Tag Archives: multiblog

Virtual Multiblog 2.4

Okay, folks. A user pointed out a recent bug that can prevent the VUSER from being determined correctly. It probably accounts for the vast majority of the “This isn’t working” reports we’ve been getting around here lately. Sorry about that. … Continue reading

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Virtual Multiblog and WordPress 2.6

This is an important note to anyone using my Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress: WordPress version 2.6 is going to be released very soon. Until I have had time to test Virtual Multiblog on WP 2.6, I recommend that you … Continue reading

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Virtual Multiblog v2.3 for WordPress

I’ve released a new version of the Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress. Version 2.3 is mostly under-the-hood improvements, but it might fix some of the issues people have. Additionally, I’ve made a few updates so it fits more seamlessly within … Continue reading

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