WP Table Builder – WordPress Table Plugin


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WP Table Builder is a drag and drop table builder plugin for WordPress. It’s insanely easy to create responsive tables with WP Table Builder.

WP Table Builder is perfect for creating comparison tables, pricing tables, list tables and many more.

The builder comes with 7 elements right now. You can add the following elements in a table:

  • Text
  • Image
  • List
  • Button
  • Star Rating
  • Custom HTML
  • Shortcode

All the elements come with customization options of their own.

We have a cell management mode which comes with options like Add New Row, Add New Column, Merge Cells, Split Cells and many more.

How to Use

After you install the plugin, you will see a Table Builder menu. Go to Table Builder > Add New.

You will be able select column number and row number. Once you select that, click on Generate. The table will be generated.

You can then drag and drop elements from the left panel into the table cells. Once you are done adding and editing elements, click on Save to save the tables.

After the table is saved, you can embed it in post and pages by using a shortcode. Click on ‘Embed’ on the top to get the shortcode.

You can also get the shortcode from the ‘All Tables’ list under ‘Table Builder’ menu.

Import Tables

You can import tables from CSV or XML files. You can import both single and multiple CSV or XML files. Multiple files will have to be zipped.

You can also import tables from TablePress plugin.

Export Tables

Just like importing you can export the tables to CSV or XML files.

If you are looking to move tables created with WP Table Builder to another site, XML is the better choice as it will preserve table settings.

Join Us To Get Updates and Resources


  • Creating new table in WP Table Builder.
  • First Table In WP Table Builder.
  • Text In WP Table Builder.
  • Images In WP Table Builder.
  • Text 2 In WP Table Builder.
  • List Options In WP Table Builder.
  • Button In WP Table Builder.
  • Shortcode in WP Table Builder.


Installation Instructions

Please remember you MUST have PHP 5.6+ to be able to use this plugin.

  1. Upload the plugin zip file via the plugin page of WordPress by clicking ‘Add New’ and selecting the zip from your local computer.
  2. Activate the plugins through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

That’s it. You’re done!


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Contributors & Developers

“WP Table Builder – WordPress Table Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WP Table Builder – WordPress Table Plugin” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • NEW: Overhaul for link url control.
  • NEW: Support for affiliate links (sponsored) for image/text/button element links.
  • NEW: Option to preserve table titles on import operations.
  • NEW: Support for ‘form’ and ‘input’ HTML elements for custom html table element.
  • FIX: An issue affecting responsive display of horizontally (colspan) merged cells.
  • PRO: Customizable responsive breakpoint widths.
  • PRO: Option to disable breakpoints to render their desktop counterparts.


  • IMPROVE: Decreased plugin file size.
  • IMPROVE: Visual updates to various plugin components.
  • FIX: Encoding issue that is affecting some languages.


  • NEW: Lazy load for plugin image elements.
  • PRO: Lazy load customization options.
  • IMPROVE: Table image element class and filtering.


  • FIX: An issue with style pass affecting some browsers.


  • FIX: Transparent background color bug that is affecting some tables.
  • FIX: Block editor ‘edit’ button is now correctly enabled/disabled .
  • FIX: An issue affecting buttons to not fire attached events in responsive modes.
  • FIX: Table ID not being generated at initial save.
  • FIX: Tables with theme styles disabled not getting affected by general styles.
  • IMPROVE: Table gutenberg block previews now reflects extra styles defined for them.
  • IMPROVE: Better asset loading for frontend.
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Better empty cell functionality.
  • PRO: FIX: Latest Firefox and Chrome updates distorting prebuilt table card previews.


  • NEW: Global PHP function to inline render any table inside theme files (wptb_render_table).
  • NEW: What-is-new component that will be shown after every update to point out key improvements and new additions to plugin.
  • NEW: Extra styles control to override styles affecting your table.
  • IMPROVE: Text element placeholder text is replaced with a more appropriate one.
  • IMPROVE: Button html element support for custom html table element.
  • IMPROVE: More frequently used table settings are moved to a higher priority position.
  • IMPROVE: Better manage cells menu layout to keep top and bottom row tools always visible.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where newly created table text elements share same identification number.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting row colors of static top row enabled responsive tables.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting text element where at certain situations align options are not working.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting table layouts where they are hidden at page load through tabs or any other CSS visibility rules.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where deleting a text element also deletes its container.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting one row tables where top row as header or static top row options don’t render the table correctly.
  • IMPROVE: New background logic and menu.
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Version sync capability to keep both base and pro versions of plugin in sync with each other at update and downgrade operations.


  • NEW: ‘noreferrer’ option for text links.
  • NEW: ‘Repeat merged header’ option for fully merged header cells when top row as header is enabled in responsive builder to fine tune responsive abilities of tables.
  • NEW: New notification system for table builder events.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue with WordPress 5.6 where empty table names on gutenberg block showed as ‘Untitled’ instead of our naming convention for empty titled tables.
  • FIX: An issue with footer buttons not visible in gutenberg block for Firefox browsers.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting gutenberg block where user created prebuilt tables can be listed and selected.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting some WordPress servers where even though users have read access, still see credential form and can not use various functionality of plugin.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting xml import operation to be not completed on import/export operations.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where for some themes, table sort icons are not visible.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where gutenberg preview is not reflecting individual cell widths correctly.
  • FIX: Fixed a manage cells button issue where after undo/redo operations, it becomes unresponsive.
  • IMPROVE: Better visibility for manage cells button.
  • IMPROVE: Responsive builder will start up at tablet breakpoint instead of desktop.
  • IMPROVE: When selecting a table or there is already a selected table on gutenberg block, full preview will be shown automatically.
  • IMPROVE: Top row as header option is turned on by default for new tables.
  • IMPROVE: Only file type related options will be visible for import/export operations.
  • PRO: NEW: Option to make top row (header) sticky.
  • PRO: NEW: Option to set individual column/row color.
  • PRO: FIX: Border radius issue.
  • PRO: FIX: Fixed a console error related to pro element icons.


  • IMPROVE: Responsive builder will show table’s layout at breakpoints even though it is not enabled.
  • IMPROVE: Better cell selected indicator at manage cells menu.
  • IMPROVE: Better cell select logic with shift key for multi cell selection at manage cells menu.
  • IMPROVE: Split cell button will only be activated for cells that can be split.
  • IMPROVE: Saving operation indicator.
  • PRO:FIX: Fixed an issue where empty cells are removing styles from other cells.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting WordPress versions <= 4.9 where Gutenberg editor is not present.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where embedding a table to a post is not triggering correct display of gutenberg block.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where sometimes hover border got stuck and visible in saved table.
  • FIX: A style issue affecting users of Classic Editor and Advanced Editor Tools where floating windows can not be interacted with.
  • FIX: A type error with tag manager.


  • NEW: Gutenberg block for table builder. You can select/edit/create tables without leaving editor.
  • NEW: Option to block theme styles per table.
  • NEW: Table tags. You can now create table tags for your tables for better organization and filter them from screen options at table listing. You can add your tags to tables from Settings > Table Tags right from table builder menu.
  • NEW: Full width button option.
  • NEW: Button radius setting.
  • NEW: Border highlight when element Options is active.
  • NEW: Setting for edit table link at frontend display.
  • UPDATE: Freemius account section for plugin.
  • IMPROVE: Better frontend JS file sizes.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where editing text links not marking table as dirty.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where saving table is being blocked by firewall plugins.
  • FIX: List elements now have matching styling on frontend and builder.


  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting some PHP versions to not parse version control manager files.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Sorting functionality.


  • NEW: Version rollback manager to rollback plugin’s version if you are having problems. Can be accessed from plugin settings menu.
  • NEW: Zoom controls for responsive menu for better overall visibility of table at responsive menu.
  • UPDATE: Merged cells will not be repeated if top row as header is not selected at responsive menu.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting multisite, AMP WordPress sites and some themes to not load frontend js/css files.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where vertical cell alignment is overridden by theme styles.
  • FIX: Empty cells appear correctly at manage cells menu now.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue at inserting a row before second row.
  • FIX: Fixed an error at section change when no table is generated.


  • FIX: Fixed an issue affecting browser caches, forcing them to use old version of js files.


  • NEW: New and improved table generate menu.
  • NEW: Sortable table rows/columns.
  • NEW: Setting for sidebar location.
  • NEW: Accessibility options for table.
  • NEW: Easy to access new location for manage cells operations.
  • FIX: UTF-8 support for export/import operations.
  • FIX: An issue affecting text links to be converted into invalid addresses.
  • FIX: Selected elements will not trigger their text modification functionality at manage cells menu.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Loading of table related css and js files are limited to posts containing table shortcodes.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Amazon affiliate image support for custom html element.


  • NEW: Vertical align option for table cells.
  • NEW: More border customizations.
  • NEW: Target width option for responsive menu.
  • NEW: nofollow option for text links.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Element control show/hide logic updated.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Visibility of main tab buttons updated.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Better suffix display for range sliders.
  • FIX: An issue affecting sub-folder WordPress installations.
  • FIX: An issue targeting usage of YouTube embeds in Custom HTML element.
  • UPDATE: Freemius SDK.


  • NEW: Static Top Row Option for Responsive Builder.
  • FIX: Issue of Some Elements Being Removed from Custom HTML.
  • FIX: Row Color Logic is Updated for Responsive Builder.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Minor Control Related Updates to Both Functionality And Visuals.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Cell Management Operations.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Updates to App Security and Performance.


  • NEW: Option to Change Link Color in Text Element.
  • NEW: Sticky Top Menu Bar.
  • NEW: Freemius SDK.
  • FIX: Issue of Indent on List Element.


  • NEW: Responsive Table System with more controls.
  • NEW: German Translation. Thanks to Stefan Butz.
  • NEW: Option to Control List Item Font Size.
  • NEW: Option to control List Item Spacing.
  • NEW: Option to Toggle Header Inner Border.
  • NEW: Search and Pagination options in Table List.


  • HOTFIX: JavaScript Error that Broke Some Pages and Conflicts with Other Plugin.


  • FIX: Internationalization Fixes for Better Translation Options.
  • ADD: Relative Link Support for Elements with URL Controls.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Better Custom HTML Element Parsing and Rendering.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Responsive Table Events.


  • ADD: Button Hover Settings.
  • ADD: Button Icon Settings.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Builder Interface Redesign for Faster, Better Table Building.


  • ADD: Export Tables to XML Files.
  • ADD: Export Tables to CSV Files.
  • ADD: Import Tables from XML Files.
  • ADD: Option to Control Minimum Width for Columns.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Minor Security and Code Improvements.


  • FIX: Table Column Missing on Mobile Screens.
  • FIX: Table Row Missing on Mobile Screens.
  • IMPROVEMENT: More Compact Table View.
  • CHANGE: Default Cell Padding Value to 10.


  • ADD: Option to Import Tables from CSV Files.
  • ADD: Option to Import Tables from TablePress.
  • ADD: Option to Choose Which User Roles Have Access to Add, Edit, Manage tables.
  • ADD: ‘Close’ Button in Cell Management Mode.
  • ADD: Table item in ‘Add New’ Menu on Admin bar.
  • FIX: Builder Freezing When Table Has Lots of Columns and Rows.


  • FIX: Table not Showing issue.
  • FIX: Table Responsiveness issue.
  • FIX: Images not showing on mobile tables.
  • FIX: Cell Padding Settings Value not going under 0.
  • ADD: Getting Started Page with Video.
  • UPDATE: Translation Files.


  • ADD: Option to set max width for table container.
  • FIX: Table Alignment setting issue.
  • FIX: PHP errors.
  • FIX: Table editing issue.
  • FIX: Table Settings not showing issue.
  • FIX: Table duplicaton issue.


  • ADD: Custom HTML Element
  • ADD: Shortcode Element
  • ADD: Double Click On Cell to Add Text Element.
  • ADD: Option to Change/Replace Image in Image Element.
  • ADD: Option to Change Button Text Size.
  • ADD: Frontend Link to Edit Table When Logged in.
  • FIX: Image Height Issue / Image getting stretched.
  • FIX: Bug in Cell Width Change function.


  • FIX: Multiple Table Responsiveness issue.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Major Code improvements. Restructured table settings, element settings.


  • FIX: Table not showing in some cases.


  • NEW: Option to add images from URL.
  • NEW: Icons for alignment settings instead of Select box.


  • NEW: Alignment Settings for Star Rating.
  • NEW: Back button in Element options title to get back to main panel easily.
  • FIX: Issue with Undo-Redo functionality.
  • FIX: Default text size not matching the settings.


  • NEW: Star Rating Element.


  • FIX: Image alignment setting not working.
  • NEW: Increased maximum number of Rows and Columns.
  • IMPROVE: Performance improvement by loading assets only where necessary.


  • FIX: Image Element not being added between Text and List element.
  • FIX: Accidental Closing of the editor. Gives warning before closing.


  • NEW: Undo/Redo options for the builder.
  • FIX: Element Actions getting saved with the table.
  • IMPROVE: Element Actions and Border marker.


  • NEW – Option to choose whether to make the table responsive or not.
  • FIX – Table Preview issue.
  • FIX – Preview button not working in the editor.
  • FIX – Words breaking for Text element.


  • FIX: PHP function not declared issue.
  • NEW: Preview button in the builder.


  • NEW: Duplicate table functionality.
  • NEW: Preview table on the frontend.
  • NEW: Prevent one click deletion of table.


  • NEW: Column Width Setting.
  • NEW: Row Height Setting.


  • First Release.