Support » Requests and Feedback » Custom breakpoints in Admin panel

  • Hi,

    I think it would be a useful feature to have the option to customize default WordPress breakpoints (Gutenberg blocks), because when developing a website, you use custom breakpoints and I think it sometime looking weird when an element resize on your website, but Gutenberg elements are not.

    I think it would be cool in admin panel under the main site setting to have :

    Tablet breakpoint = max width = “”
    Mobile breakpoint = max-width = “”

    Thank you

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    That’s what themes are for. Themes define the CSS of the front pages of the site.

    Thread Starter Nic727


    I think you misunderstood my suggestion. I know with theme you can create custom breakpoints and all. That’s what I’m doing for my site.

    What I mean, is that WordPress Gutenberg items already have breakpoints.


    @media (max-width: 600px) {
        -ms-grid-columns: 100%!important;
        grid-template-columns: 100%!important;

    Sometime you would like to use something higher than 600px. My idea was that instead of changing all blocks manually inside your own CSS stylesheets, you would just need to enter new numbers in the admin panel (a bit like what you can do with media size).

    Not sure how it would works since it’s not really possible to change CSS dynamically… Maybe having different stylesheet like normal.css, tablet.css and mobile.css and call them when it reach a breakpoint.

    But I would understand if this idea wouldn’t work or is not very important.

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