Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » Seriously, this is utter junk.

  • I just don’t get it. I know block editors are the thing, WP Bakery/Visual Composer is one, and I generally like it. But I can choose to use it or not, or I can just use an empty post and move quickly between Code and Visual views. On my websites, I use the Classic Editor plugin to make my life a bit more familiar. But I had to take a look at my father’s website which does not have the Classic installed and therefore forced into using the Gutenberg editor. After struggling with it for a while, wondering why the base HTML was so damn messy, trying to find code view (which I had to LOOK UP ON THE INTERNET how to find), trying to sort why this interface was so ugly and user-unfriendly, I finally had to look up why his site posts/pages basically sucked and ran into that it was basically using Gutenberg. My gods, I am so glad I am using the classic. This is a horrible interface. Make this a choice (natively, not that we have to install a plugin to make our editing actually function in a non-crazy making fashion). I’d give this negative stars if I could.

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  • @gotfiero Thanks for taking the time to pass along the feedback. Like you, I often dive into my dad’s website so nice to know others are doing the same.

    If you’re open to it, I’d love to hear a little bit more about what could make the experience better. As you found, Gutenberg is meant to be a visual editing experience not requiring folks to dig into any code to do what they’d like. What was going wrong that you were trying to resolve? Any information you can provide would be great so I can make sure any bugs are properly opened or your feedback is passed along.

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