Support » Plugin: Jetpack Boost » Failed to execute ‘json’

  • Resolved motomars


    Good afternoon .
    When running the plugin encountered this error
    Failed to execute ‘json’ on ‘Response’: body stream already read If you need further assistance, contact Jetpack Boost Support.
    Tried to turn off all the plugins, update the theme turned off, nothing helped.
    What can be the problem?
    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 5 months ago by motomars.
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  • davidlonjonxwp


    Hi @motomars

    Thank you for trying out Jetpack Boost and sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with it.

    We have identified the issue and we are working on a fix. However please note that once this is fixed and you apply it, you might still see an error message after clicking the ‘Get Started’ button as this error message is actually obscuring the original error message which will become apparent then. We can deal with the next error at that point since we will not know the original error message until this one issue is fixed first.

    We will keep you updated.


    Thread Starter motomars


    Okay, thank you,@davidlonjonxwp
    I’m waiting for the information.

    Thread Starter motomars


    Good day
    Is there any information about the solution to this problem?
    Thank you

    Plugin Support Dan (a11n)


    The fix will be included in v1.0.7. Keep an eye out for that update. Thanks!

    Plugin Author pyronaur


    Hey! We managed to release the fix in 1.0.6! Update the plugin – the issue should no longer be there.

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