
Kaspersky Security Awareness

Building a cybersafe corporate environment

Kaspersky Security Awareness

More than 80% of all cyber-incidents are caused by human error. Enterprises lose millions recovering from staff-related incidents – but traditional training programs usually fail to achieve the desired behavioral changes and motivation. Understanding what lies behind any learning and teaching process helps to build an effective educational program. Our programs not only deliver knowledge, but – more importantly – change habits and form the new behavior patterns that are the real goal of awareness training.

Setting objectives

Goal-setting based on global benchmarking against world/ industry averages

Learning management

Automated learning management with a comprehensive curriculum of cybersecurity competences, delivered in a variety of content formats

Reporting and analytics

Live tracking of data, trends and forecasts and on-the-fly analysis of the potential for improvement where needed

Program appreciation

True gamification based on relevant everyday participant experiences, offering competition and challenge and preventing overload

Suitable for

These training programs are particularly well suited to addressing the security requirements, concerns and constraints of these enterprise sectors.

Kaspersky Lab has launched a family of computer-based training products that utilize the latest learning techniques and address all levels of the organizational structure. Our integral approach consists of modern learning techniques ensuring all employees are trained up to the optimal level required. Gamification, learning-by-doing and repeated reinforcement all help to ensure strong skills retention. Each engaging training exercise highlights the direct relevance of cybersecurity to the individual. The employee's workplace environment and behavior are emulated, relating directly to users’ practical interests, increasing the motivation to learn and guaranteeing that skills learned will be applied.

Case Studies

Explore examples of Security Awareness solutions at work in the field

The Programs

  • Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS) Games

    • Custom-built software simulates the impact cyber-attacks and associated management decisions can have on business performance and revenue
    • Gameplay develops an understanding of cybersecurity measures
    • Establishes a better security understanding among senior managers and decision makers
    • Increases awareness of the risks and security problems of running modern computerized systems
  • Automated Security Awareness Platform

    • Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform is an innovative training solution, combining the latest learning technologies with Kaspersky Lab's 20+ years of cybersecurity expertise
    • Delivers maximum employee awareness and forms new cybersafety behavior patterns
    • Competency model consisting of 350 cybersecurity skills
  • Cybersecurity for IT Online (CITO training)

    • Interactive training for IT generalists (IT support, service desks, etc), where standard awareness programs are not enough, but in-depth security expertise is not required.
    • Develops practical skills essential to recognizing a possible attack in an ostensibly benign PC incident, and collecting incident data for handover to IT Security
    • Each of the 4 modules consists of a short theory section, practical tips and a set of hands-on exercises in the specific skills needed in day-to-day work

Forms of delivery:

  • Online, easy to set-up and manage

For KIPS training

  • The services of KL-certified trainers
  • Enterprise licensing ('Train the Trainer') for HR or IT teams to run internally
  • Authorized Training Center licensing

Service and support:

  • Education Best Practice guides and support (included)
  • Managed service (optional)

White Papers

Learn more, with thought leadership from our globally recognized cybersecurity experts

The Risk

Kaspersky Security Awareness creates a strong and self-sustained corporate cyber-environment through a gamified, visual and corporate-wide learning approach. This is the only way to successfully fight the human mistakes that are the biggest cyber-risk to enterprises today.

  • <p>80% of breaches are caused by employee inadvertence and negligence</p>

    80% of breaches are caused by employee inadvertence and negligence

  • <p>$400 per employee per year - the average cost of phishing attacks alone</p>

    $400 per employee per year - the average cost of phishing attacks alone

  • <p>Our training programs reduce monetary losses from attacks by 50-60%</p>

    Our training programs reduce monetary losses from attacks by 50-60%

  • <p>$865,000 - the average impact of incidents involving employees actions</p>

    $865,000 - the average impact of incidents involving employees actions

  • <p>Standard awareness programs are inefficient and hard to manage</p>

    Standard awareness programs are inefficient and hard to manage

  • <p>The ROI in Kaspersky Security Awareness is up to 30 times outlay</p>

    The ROI in Kaspersky Security Awareness is up to 30 times outlay

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