Support » Plugin: WP Extended Search » Urgent! Does not display title results when separated by whitespace

  • If I do a search with the exact product name for example FR 601M2 it shows all the results FR 601M2, FR 602M2 … but if I put the same search without the blank space that is to say FR601M2 does not find anything. It is title field.

    Is there any way to solve this please?

    The idea is that it works similar to this one that has the same products I attach URL with screenshot so you can see it more clearly.

    The web is in beta phase and comes out next Monday, if you read the message and you cannot access the IP, tell me or tell me what I should do if it can be resolved, it is urgent.

    Attention: To be able to see it and verify it, do not worry, accept the risks of the browser, it is because the ssl certificate, being a test, is expired and it indicates that.

    Thank you very much in any case.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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