Leukemia Has Won

Despite my best efforts over the past two and a half years, the leukemia has won. Due to liver inflammation and GvHD, the liver is too damaged to continue with treatment and there are no further options. I don’t want to spend the rest of my time in the hospital so I am choosing to remain at home where I can be comfortable with family and friends. If you want to read more about my journey through all of this, here are all of my posts with the cancer tag.

Since all of my plugins are open-source, they are free to be forked by reputable authors in the WordPress community. It would mean a lot to have my legacy go on.

I want to thank everyone who has given me moral support through these difficult times. It has meant a lot hearing all of the love and support pour in from my friends and colleagues from around the world. I have been so grateful for all of the opportunities that have been given to me in my life, professionally and personally. Automatticians have really helped me grow professionally by giving me an amazing career for the past nine years. My car friends have helped me grow socially and provided me so many good memories and life experiences. The people that I have gotten to know in the WordPress community have been very supportive as well. I am amazed by how many friends I have made and how much they have been there for me. They all have enriched my life and helped me grow as a person.

Thank you, everyone.

313 thoughts on “Leukemia Has Won

  1. Pingback: 有名プラグイン作者Viper007Bondが白血病で自宅療養へ│BLOCKMAGIC

  2. Hello!

    I used your plugins for years. Today I wanted to install Regenerate Thumbnails and I saw the news.

    I’m sorry.

  3. Came here today to find if a new version of ‘Clean Archives Loaded’ WordPress plugin is available. Been using it for the last 8 years. Shocked and depressed to learn about Alex. May his soul rest in peace.

  4. Thank you for your courageous fighting spirit, and for your contribution to the world whilst here on Earth.
    Rest in peace brother. Rest in peace.

    So sorry to have learned today of the battle you and your family went through.

    I used many of your plug-ins for many years, with no knowledge of who created them.
    I’m happy to learn it was you.
    Sad to learn your time on Earth ended so soon.


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