Genesis Blocks


Genesis Blocks is a collection of page building blocks for the Gutenberg block editor. Building pages with the block editor and Genesis Blocks gives you more control to quickly create and launch any kind of site you want!

Installing the customizable Genesis Blocks plugin adds a collection of beautiful, site-building blocks to help you customize page layouts, increase engagement, and get results for your business. Genesis Blocks provides everything from customizable buttons, to beautifully-designed page sections and full-page layout designs via the Section & Layout block.

Along with the blocks themselves, Genesis Blocks extends the content creation experience by providing a library of page sections and full-page layouts, all available from within the block editor.

Create compelling content faster.

Create and use content quickly with prebuilt and custom content sections and full-page layouts.

Enhance the Gutenberg editor.

Additional content blocks and the layout selector make it easy to get the most value out of the block-based editor.

Genesis Blocks currently includes the following blocks to help you build content and pages quickly and effortlessly:

  • Section & Layout Block
  • Advanced Columns Block
  • Newsletter Block
  • Pricing Block
  • Post Grid Block
  • Container Block
  • Testimonial Block
  • Inline Notice Block
  • Accordion Block
  • Share Icons Block
  • Call-To-Action Block
  • Customizable Button Block
  • Spacer & Divider Block
  • Author Profile Block
  • Drop Cap Block

Do more with Genesis Pro

For those wanting to level-up with Genesis Blocks, a Genesis Pro subscription brings even richer tooling and a bigger library of sections and layouts.

  • 2 new blocks (more coming soon)
  • 26 pre-built full-page layouts
  • 56 pre-built sections
  • Save & reuse your own sections & layouts
  • Advanced block-level user permissions
  • Access to and support for Genesis Framework & all of our 35 StudioPress-made premium child themes.
  • Additional advanced features for the rest of the Genesis Product Suite

Genesis Pro includes even more value for modern WordPress content creators, marketers, and developers. Learn more about Genesis Pro here.

Google AMP Support

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project is a publishing format created by Google to enhance site performance for mobile website users. AMP pages are specially designed for Google search users to quickly load website pages without using any extraneous data. Genesis Blocks has support for AMP built into each block!

Ayuda y documentación

User and developer docs for Genesis Blocks can be found here.


  • Library of pre-designed page layouts
  • A pre-designed call-to-action page design
  • Some of the many blocks included in Genesis Blocks


Este plugin proporciona 22 bloques.

  • Testimonial
  • Profile Box
  • Accordion
  • Genesis Blocks
  • Genesis Blocks
  • Product Button
  • Genesis Blocks
  • Advanced Columns
  • Column
  • Layouts
  • Notice
  • Pricing Column
  • Product Title
  • Product Features
  • Product Price
  • Product Subtitle
  • Container
  • Button
  • Pricing
  • Drop Cap
  • Call To Action
  • Spacer


Este plugin se puede instalar directamente desde tu sitio.

  1. Log in and navigate to _Plugins → Add New.
  2. Escribe «Genesis Blocks» en la búsqueda y pulsa la tecla Intro.
  3. Locate the Genesis Blocks plugin in the list of search results and click Install Now.
  4. Once installed, click the Activate link.

También puede ser instalado manualmente.

  1. Download the Genesis Blocks plugin from
  2. Unzip the package and move to your plugins directory.
  3. Accede en WordPress y navega hasta la pantalla plugins.
  4. Busca Genesis Blocks en la lista y haz clic en el enlace Activar .


¿Se pueden usar Genesis Blocks con cualquier tema?

Sí, puedes usar Genesis Blocks con cualquier tema, pero recomendamos usar uno de los temas de StudioPress listos para Gutenberg, como Revolution para la mejor presentación. Ambos temas tienen hermosos estilos integrados específicamente para Genesis Blocks.

¿Necesito el nuevo editor de bloques para usar Genesis Blocks?

Sí, necesitarás tener instalado WordPress 5.3 o posterior para aprovechar Genesis Blocks.


14 de agosto de 2021
The blocks available with this have proven really useful and well designed. Discovering this helped me to understand and better appreciate the changes going on with Genesis Framework.
27 de marzo de 2021
I've been using the Sharing block, and it seemed to be working OK. I recently changed my domain and the block has disappeared from all pages, although its still visible on the admin view of pages. I tried to contact support, but that seems impossible for the free version of Genesis.
7 de febrero de 2021
Forced to migrate from Atomic Blocks to Genesis blocks, however the migration provided does not work and there is zero support when requested.
Leer todas las 11 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Genesis Blocks» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios


  • Added: block_categories_all filter for WordPress 5.8.
  • Changed: Replace Font Awesome with SVG files in the Profile Box (aka Author Profile) block, and the Sharing block.
  • Changed: Ensure the Post Grid block works outside of a post context (such as the WordPress 5.8 widgets screen).
  • Fixed: Improve accessibility & readability of the Slate Collection colors.


  • Added: The Post Grid block now allows for multiple categories to be selected.
  • Changed: The Post Grid block now requires the user to begin typing the name of the category they wish to add, instead of selecting it from a dropdown menu.
  • Fixed: The Post Grid block has been optimized to reduce load on server and wait times for sites with many categories/pages.
  • Fixed: The Post Grid Block, when set to show pages, incorrectly used the «Number of items» option to limit the number of pages shown. This has been fixed. The «Number of items» option no longer applies to pages while previewing the block in the editor. The number of pages selected are the number of pages shown. Note that this bug did not affect the frontend, but only what you see in the block editor in wp-admin.
  • Fixed: The genesis_blocks_allowed_layout_components filter was broken for Layouts (but not Sections) since version 1.2.2 and has been fixed here.


  • Fixed: Layout link has been moved back to the left of the admin toolbar.


  • Fixed: Corrected the settings link in the Newsletter Block.
  • Added: Collection images to layout modal.
  • Added: Fallback images for section/layout previews that fail to load.
  • Added: Ability to use section keys to build layouts.


  • Fixed: The layouts block is no longer left over in the editor if the modal is closed by the user.
  • Fixed: The layouts button in the Block Editor header toolbar uses a more reliable javascript event to ensure it is always visible.
  • Fixed: The Post and Page Grid block now shows all pages selected, instead of cutting it off at the number of posts set to show.
  • New: Added a «Leave a review» button to the settings page.


  • New: Introducing Collections, a curated suite of pattern designs to quickly build out beautiful pages and full websites.
  • Added support for migrating Genesis Blocks Pro users.


  • Fixed an issue for sites migrating from Atomic Blocks where in some cases the migration did not complete due to an error when deactivating the Atomic Blocks plugin.


  • Added a way to migrate from Atomic Blocks to Genesis Blocks. Update now to learn more!
  • Fixed issue with border radius in the Accordion block.
  • Fixed minor bug in the Post Grid block that could cause PHP notices if the block is used in non-standard locations outside of post content.
  • When using the Advanced Columns block, the inner column block now has a label of Column instead of Advanced Column to make it easier to distinguish from the outer column block that wraps it.
  • Added a Getting Started page to make it easier to access documentation, discover Genesis themes, and provide us feedback about the plugin. Send us your thoughts!


  • Versión inicial.