‘Freelance’ Videos

  • Chris McGrath: Contracting for WordPress: your how-to guide for success

    WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021Speaker: Chris McGrath

    May 30, 2021 — This session covers different ways to earn freelance income without losing money or your sanity. Topics include banking, accounting, taxes, filing a business name, invoicing, time tracking, and getting work.

  • Maddy Osman: From Freelancer to Agency – How I’m Building Systems to Scale

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Maddy Osman

    July 6, 2020 — After freelancing full-time for over five years, it was time for a change. I realized that there was only so much that I could do on my own, without building a team to support my content writing business.
    Though I’m still in the process of transitioning my business from a freelance to agency model, I’ll be sharing the lessons I’ve learned so far:
    • How to create process documentation to clarify expectations and how to’s • How to pick and use a project management system to work with your team • How to reposition and relaunch your brand to address the change

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  • Wendie Huis in ‘t Veld: Sustainable freelancing!

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Wendie Huis in ‘t Veld

    June 18, 2020 — Are you a developer, designer, writer, or site builder? Did you start freelancing to have true work-life balance and follow your passions? Do you find yourself working really hard and not making enough money? This talk is for you.
    Working harder is not the answer, changing a few thing in your business is. This story will encourage you to take a good look at your business model, work smarter not harder, and grow your business sustainably. Everything you need to live a happy freelance life.

  • Melanie Adcock: Git ‘r Done: Maximizing Your Freelancer Day

    WordCamp Birmingham 2019Speaker: Melanie Adcock

    April 25, 2020 — Feeling overwhelmed as a freelancer? We all want to be as productive as possible each day. Learn some practical solutions for freelancers to maximize productivity while lower your stress level.

    We will talk about some tools and techniques to streamline your workflow.

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  • Céline SOULIERS: De Freelance à Startupper ?

    WordCamp Marseille 2019Speaker: Céline SOULIERS

    December 30, 2019 — Est-ce qu’il est possible de se lancer dans la création d’une entreprise avec une simple idée, une API ou quelques lignes de code en poche ? Quelles sont les solutions pour m’aider à me lancer ? Comment savoir si mon idée peut aboutir à une startup ? Est-ce que j’ai envie de me lancer dans l’aventure ? À partir d’exemples issus de l’Incubateur Belle de Mai, Céline tentera de vous éclairer sur ces sujets.

  • Mauricio Gelves: Segui questi 10 passi per diventare Freelance con WordPress

    WordCamp Verona 2019Speaker: Mauricio Gelves

    December 9, 2019 — Tante persone vogliono essere freelance, ma per qualche ragione non osano fare i passi necessari per realizzare il loro sogno.
    Li capisco perfettamente: anch’io ho provato paure e incertezze.
    Dopo due tentativi falliti come freelance ho provato di nuovo e ci sono riuscito.
    Con questo talk voglio condividere quali sono i 10 passi che ho seguito per diventare uno sviluppatore freelance con WordPress.
    Non è una formula magica, ma assieme ad impegno e dedizione, questo talk ti può dare qualche idea per riuscire nella ricerca del lavoro che desideri.

  • Francesca Marano: L’abc del sito del freelance

    WordCamp Milano 2017Speaker: Francesca Marano

    October 11, 2019 — Dieci anni fa quando si iniziava un’attività la prima spesa erano i biglietti da visita. Oggi si pensa prima al sito. Spesso i freelance creano un sito senza un piano e un obiettivo chiari. È vero che WordPress rende relativamente facile la creazione di un sito, ma sarebbe meglio farsi alcune domande prima di imbarcarsi in questa impresa (sì, è epica e no, non c’è bisogno di imparare a scrivere codice).
    Tutti i freelance hanno bisogno di un sito?
    Se si decide di crearne uno, quali pagine dovrebbero assolutamente esserci?
    Quali informazioni sono utili per i lettori? Quali assolutamente inutili?
    E questi lettori poi, chi sono? E come si scrive proprio per loro.
    In questa sessione esplorerò delle domande comuni che i freelance hanno prima di costruire il proprio sito e cercherò di dare delle risposte che aiutino in questa epica impresa.

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  • Nahuai Badiola: De neurocientífico a desarrollador WordPress Freelance

    WordPress Pontevedra MeetupSpeaker: Nahuai Badiola

    October 3, 2019 — Nahuai Badiola, que del mundo de la neurociencia se ha pasado a desarrollar y a montar un sitio de membresía para ganarse la vida.

  • Tania Mulry: How to Grow Your Freelance Career or Agency

    WordCamp Santa Clarita 2019Speaker: Tania Mulry

    June 26, 2019 — April 6, 2019, 9 am Placerita Canyon Room, University Center, College of the Canyons —
    Tania Mulry will share her insights as an agency owner who has leveraged WordPress to create local and national impact and will introduce her unique decision-making framework.

  • Valérie Galassi: S’organiser quand on est freelance : être productif et penser à soi

    WordCamp Bordeaux 2019Speaker: Valérie Galassi

    April 18, 2019 — Quand on est en free lance on peut être confronté à ce grand art qu’est la procrastination. On trouve très facilement autre chose à faire plutôt que de rester concentré sur son travail.

    En tant que procratinatrice professionnelle, je voudrais partager avec vous les méthodes de travail que j’ai mises en place pour être plus efficace. Cela peut prendre du temps pour les trouver, cela a été mon cas. J’ai testé des méthodes qui au final ne me convenaient pas, d’autres que j’ai tout de suite adoptées. D’ailleurs, j’essaye toujours d’optimiser mes journées.

    Ainsi, nous verrons comment mieux nous organiser. Je vous parlerai des outils, des méthodes, des habitudes que j’ai adoptés pour m’aider à rester concentrée, à m’organiser dans mon quotidien, à m’accorder du temps bien à moi.

    J’aimerais vous donner des idées, pour que vous puissiez commencer à constituer votre propre boîte à « méthode ».

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