There are several ways to get WordPress. The easiest is through a hosting provider , but sometimes tech-savvy folks prefer to download and install it themselves.
Either way, you can use your WordPress through a web browser and with our mobile apps .
Alojamento WordPress
Choosing a hosting provider can be difficult, so we have selected a few of the best to get you started.
Bluehost has turned passion for WordPress into the fastest, simplest managed platform for your websites. Recommended by WordPress since 2005, each WordPress package offers a free domain, free SSL, and 24/7 support.
Visitar Bluehost
SiteGround offers top-tier website performance and support regardless of your technical skill. Join millions of happy clients using their WordPress services to get the help you need at prices you love.
Visitar Siteground
See all of our recommended hosts
Gratuito, com um valor inestimável
Descarregue o WordPress e utilize-o no seu site.
Com a famosa instalação em 5 minutos, instalar o WordPress pela primeira vez é simples. Criámos um guia prático de ajuda no processo de instalação.
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São recomendamos servidores com a versão 7.4 ou superior do PHP e MySQL versão 5.6 OU MariaDB versão 10.1 ou superior.
We also recommend either Apache or Nginx as the most robust options for running WordPress, but neither is required.