Support » Fixing WordPress » Costumize not working on themes

  • Costumize doesnot shows styles or anything just plain text, on all the themes, I download or even the default ones they just show basic color background, but nothing else example of how it looks: example how it should work: ive seen in tutorials etc they work fine, but my themes dont work, I am using XAMPP local host, I’ve emptied my cache and reinstalled xampp and wordpress many times, nothing works. Used incognito mode too, disabling all plugins, still nothing

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  • Hi @desdiseno

    If you look on your server, is there an error log file? If the problem is PHP, it would be in the file.
    Since it is the Customizer, it’s more likely to be a javascript problem. The errors for javascript are in the Developer’s console which is part of your browser. You typically need to open the console and then try the Customizer and see what errors are written there.
    Then you can contact either the theme or plugin support forum for help with that error.

    @desdiseno: Judging purely from the two screenshots you gave, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong at all.

    The only difference I see between the two screenshots is that the “working” one has a post published with an image and a navigation menu configured, whereas the “not working” one has nothing published (just the default “Hello World” post with no image) and no navigation menu configured.

    WordPress gives you a blank canvas. Themes and plugins give you colours and paintbrushes, and sometimes unfinished drawings to be duplicated and turned into your own masterpiece. But you still need to use these to put something on the canvas and create your own masterpiece!

    (I’ve my assessment above is false, please post FULL-PAGE screenshots. You can crop out the URL and blank out any text you don’t want to be seen, but I’ll need to see the full page, please.)

    Good luck!

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