What we're about

Whether you’re a first-time blogger or seasoned developer, there’s always more to learn. From community members all over the world, the vast resources available on Learn WordPress (https://learn.wordpress.org/) will help you learn more about WordPress and teach it to others.

One of the best ways to learn is through discussions with others. The meetups here bring together people who have already watched the same workshop on learn.wordpress.org (http://learn.wordpress.org/) for a live group discussion about the content so that we can share knowledge, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. When you sign up a a meetup, please take the time to watch the suggested workshop(s) in advance.

WordPress Global Community Sponsors help fund WordPress Meetup groups and WordCamps around the world. Thank you to GreenGeeks, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Bluehost, and GoDaddy Pro for their support!

Upcoming events (4+)

Polyglots Training Discussion: Team Building + Giving Good Feedback

🔵 Target Audience:
WordPress translation contributors who are interested in building their local translation communities. The audience is expected to have some experience in using translate.wordpress.org.

🔵 Event Summary:
Join us for a discussion on two modules in the Translation Contributor Training course: Collaboration and Team Building + How to Give Good Feedback. You can find a link to the course below:

In this workshop, participants will learn ways to encourage team building in their community, as well as tips for giving feedback on translations. Bring your questions and ideas!

🔵 Time:
This event is happening on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at 15:00 UTC - Check this link to find the time in your local timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210921T11&p1;=179&ah;=1

🔵 Agenda:
1. Go through key points of the modules: https://learn.wordpress.org/modules/collaboration-and-team-building/?course_id=4766
2. Discuss topics and questions brought by the audience (~50 minutes).

Watch Party + Discussion Group: Improving site performance

Join us for a watch party + discussion on the workshop: Improving site performance. The site performance workshop provides tips on how to improve the performance of a WordPress site and covers several techniques that allow users to improve the performance of their WordPress sites. Together, we will watch the video of improving site performance and discuss any questions that you have, with the group.

This event is happening on Wednesday, September 21, 2021, at 11 AM CET / 2.30 PM IST / 5.00 PM Singapore time / 7 PM Canberra time (09:00 AM UTC) - Check this link to find the time in your local timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210921T0900

Please bring your questions and tips about improving site performance, and let's discuss them with the group!

1. Watch the Improving site performance video together (~28 minutes): https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/improving-site-performance-an-overview/
2. Discuss topics and questions brought by the audience (~30 minutes).

Watch Party + Discussion Group: Organizing WordPress Meetups

Target Audience: All WordPress Community members and those curious about organizing WordPress Meetups. You can join the discussion even if you are an experienced community organizer!

Join us for a Watch Party and Discussion of some workshops about organizing WordPress Meetups!

We will watch these Learn WordPress workshops together and then participate in a short discussion group to discuss what was covered in the workshops.

Even if you are brand new to the WordPress Community, you are welcome to participate! Bring your questions, your thoughts, comments to this informal discussion.

This event starts on Thursday 23 September at 13:00 PDT (20:00 UTC).

1. Introduction (~5 minutes)
2. Watch “Organizing WordPress Meetups: Getting Started” video together (~18 minutes):
3. Brief break, initial questions and discussion (~10 minutes)
4. Watch “Organizing WordPress Meetups: Supporting an Online Meetup” video together (~11 minutes): https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/organizing-wordpress-meetups-supporting-an-online-meetup/
5. Discuss topics and questions from attendees about organizing and supporting WordPress Meetups (~15 minutes).

After watching these workshops together, we will open the last part of the hour for discussion about the workshops and your questions about organizing WordPress Meetups!

Polyglots Training Discussion: Building a Translation Style Guide + Glossary

🔵 Target Audience:
WordPress translation contributors who are interested in creating or improving their locale glossary and style guide. The audience is expected to have some experience in using translate.wordpress.org.

🔵 Event Summary:
Join us for a discussion on a module in the Translation Contributor Training course: Building a Translation Style Guide + Glossary. You can find a link to the course below:

In this workshop, participants will learn the basic concepts of glossary and style guide, and how to get started on creating them for their locale (language) team. Bring your questions and ideas!

🔵 Time:
This event is happening on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 15:00 UTC - Check this link to find the time in your local timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210928T11&p1;=179&ah;=1

🔵 Agenda:
1. Go through key points of the module https://learn.wordpress.org/modules/working-with-wordpress-core/?course_id=4766
2. Discuss topics and questions brought by the audience (~50 minutes).

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