Support » Fixing WordPress » Can’t see the images I upload

  • Resolved razbenzur


    Hello everyone,

    I recently migrated my wordpress-based website from one hosting to another, and ever since I can’t upload images.

    I even tried to upload through wp-admin (media library), but whenever I uplaoad all I get is a blank image. Any idea what might cause that?

    Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 7 months ago by razbenzur.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Radixweb


    @razbenzur Have you get any errors?

    Can you please try to change permission of uploads folder and try again?


    Thread Starter razbenzur


    That’s what it looks like after I upload an image-

    Thread Starter razbenzur


    @radixweb yeah I tried to do that but it didn’t work..



    Can you please update the permalink from setting -> General as well?
    Can you please try to open the image URL in the new tab? Getting not found or else what exactly?

    Thread Starter razbenzur


    Done. And /private_html/wp-content/uploads is the right folder, I checked..



    If still facing the same issue, please try to open the image URL in the new tab and provide me a screenshot, please?

    Thread Starter razbenzur


    @radixweb you can see the link (screenshot) on the first question I asked
    I just uploaded through FTP straight to the right folder then uploaded again using wordpress and now it works.

    But that’s the only way it works.. any idea why?



    @razbenzur OK, May It’s a permission issue. Because without folder permission, not able to load images on the preview.

    If it’s solved, Can you please the topic “Mark as Resolved”?


    Thread Starter razbenzur


    thanks @radixweb

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