Das nächste WordCamp in Genf war ursprünglich für den 21.03.2020 geplant, wurde aber aufgrund der COVID19-Pandemie sinnvollerweise auf den 10.10.2020 verschoben.

Weitere Infos gibt es auf 2020.geneve.wordcamp.org. Hier ein offizielles Statement des Organisations-Teams auf Englisch vom 10.03.2020, welches auch auf Französisch verfügbar ist.
WordCamp Genève 2020 postponed
It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to cancel the WordCamp Genève on March 21st, or at least postpone it for about 6 months, subject to an overall improvement of the « coronavirus » situation.
We saw this morning the Swiss government’s decision to ban large-scale events involving more than 1000 people. This has led to the cancellation of the Geneva Motor Show, and we have the feeling that such measures could also be extended to smaller events, including our WordCamp.
Considering that this event gathers people coming from a multitude of different places and that cases of coronavirus have appeared in Geneva, it is our responsibility to think first about the safety of all. We, therefore, decided to postpone the WordCamp.
Should the global epidemic situation be resolved (virus contained and/or vaccine/treatment available), the WordCamp could be postponed to next autumn.
We are in permanent contact with the WordCamp Community Support (WPCS, the foundation at the head of all events), with whom we will talk about the different steps to follow. If you are a speaker or sponsor, please reply to this email and let us know if you plan to maintain your participation (depending on the new date).
If you have travel and/or accommodation booking fees, the foundation can provide an official letter for you to present to those vendors, mentioning the event has been cancelled/postponed.
For all those who have purchased a standard ticket for CHF 25.00 or a microsponsor ticket for CHF 150.00, you can decide if you want to keep the ticket for the autumn event or if you want to be refunded.
We thank you for your understanding and support. We sincerely hope that a postponement of the WordCamp Genève 2020 will be possible. We wish everyone well.
The WordCamp Genève 2020 organising team