you are working on. This can easily continue on our Slack Channel - I will make certain to have Slack up and open on the 2nd Thursday evening of every month starting at 6:30 PM until at least 8:00 PM - Please try to drop by. Activity will be on the #General channel

So far as the last Monday of the month meetups held on Monday evenings - we might give that a try with Zoom or ZoHo - the problem though is with the extreme increase in Zoom and ZoHo use both platforms have become unstable and unreliable - webinars will start off OK and within minutes fail - that means a new link has to be set up and attempted which also means everyone must be notified of the new link

And there is another thing going on - if you post a Zoom link publicly - like here on Meetup for example or on websites or social media --- scammers have figured out how to "scrape" the link and join in
webinars - once inside they are taking over the webinars and scree n share and showing porno stuff. WordPress - Wordcamp organizers are warning against publicly posting Zoom and ZoHo link and I would assume that also includes Webly -

I am not certain I will post a new monthly Meetup this month and will wait an see how this is looking Mid May

For now on the 2nd Thursday of each month I will have our Slack General channel open and be there from 6:30 to 8:00 PM hope folks will join me there
Ronald Headley - Central Kentucky WorpPress Meetup group

It is time to start a extension of the Central KY WordPress meetup been wanting to get this going for a long time

We will be meeting on the Second Thursday of each month at Third Street Stuff which is a coffee house that has some food and sandwiches and deserts and very good open WiFi. There are areas where tables can be brought together in different configurations. It is sort of a strange funky place - the people hanging out there could very easily fit in with a WordPress WordCamp

A WordPress Happiness Bar is casual, people can arrive and leave when they want. The object is to share WordPress experiences, and frustrations and show works in progress and work through frustrations and problems. It is an open time to bring your laptop - have some coffee and "play around" with WordPress. First ones arriving will attempt to grab a table or two in an area where the tables can be brought together. It will of course vary depending on how many other people are at the venue when we get there.

While these monthly events are primarily for WordPress.org users this is where the WordPress.com users are certainly welcome and have the opportunity to get help or give help to others. The normal monthly meetups are primarily focused on self hosted WordPress sites and the people using the free WordPress.com site for their blogging site will be pretty lost - the two are very different even though both are called WordPress

At the happiness bar people can help each other with websites and with blogging or developing eCommerce or online marketing sites or anything concerned with WordPress and web sites.

Hope you will drop by the Second Thursday of each month. We will give Third Street Stuff a try for several months and see how it works out. Sixth St Brewery is close by for those that want to so hang out after showing up at the coffee shop

WordPress Workshop Night - #IEWP

Community: WordPress Inland Empire

2021-10-14 19:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 7.


Do you have a WordPress website and have an issue you need help with? Please bring it to the workshop, and the Inland Empire WordPress group will do their best to help you through it. IEWP Workshops encourage EVERYONE to attend, female or male, old or young, and all skill/experience levels beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

Those more advanced can help others. We'll keep the introductions and announcements minimal so you can dive right in and get some help. No question is too basic. We're here for you!

We'll still be meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month on Zoom at 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you!

When you RSVP, we'll be trying to find enough helpers to help...so if you can't attend, let us know sooner rather than later. Thanks!

FYI: Make sure you have admin access to your WordPress site. If someone else set up your site for you, make sure they give you admin access. You'll need it.

Tips to Achieve the Diversity You Aspire Towards

Community: WordPress New York City

2021-10-14 19:00

Online event

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Signed up 3.

First held 04/9/2021 lMany leaders in the workplace have aspirational goals and initiatives to increase diversity and extend opportunity yet miss the mark in recruiting all of the best and the brightest.

Employers factor out diverse applicants during recruitment or hiring unintentionally and as a result miss out on candidates who offer diversity of thought and experience that can’t be found in other backgrounds. One group of candidates, individuals born in one country and raised in another, inhabit multiple cultures and move between different environments and communities in seamless ways that bring unique insight to products and services and a unique work ethic to job positions.

Let my experience on both sides of the table - being hired and being part of the hiring process - be part of your tool box as you work to achieve the diversity you aspire towards.

SPEAKER: Winstina Hughes

ABOUT SPEAKER: Winstina checks off multiple boxes when answering diversity questions on a job application. She works in transportation planning and project planning for a State Department of Transportation. She also owns her own business.

A member of the WordPress community, she organizes WordPress NYC Meetups, led WordCampNYC in 2018, and presented at several WordCamps on the intersection of WordPress, City Planning and e-commerce. In 2020 she became a Core Contributor as a member of the 5.6 all woman Release Team. With more than 11 years of learning and creating with WordPress, she is skilled at building websites and e-commerce sites.

REGISTER for Zoom MEETING: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rc-CoqjgtGNzawX98hUgWEH5sTLAjo4We


EVENT DATE: Thursday, October 14th, 2021 at 7pm.

ABOUT SPONSOR: Kinsta takes managed WordPress hosting and performance to the next level. Powered by Google Cloud Platform and its lightning-fast Premium Tier network, WordPress users can choose from 23+ data centers around the globe. We host all types of sites, from small blogs up to Fortune 500 customers. Our auto-scaling and container technology allow for complete isolation of resources, ensuring your business stays online during traffic surges. You’ll have peace of mind with our hack fix guarantee. Need help? Our team will migrate you for free. We offer 24/7 support 365 days a year from our team of expert WordPress engineers. Kinsta is proud to be developer-friendly offering support for complex installations such as Bedrock, reverse-proxy configurations, with access to tools such as SSH and WP-CLI on all plans.

Get started today at https://kinsta.com.

2021-10-16 (Saturday)
do_action Orlando

Community: WordPress Orlando

2021-10-16 09:00 | Winter Park (USA)

Full Sail Labs
221 S Semoran Blvd, Winter Park (USA)

Full Sail Labs is located off Semoran Blvd (SR 436), right next to Arooga's.

¡Sign up!

Signed up 58.

Map Winter Park (USA)

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak that just won't quit, this event has been postponed.


Over the course of one day, groups of volunteers from the Orlando WordPress community will come together to plan, design, and build a new professional website for local non-profit organizations at no cost! Giving these organizations a successful online presence better enables them to expand their mission and grow their community.

If you would like to be involved in this charity hackathon, please fill out one or more of the following forms. Be sure to share with friends and co-workers too!


We have no fixed sponsorship amounts and will accept anything from $100 and above. Please email Sam at [masked] for more info!

Please note this is an all day event. Meals, refreshments, and snacks will be provided. More details coming soon.

If you have questions, please message Sam Garner via Meetup or Slack.

You can learn more about do_action here:

* Our do_action page is live! https://doaction.org/event/orlando-2020/
* We're excited to announce that our caffeine fuel for the day will be graciously donated by Foxtail Coffee Co.
* Lunch will be catered by the Dixie Dharma food truck!
* Dinner will be catered by Black Bean Deli!
* 3/13/20 - Event postponed due to COVID-19. New date will be announced ASAP!
* 7/14/20 - A new date has not yet been confirmed but we are still working on it and looking into possible outdoor options. Thank you for your patience.
*8/17/20 - Full Sail announced they're not scheduling any on campus events for the rest of 2020.
*1/15/21 - COVID is still going strong but with a vaccine there's finally hope. This event will happen!!
*4/26/21 - Full Sail is finally looking at the possibility of opening parts of campus again!
*8/20/21 - Still no events at Full Sail.

WordPress Helpdesk & Hacking

Community: WordPress Red Wing

2021-10-16 10:00

Online event

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¡Sign up!

Signed up 4.

Have questions or problems related to WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, themes, or Google Analytics?

This WordPress Helpdesk & Hacking Meetup is a great opportunity to hang out with other WordPress users, get questions answered, maybe help others, and even work on your projects alongside other members.

Q: What if I don't have questions or problems?

A: You should still attend - you may be able to help someone else, or simply get the benefit of working on your projects with like-minded folks.

Q: I don't know much about WordPress - can I still come?

A: Absolutely, ALL skill and experience levels are welcome!

We hope to see you soon - you bring yourself and we'll provide the coffee.

Virtual: WordPress Fundamentals

Community: WordPress Seattle

2021-10-16 10:00

Online event

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Signed up 4.

Are you new to WordPress? A non-dev not sure where to start or stuck on a problem? Come get an introduction to WordPress and get some questions answered. We can help you figure out the difference between pages and posts, plugins and themes, or WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

Sandy Mush WordPress Meetup - Learn with Project Base Meetings

Community: WordPress Sandy Mush

2021-10-16 13:00

Online event

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Signed up 1.

Join our FREE Online WordPress Project Based Monthly Meetup Meetings.

Sandy Mush WordPress Meetup
Saturday, September 18 · 1:00 – 3:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/snv-znpm-rpd
Or dial: ‪(US) [masked]‬ PIN: ‪[masked]‬#

2021-10-18 (Monday)
Boulder WordPress Meetup: Topic TBA

Community: WordPress Boulder

2021-10-18 18:00

Online event

▶ Watch Online

¡Sign up!

Signed up 1.

This Meetup occurs via Zoom. Topics will be posted here each month.

Please find the Zoom link on this event page after you RSVP. You will be asked to register and then will be aded to the Waiting Room of the Zoom meeting and admitted at 6 pm.

To help our Zoom moderators, please add a bio to your Meetup.com Profile, so we have some sense of you as a real user of WordPress and not a spammer:


WordPress Peoria Meetup

Community: WordPress Peoria

2021-10-18 18:00 | Peoria (USA)

Web Services, Inc.
7501 N University #100, Peoria (USA)

We are now right out front of the Pioneer Square Shopping Center with Le Peep on one end of the building and Web Services, Inc. on the opposite end of the building facing University. Just park out front and come on in.

¡Sign up!

Signed up 4 of 24.

Map Peoria (USA)

Join us every third Monday of the month for our casual get together to talk about WordPress and the web . Experience levels may vary with each month's topic.

We begin with a monthly topic, and then finish the evening with general discussion and answer questions that we have.

WordPress powers approximately 1/4 of the entire internet, it's an impressively powerful and still very easy to use tool. Sometimes you just need a little help picking up the basics.

2021-10-19 (Tuesday)
Online: WordPress Help Desk

Community: WordPress Raleigh

2021-10-19 09:00

Online event

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 20.

As the pandemic wanes, there is a "new normal" for the WordPress Help Desk.

WordPress Help Desk events will be online as a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

To schedule a 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call, simply use the calendar found here: https://optsus.com/wp-help-desk/

Confused? Please read this entire description including the TLDR and FAQ sections to clear up any confusion about changes as this event has changed from in-person to online.

We look forward to helping you with WordPress.


I'm adding to the description because some people have been confused by these events. The link above is for you to schedule the WordPress Help Desk 1-on-1 call. The available times are generally from 9 AM until 10 AM, which is why this event is scheduled for that time. However, this is not a group call.

When the world shifted to hosting events from home, back in March of 2020, I tested this as a group call. As people received answers for their questions about WordPress, they left the call. This frustrated the people who had to wait and listen to the other questions and answers during the call. I don't want to waste everyone's time in this way.

At an in-person event, it's possible to work in a group and ask questions as they come up. However, this does not transition into a video conference call very well. Instead, I have opened up my calendar to schedule 1-on-1 calls using the link above. We will focus on the one question you have about your website.

The reason this event is reoccurring here on Meetup is to let you know the WordPress Help Desk events are still available. Before the pandemic, this was an event hosted in Raleigh once per month for two hours. Now, this is a 1-on-1 video conference call scheduled for 20 minute blocks multiple times throughout the month.

There will be no link shared for a group call with this event. The WordPress Help Desk events have become 1-on-1 video conference calls which can be scheduled using the link above.


Where is the link to join the call?
- If you are looking for a link to join a group call, there isn't one. These events have moved to 1-on-1 scheduled appointments. When you schedule your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join your 1-on-1 call.

Why can't I get into the Zoom call?
- Please check the date and time in the confirmation email for your scheduled 1-on-1 call, after using the link above to schedule your 1-on-1 WordPress Help Desk call.

Why is this event repeating each morning, but there are no available appointment times this morning?
- These calls are scheduled in advance. If there is no time available today, you can book your call for the next available time.

What is the point of having these events on Meetup if we are scheduling 1-on-1 calls with another calendar?
- These events were held in-person with 20 - 50 people attending once per month. Since the pandemic forced these events to move online, we have helped more people than we did in the past with in-person events. For this reason, the WordPress Help Desk events will remain online using scheduled 1-on-1 calls. Use the link above to schedule your call for a convenient time.

WordPress Networking Lunch

Community: WordPress Chattanooga

2021-10-19 12:00 | Chattanooga (USA)

Naked River Brewing & BBQ
1791 Reggie White Blvd, Chattanooga (USA)

We usually aim for the high top tables in the front part of the building. When the weather gets nice, though, look for us outside!

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0.

Map Chattanooga (USA)

Join us for a casual time of hanging out, discussing all things WordPress, and enjoying some great food and beverages at the Naked River Brewing Co (it's Taco Tuesday!).

Migrating Your Website from Development to Staging and, to Production

Community: Elementor Dallas

2021-10-19 18:00 | ()

¡Sign up!

Signed up 1.

Map  ()



&lt;p&gt;This is a requested topic from one of our group members. If you&#39;re wondering how to manage your WordPress development environment and then to get what you developed onto a staging site or even to your production environment. We&#39;ll take a look at how you can manage and work with these different environments. &lt;/p&gt;</p>


6:00 PM: Welcome<br/>

6:15 PM: Introductions<br/>

6:30 PM: Guidelines &amp; Start of Presentation<br/>

7:30 PM: Subject Matter Q&amp;A<br/>

8:00 PM: Closing Announcements<br/>

Closing announcements and end meeting for those that want to drop off. The meeting recording will end here.<br/>

8:15 PM: Extended Meeting for Geeky Geeks<br/>

Optional for those geeks wanting to stick around to ask questions and learn more about WordPress, Elementor, or Elementor Pro.<br/>



Hosted By<br/>

Sharon Yates, Community Leader<br/>

Working in the Internet Industry since 1996! I’ve worked in small businesses, large corporations, and even with a few entrepreneurs. I have traveled nationally to train corporate employees on the ins and outs of the Internet and how to build websites. My last corporate gig brought on the desire to retire from the corporate arena and go out on my own.

I turned my expert HTML/CSS/JavaScript talents towards the WordPress framework and then on to WooCommerce where I excelled in building professional dynamic e-commerce stores. Since 2005 I have helped small businesses and companies with their WordPress websites and WooCommerce online stores.<br/>


Oscar HENAO, Assistant Organizer<br/>

Long time successful bi-cultural Digital Marketing strategist, IT/Internet Executive, Project Manager and web developer focused on client&#39;s success.

Moved from native Colombia bringing the headquarter offices of Centrix Corp.- an Internet consulting company specialized in website development and in digital marketing - to Miami, FL in 1999.

Oscar focuses on developing websites THAT WORK FOR YOU and EVERYONE! (Web design + SEO + traffic generation + writing content of value + ADA compliance).<br/>







Divi DFW To be announced

Community: Divi DFW

2021-10-19 18:30 | Fort Worth (USA)

Marquis Executive Suites
9100 US-287 #200,, Fort Worth (USA)

This is on the Hamon Road Feeder to 287 heading north. Just stay on the feeder even though it says it's a dead end. The building is on the right at the end of the road.

¡Sign up!

Signed up 0 of 50.