Support » Plugin: Gravity Forms CLI Add-On » Creating Fields with CLI doesnt advance ID when using the editor

  • Resolved Seth


    I discovered an issue when using the CLI Tool. I had to add a bunch of fields to a lot of forms so the CLI tool became really handy to do quickly with a script.

    The issue i’ve found is that when going back in and editing forms in the normal WP editor, adding any fields will use the same IDs as fields added from the CLI causing conflicts and fields to get overwritten. Ive had to delete all the fields I created in the CLI and have had to make them manually, causing a huge time waste.

    Summary: The WP GF editor is not seeing where the ID is getting incremented too after using he CLI.

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  • Plugin Author Steve Henty


    Hi @sdw3489 thanks for letting us know about this. The issue is fixed in the latest hotfix of Gravity Forms which you can grab from the downloads page in your account area Alternatively, you can wait until the next minor version is deployed via auto-update.

    Thread Starter Seth


    Cheers Steve, Good to hear this was a bug and you were able to fix it. I ended up having to spend a lot of manual time undoing all the fields I added to a dozen forms via the plugin. Nice to know going forward It will be solved.

    Thread Starter Seth


    Im still seeing v1.1 in the downloads section on Thats the same version as I already have on my site. What version number should I see with the fix? v1.2 or v1.1.1?

    Plugin Author Steve Henty


    The fix is in Gravity Forms, not the CLI Add-On.

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