BP Dev-Chat Agenda October 6, 2021


Our development meeting will happen today (October 6) at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.0.0 updates about our progress
  • Decision about 10.0.0 required WP Version

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev Chat Summary : september 22, 2021

10.0.0 Progress

  • We started by congratulating @oztaser for the great contribution he brought about SQL performance improvements to the BP Notifications API (See #8426).
  • @dcavins will actively (👈 adding some pressure here 😁) progress about the site membership requests feature. He will also take in charge the issue about the inconsistent behavior of Groups Invites when the friends component is not active inside the Legacy template pack (see #8550)
  • @vapvarun is exploring BuddyPress statistic widgets from a plugin, @im4th challenged him to build Widget Blocks about it in 10.0.0 as well as exploring the mutual friends/mutual groups which are other Widget Block nice candidates (see #8559).
  • Then we had a long discussion about raising the BuddyPress required WordPress version to 5.4 (see #8571). It’s true it’s quite a jump from 4.9 but “Tipton” was released almost 4 years ago, it’s the last WP version before the Block Editor which is probably making it a bit special. WP 5.0 to 5.3 are under 5% of total WordPress installs which makes 5.4 a good candidate for our next required version.

If a WordPress version became obsolete over a year ago, it’s a candidate for removal.
If a WordPress version’s use slips below 5% of all WP installations, it’s a strong candidate for removal.

The BP Codex

Please, share your opinion about the BP 10.0.0 required WordPress version using the comments area 🙏

10.0.0 schedule

  • 10.0.0-beta 1: ~ november 20, 2021,
  • 10.0.0 stable: ~ december 24, 2021 🎄

BP Rewrites feature as a plugin

It’s now possible to enjoy BP Directories as the site’s homepage using the BP Rewrites URL parser.

@sbrajesh shared his first thoughts after testing the plugin. He was a bit surprised not to find the BP Directories into the WordPress pages. In BP Rewrites, BP Directories are using a Custom Post Type without using the corresponding WordPress generated UI. Instead there’s a new URL settings page to customize almost every possible slugs. The last improvement to add about slugs is to support customizable slugs for the Member’s secondary navigation. It’s true the UI used for this settings page should be improved (a lot!).

@im4th informed about the plan for this plugin : it’s not to merge it into BP Core during 10.0.0 (or even 11.0.0) but to release it as a plugin so that a lot more people can easily test it. There’s a ticket about easing hosted on WP.org features as a plugin installation from one of the BuddyPress Admin screens to also simplify this part for users (see #8148). Switching from our Legacy URL Parser to the WP Rewrite API will need a lot more testing to make sure BP plugins and themes are behaving almost like there was no switch!

@im4th strongly encourages all BP Plugin/theme developers to give a test to this feature as a plugin to contribute to the next way BuddyPress will parse URLs.

Open floor

@im4th @dcavins & @vapvarun are going to participate to a Q&A hosted by Birgit Pauli-Haack from the Gutenberg Times on October 28 at 16:00 UTC. If you want to know more about our experience migrating the BP Legacy widgets to Block Widgets during the BuddyPress 9.0.0 “express” release, please join us! More info available there inside the Upcoming Live Q&As section.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on October 6 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda September 22, 2021


Update: the development meeting has been postponed to next week, same day, same time.

Our development meeting will happen next week (September 22) at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.0.0 updates about our progress
  • BP Rewrites feature as a plugin updates

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #8386, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev Chat Summary : september 1st, 2021

10.0.0 Progress

  • Shortly before the dev chat started @dcavins shared his progress about the Site Membership Requests feature: he did preparative work needed for the feature by improving the BP Signup Class and fixed 2 tickets (#8540, #7938).
  • Thanks to a discussion between @vapvarun & @im4th about 2 BP plugins @vapvarun will soon make available on the WP plugins directory (about global BP Search and using the big G reCaptcha service to secure some parts of BuddyPress), @im4th will explore the possibility to add 2 new BP Blocks: 1 to perform global search, the other to display a member’s community statistics.
  • To help @sbrajesh organize the BP Relationships API, @johnjamesjacoby created the corresponding repository on BuddyPress’s GH.
  • @espellcaste asked for a dev review about his approach on adding pagination to message threads (#8508) and thanked @im4th for the one he provided about #7614.
  • @espellcaste also introduced some very interesting functions to get a Group object, making it possible to use template functions outside of the Groups loop. You should have a look to this commit.

10.0.0 first schedule

  • 10.0.0-beta 1: ~ november 20, 2021,
  • 10.0.0 stable: ~ december 24, 2021 🎄

BP Rewrites feature as a plugin

Although @im4th only said he was making good progress about the feature during the dev chat, let’s warmly thank the first contributors who joined the adventure of using the WP Rewrite API to replace our legacy URL parser: @shanebp @boonebgorges & @rayisme 🥰.

@im4th strongly encourages all BP Plugin/theme developers to give a test to this feature as a plugin to contribute to the next way BuddyPress will parse URLs.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on September 15 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

August 18 Dev-Chat summary & September 1st Dev-Chat agenda

Hi everyone, sorry, once again, this summary is published quite late.

August 18 Dev-Chat summary

9.1.1 Security release

@im4th explained the work @dcavins, @johnjamesjacoby and him did about the security fix that was ported back to previous BuddyPress branches (from 9.0 to 2.9): 8 released were packaged in a night. Many thanks to David & John for their help during this amazing night!


  • @sbrajesh informed us he needed some more time to finish the first version of the BP relationships API.
  • We’ve been talking about the Group hierarchy as a possible feature for 10.0.0 @dcavins informed he had previously worked into this area from a custom plugin.
  • The first beta of 10.0.0 should happen on November 20. Target date for the final release is December ~24 🎅🏼

Open floor

  • We’ve been talking about the opportunity to move the dev-chat time but we will finally keep on meeting every other Wednesday at 19:30 UTC. Although it’s very late for @vapvarun & @sbrajesh, they are young enough 👶🏽👶🏾👶🏻 to handle it. Many thanks to them 🤝

September 1st Dev-Chat Agenda

  • Progress about 10.0.0 features.
  • News about the BP Rewrites feature as a plugin.

It will happen later today at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

#10-0-0, #9-1-1, #agenda, #dev-chat, #summary

August 4 Dev-Chat summary & August 18 Dev-Chat agenda

Hi everyone, sorry this summary is published quite late.

August 4 Dev-Chat summary

10.0.0 confirmed top features

  • We confirmed the BP Media component as one of the top features for 10.0.0. As there are many plugins playing into this area, we think packaging it into a separate plugin and make it easy to install from our BP Components Administration screen is the best way to go. Users will be able to choose whether they need these extra lines of code or not 😉.
  • The site membership requests feature to compliment the site membership invites was also confirmed. @dcavins already started working on it suggesting improvements to our BP Signup API (see #8450).

Open floor

  • We also talked about adding the Block based activity post form we’ve been working on from the BP Blocks plugin.
  • @im4th thinks he had progressed enough about the BP Rewrites plugin to completely open it to any contributors. He has published a post about it on this blog a few days after the dev chat.

August 18 Dev-Chat Agenda

  • During last meeting some of us couldn’t attend, so let’s take some more time to talk about other possible top features to confirm for 10.0.0.
  • Let’s move the time of our every other Wednesday meeting so that it’s not happening so late for Asia/Pacific timezones.

It will happen on August 18 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

#10-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat, #summary

July 21 Dev-Chat summary & August 4 Dev-Chat agenda

Hi everyone, sorry this summary is published very late (the day before we’re having another development meeting).

July 21 Dev-Chat summary

9.0.0 early results and feedbacks

  • 9.0.0 “Mico” was released on July 19.
  • Download spike for it happened on July 20 and reached ~33.400 downloads 📈 🎈.
  • Nothing major about it into Support forums, so @imath was able to quote @vapvarun saying: “We did not break anything big” 😅.
  • This BP Blocks focused (& short time framed) release was an interesting experience, thanks to a discussion launched by @johnjamesjacoby a bit before the dev chat, we were able to discuss about the benefits of working from a “feature as a plugin” GitHub repository. In short: it can save us some time ⏱, but bringing back code into our Trac is making us feel safer from being completely GitHub dependent.

10.0.0 is a magic number!

  • 10 is after 9, and we all feel we need to make this release a bit specific.
  • @sbrajesh has been working on the BP Relationship API and is confident he’ll be able to share a first alpha around August 18. 💪
  • Below are our first thoughts about 10.0.0:
    • A “regular” development cycle, Christmas🎄 as a release date could be a good idea!
    • It’s time BuddyPress has a Media Component, Releasing 10.0.0 once it’s ready was suggested 😇
    • Using rewrites to parse BP URLs might be a bit too early but we’ll have a “feature as a plugin” really soon to check what it means in terms of back compatibility with Plugins using the BP Legacy URL parser.
    • Carry on improving the BP REST API by using it more frequently into BP features (like we did for BP Blocks in 9.0.0)
    • A new great BP Theme seems difficult to achieve, unless we have a lot of interested contributors jumping in!
    • A site membership requests feature to compliment the site membership invites.

Nothing’s set in stone yet! Don’t hesitate to show your support for one (or more) of the above points to help us decide. And if you have great ideas, be there to share them with us during our next development meeting 👇

August 4 Dev-Chat Agenda

We had 2 weeks to think about possible features for 10.0.0, let’s decide about the ones we’ll work on during this magically numbered release cycle 🪄.

It will happen on August 4 (tomorrow) at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

#10-0-0, #9-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda July 21, 2021


Our development meeting will happen today (July 21) at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

Here’s our agenda:

  • 9.0.0 first feedbacks & results
  • 10.0.0 is a symbolic number, first ideas about the focus/features of this development cycle?

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #9-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat