uAfrica Shipping

Description gives competitive live quotes from various South African couriers for your WooCommmerce orders and ships your parcels with a click of a button.

When orders are shipped or fulfilled through the uAfrica platform, your customers will be able to track these shipments directly on your website, without ever leaving your site, regardless of what courier was used to do the shipment.

With automated waybill creation, bulk fulfilment options and more, uAfrica will assist you to streamline your shipping process and save you money on shipping costs. Couriers currently include The Courier Guy, Dawn Wing, Courier It, MDS Collivery and Internet Express.

A uAfrica account is needed to track orders. Create a free uAfrica trial account here

The shipping status will be fetched from the uAfrica API. Only the site domain and the order number are sent to uAfrica.

Terms & Conditions apply.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • uAfrica Shipping info


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Contributors & Developers

“uAfrica Shipping” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“uAfrica Shipping” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Initial Release.


Fixed a bug in the shortcode.


Fixed a bug in the deployment.


Fixed bug in a filter when no post object was returned.


Added uAfrica Shipping Rates functionality. This will allow you to show rates to your buyers at checkout directly from uAfrica.


Fixed a bug where wrong price was sent to the shipping method calculation.