Give CiviCRM a try

Ready to take CiviCRM for a test ride? Choose from the demos provided below to get a feel for what CiviCRM can do for your organization.

Note that these expert provided demos may highlight a specific version of CiviCRM, a specific CMS, or may include workflows (for specific sectors, for example) and/or extensions consistent with your organization’s needs. These demos are provided by CiviCRM Partner organizations.

Get up and running with CiviCRM today!

CiviCRM Spark gives you your own private installation of a slimmed-down CiviCRM in minutes, for up to 5,000 contacts with event registration, donations and mailings. We manage the administration, you manage your organization's impact!

Learn more & signup today

This Demo site allows you to explore the basic functionality of CiviCRM with custom User Interface and some extra functionality such as graphical Calendar, custom permission access for a multi-level organization, KPI management, document management, and group registration to an event.

In addition, you may use this demo server to try CiviMobile - a native mobile application for CiviCRM.

CMS: Drupal 7


Provided by Agiliway

This demo shows current versions CiviCRM and WordPress. There are public forms utilizing standard CiviCRM pages, public forms utilizing the CiviCRM Caldera Forms integration, and a number of other WordPress Plugins and CiviCRM extensions that in totality turn WordPress and CiviCRM into a unified fundraising and communications platform, and more. Take a look on the public side, and log in to see the backend as a standard Civi user. For a personalized tour and a comprehensive view of the full administrative features of CiviCRM, see the contact us page on the demo site.

CMS: WordPress

Greenleaf Advancement

Provided by Greenleaf Advancement

Це повнофункціональний Демо-сайт, який демонструє повну локалізацію CiviCRM українською мовою.

This is fully-functioning Demo-site which demonstrates the full localization of CiviCRM in Ukrainian.

CMS: Drupal 7


Provided by Agiliway

This demo site localized in German. To request a demo account, please fill in this form:

Diese Demo-Installation ist für deutschsprachige BenutzerInnen lokalisiert. Hier können Sie einen Zugang beantragen:

CMS: Drupal 7

SYSTOPIA Organisationsberatung

Provided by SYSTOPIA Organisationsberatung

We provide turn-key CiviCRM hosting (no installation costs, regular CiviCRM upgrades, backups, secure https, 24/7 monitoring, no lock-in) with Drupal7, Drupal8 and WordPress, in French, English or bilingual configurations. The demo site is bilingual. click here to view the demo in English.

Nous offrons de l'hébergement CiviCRM clé-en-main (aucun frais d'installation, mises à jours CiviCRM régulières, sauvegardes, sécurité https, veille 24/7, export facile) avec Drupal7, Drupal8 et WordPress, avec une installation en français, anglais ou bilingue.

CMS: Drupal 8

Coop Symbiotic

Provided by Coop Symbiotic

This is a fully functional demo that allows you to see CiviCRM running on WordPress. You can play with Contacts, Groups, Events, Memberships -- just about everything that CiviCRM offers.

CMS: WordPress


Provided by Tadpole

Using Joomla and want to test drive CiviCRM? You've come to the right place! This is a basic set up of the latest stable version of CiviCRM and Joomla 3.9.x. It includes several extensions and a nice new theme for CiviCRM developed by Visualist.

CMS: Joomla

This is a fully interactive demo where you can login as different user types. 

GENERAL USER - This User can act as a general staff member including creating Memberships and Registering Individuals onto Events.

MARKETING USER - This User has more permissions and can create Events and bulk email Mailings (Newsletters).

ADMINISTRATION USER - This User has even more permissions and can access nearly all the CiviCRM Administrator screens
Anonymous Users can also register for Events, register for a sample Membership or make an offline Donation using the links in the menu. You should remember that you will not receive any email receipts.

CMS: Drupal 7

Circle Interactive

Provided by Circle Interactive

Turn CiviCRM into a powerful member of your team!

Integrate CiviCRM with your member portal to help with easy data collection, time-saving automations and detailed reporting.

Book a quick demo with to learn how your association's can stay time, money and stay organized with CiviCRM and a well-build member portal:

  • Managing members, membership types, events, activities, donations, etc.
  • How to create powerful reports, saved reports and smart reports.
  • Understand the various ways to label and organize your data.
  • How CiviCRM "speaks" to your member portal to collect data.

Visit our site and book your demo.

Grype Digital is a proud partner of CiviCRM. Our company specializes in associations and membership growth. We are excited to share our professional insights with you on how CiviCRM can be integrated with a member portal built with Drupal 8 or Wordpress to be a powerful tool for associations.

Industry partner badges

CMS: Drupal 8

Grype Digital member portals for associations

Provided by Grype Digital

Demo sajt je u potpunosti preveden na Srpski jezik. Svako može da pristupi koristeći demo nalog na . Više informacija je dostupno na Provided by Catalyst Balkans. 

CMS: Drupal 7

Catalyst Balkans

Provided by Catalyst Balkans

Esta es una demo de CiviCRM en español desarrollada por iXiam y alojada en el servicio SaaS Civi-Go. Esta demo incluye una nueva interfaz de usuario y módulos interesantes como Report Plus, Mosaico o Synopsis.

This is a demo of CiviCRM in Spanish developed by iXiam and hosted in SaaS service Civi-Go. This demo includes a new Theme and some interesting modules like Report Plus, Mosaico or Synopsis.

CMS: Drupal 7

iXiam Global Solutions

Provided by iXiam Global Solutions