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Angol-magyar szótár

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Recently verified translations35,964 translations – 471 new – 99% verified
Date HungarianEnglishChecked by
09-08régóta {adv}long sinceKis ren joh
09-08ösztönös {adj} [megérzésen alapuló]intuitiveKis ren joh
09-08megelőzés {noun} [rangban, sorrendben]precedenceKis ren joh
08-22néző {noun}spectatorHef szo
08-22webhely {noun}websiteHef szo
Voice:Viszlát! by aronvhand gesture by cnnr1,350,620 more »
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The goal of is to make it possible to share your vocabulary knowledge with the world. This is the main difference from other translation services - every user is encouraged to contribute to the Hungarian-English dictionary by adding and/or verifying translation suggestions. The resulting vocabulary database can be downloaded and used for free.

Besides browsing the dictionary or searching for English-Hungarian translations you can also ask and answer questions related to the English or Hungarian language using the translation forum. To improve your language skills try the vocabulary trainer.

Disclaimer: The correctness of the translations cannot be guaranteed (nobody is perfect), but all input will be checked carefully. If you spot an error, please report it using the info button [i] located next to each translation within the search results.
News & History (RSS)
2021-08-24: Czech-German has reached 30,000 translations! Congratulations to the contributors!
2021-08-06: New mobile website!
As of today a new version of the mobile website is available. The most important changes are that the design doesn't try to imitate an app anymore and that it's now implemented as a so-called "responsive" website. That means the same page adapts to different screen sizes, including smartphones, tablets and desktop PCs. My plan is to gradually add all the existing features of the 19-year-old desktop website to this version until it can fully replace it.

Compared to the previous mobile website the new one already has a lot more functionality, for example a dark mode, the possibility to dynamically load additional translations, the tabular view and the illustrations on bigger screens, a menu for listening to multiple different audio recordings, and the vocabulary trainer including new tools for vocabulary list management. Many minor features are still missing, I will add them over time.

In case of errors or rendering problems on specific devices, please tell me by mail ([email protected]). Include a screenshot and/or link if possible. Also, feel free to send me any suggestions for improvement or any other feedback you might have!
2021-03-18: Icelandic-English has reached 30,000 translations today! Congratulations and thanks for the great teamwork to all of the contributors!
All language pairs combined, we reached the number of 3,000,000 translation entries today! A great job by all of the members of the family!
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Hungarian-English online dictionary (Angol-magyar szótár) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers