Support » Plugin: Squelch Tabs and Accordions Shortcodes » Eliminate URLs Post Hash

  • Resolved sailzingllc


    This is an excellent plugin, except I also can’t have the URL content post-hash inserted (/#squelch-taas-toggle-shortcode-content-0). I’d like the option to disable that feature or a hack to the javascript to disable it myself. Reference other topic marked “resolved”, but that change wasn’t actually made

    I really like the plugin, but before I use it beyond a test page, I need to be able to clean up the URLs. SEO and SEF URLs are important to me as is removing any distractions. Your help is greatly appreciated.



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  • Plugin Author Matt Lowe


    Hi @sailzingllc,

    The option to turn off this feature is coming very soon.



    Is there any update on this?

    Plugin Author Matt Lowe


    Hi @enchiridion,

    It was due to go out on Friday last week, but other tasks prevented me from rolling the change out. It should be this week, I’m hoping to do it today in fact.

    Plugin Author Matt Lowe


    Ask and ye shall receive, this is now available in v0.4. Please upgrade and the option is available under Appearance > Tabs and Accordions.

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