Support » Plugin: UpdraftCentral Dashboard » Firefox stops updraftcentral dashboard from opening

  • Resolved creativepassion


    If I go into Firefox pop-up settings, I can see that pop-up is “allowed”. So why, when I click “dashboard” it still says “Firefox prevented this site from opening a pop-up window”.

    If I can’t open UpdraftCentral dashboards for sites, then it is completely useless.

    I have already closed and restarted Firefox.

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  • Plugin Author David Anderson


    > So why, when I click “dashboard” it still says “Firefox prevented this site from opening a pop-up window”.

    Unfortunately I can’t say; I don’t have any special knowledge of how Firefox blocks pop-ups. (It’s Firefox that blocks, authoritatively – not individual sites that decide whether or not whether they can ignore Firefox’s settings – if it was the latter way, all the spammers would ignore the settings). Does the same happen if you disable all your add-ons?

    I’m using Firefox (90) and it works for me, so I don’t know what to suggest.


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