Support » Plugin: Elementor Website Builder » Slide show background

  • Resolved royfaknowles



    Just upgraded to 3.1.0 and the header containing a slideshow now does not fill the width. It fills approximately 80% of the width from the right hand side leaving a gap on the left.

    If the slide show is replaced with an image, full width is achieved. If I remove all the slide show images except one the image fills the full width. Adding back another image to the slide show re-introduces the gap on the left hand side.

    This is being trialled on a development system, hence no link.


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  • I can confirm that I am having the same problem with my background slideshow after updating to v3.1.0. Mine only covers 50% of the screen. I can also confirm that switching to a single image will once again restore the image to full width.

    I wonder if the images are all taking up space even though they are not visible. I have 5 in my slideshow. @royfaknowles, how many do you normally have?

    Thread Starter royfaknowles


    Hi @smhcis

    I normally have 4 images in the slideshow. It fails with 2.

    Plugin Support shilo-ey


    Thanks for reporting.

    We are aware of this issue and we are working on resolving it.

    For now try to activate the Improved Asset Load experiment via Elementor > Settings > Experiments tab. it should solve the issue for you for now.


    Thread Starter royfaknowles


    Hi @shiloey

    Thanks – the temporary solution has solved the problem.

    Plugin Support shilo-ey


    This issue has been resolved in Elementor v3.1.1

    Feel free to update


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