Gina Trapani

Gina Trapani

Technology Leader · Writer · CEO at Postlight


I'm @ginatrapani. I've been building software and companies for over two decades. I also like to write about technology, and the ways it changes how people and businesses get things done.

Currently I'm the CEO at Postlight, a digital strategy, design, and software engineering firm in New York City. Postlight builds enterprise-scale web platforms and digital experiences for some of the world's biggest and best organizations. Need help building something? Get in touch.

Before Postlight, I founded sites and services like Lifehacker (acquired by Univision), Makerbase (acquired by Fog Creek), and ThinkUp. My side projects include Todo.txt, an open source collection of text-based task list apps, and Narrow the Gap, a web site about the gender pay gap.

My writing has been published in The Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, and Wired, among others. Profiles of my work have appeared in venues ranging from The Wall Street Journal to The New York Times. Once upon a time, I authored three editions of the Lifehacker book. Fast Company named me one of the Most Influential Women in Technology, and Wired magazine awarded me its prestigious Rave Award.

Some nice strangers wrote a Wikipedia page about me. To get in touch, you can send me an email to my usual username at Gmail or tweet at me.

Thanks for stopping by.


These days I spend almost all of my time working with my clients and team at Postlight. If inspiration strikes during a rare pocket of free time, I'll publish a side project on GitHub or a Medium piece. Here's what I've been up to lately.

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

May 2021

March 2021

  • For the ninth year counting, updated Narrow the Gap to the latest wage data about the gender pay gap, and added a new feature this year: each gap now includes a comparison to what it was in 2011. Women chief executives, for example, made 76 cents to the dollar men did in 2020, and this gap narrowed by 7 cents since 2011.
  • Celebrated the launch of new client work by Postlight's client Lyfebulb! Just Launched: TransplantLyfe.
  • Wrote a piece about the storytelling aspect of digital strategy called Great Leaders Tell Stories.

February 2021

January 2021

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."