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European Digital Rights. We defend your rights and freedoms online.

Se unió en octubre de 2009

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  1. Tweet fijado
    14 sept.

    1/2 📣Are you a consultant with expertise in organisational assessments? is looking for consultant(s) with experience in: 🎯Inclusion audits of internal organisational practices 🎯NGO human resources, employment & governance ➡️

    "EDRi is looking for Inclusion and equity assessment and audit consultant. Apply by 8 October.
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  2. 17 sept.

    💪🏽 A big win for users 💪🏻 Earlier this month, Europe’s highest court judged that is illegal under EU law, which the network has been arguing for years. Learn more from member It-Pol () here:

    CJEU building
  3. 17 sept.

    🚨 Are you our new Policy Adviser? 🚨 Come join & work closely with digital rights activists to defend people's rights & freedoms online. People from marginalised groups are encouraged to apply! 👩🏿‍💻👨🏼‍💻🏳️‍🌈👩🏾‍🦽 Apply by 3 October:

    "Join EDRi as Policy Adviser. Apply by 3 October 2021."
  4. 16 sept.

    🚨🚨 Breaking news! UN Human Rights High Commissioner has asked for "an urgent moratorium on the sale and use of systems that pose serious human rights risks", called for by & 🛑Here's why we need a ban:

  5. 15 sept.

    4/4 🔶 Privacy and data protection: The should ensure that GDPR is enforced effectively, that the Regulation ensures privacy and confidentiality of communications, that encryption is not being broken to allow mass surveillance of conversations.

    "Adopting the strongest data protection law in the world." "Guaranteeing the privacy of European's communications." "Forcing companies to spy on private communications."
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  6. 15 sept.

    3/4 🔶 Platform Power: Ensure that the and bring significant positive change for people, by protecting freedom of expression, enabling innovation through real gatekeeper & making the norm:

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  7. 15 sept.

    2/4 🔶 : Ensure that biometric mass surveillance is banned in law and practice and that there are clear red lines against applications that spy on, categorise and discriminate against us:

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  8. 15 sept.

    1/4 Ahead of the , we call on President to ensure that fundamental rights are at the core of the policies in the second half of the EC mandate:

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  9. 14 sept.

    "We are not actually doing what we say we do publicly." - Yours, . This quote leaked by the pretty much sums up the latest scandal, revealing that Facebook has lied about how it allows millions of VIP users to post whatever they want - even illegal content.

  10. 14 sept.

    2/2 EDRi's partner is hiring for a similar position 👇🏻👇🏾👇🏿

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  11. 14 sept.

    🙅🏾‍♀️ The EU should never invest in tech that allows law enforcement to spy on us more easily. Instead, stronger data protection rules are needed to ensure that our private communication stays private. member shares in 👉🏽

    An image of an old stationary phone.
  12. 14 sept.

    🚨 Crucial report by explaining how the Irish Data Protection Authority is failing to deliver on major international data protection cases. 👇🏻👇🏽👇🏿

  13. 13 sept.

    Change is happening 👏🏽 EDRi and 60+ other civil society groups in the campaign have already influenced the EU 🇪🇺 agenda to make a key topic. 🔥 With your support, we can make a world free of BMS a reality:

    "Sign for a ban on Biometric Mass Surveillance!"
    , , y 4 más
  14. 10 sept.

    📣 There’s never been a better time to make your voice count. We’re proud to be part of the civil society campaign to BAN along with workers’ rights, LGBTQ+ rights, Roma rights, digital rights groups & more. 🔥Join us!🔥

    "Sign the ECI Now"
    , , y 3 más
  15. 9 sept.

    🚨“Asylum seekers’ & migrants’ digital rights are being sacrificed to reinforce Fortress Europe,” says our in the . 31 NGOs are urging MEPs to rethink plans to overhaul Eurodac database which would turn it into a mass surveillance tool:

  16. 9 sept.

    📣 is looking for a documentation and impact consultant for EDRi’s 20th anniversary, with experience in: 🎯documentation processes 🎯project management 🎯working in member-led networks Sound like you? Then apply now:

    "EDRi is looking for: Impact documentation specialist. Apply by: 20 September"
  17. 8 sept.

    🙅🏽‍♀️Platforms shouldn't be allowed to undermine public interest into how those same platforms harm us. & 34 org express concerns in 's open letter calling for the to grant researchers, civil society org & journalists access to platform data. 👇🏽

  18. 8 sept.

    🔥The is back!🔥 Get your post-summer dose of the top news 🍏 's privacy policy is rotting fast 💪 31 orgs challenge mass surveillance of people on the move 🚨 reaches 60K supporters 🧩 & more! Read it now:

    "For your safety and our curiosity"
  19. 8 sept.

    🚨The has reached a whopping 60000 signatures🚨 Thank you for joining us in saying NO to mass biometric surveillance & rejecting being constantly spied on. We now need YOUR help to reach a million signatures. Sign & spread the word:

  20. Deshacer

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