North America

Being a freelancer can be the most stable thing in Taco land

Being a freelancer can be the most stable thing in Taco land

Este ensayo también está disponible en español. I am a very lucky person. I studied software engineering at a private university, I’m white, straight, handsome, and I live in Taco land. I could have easily joined a multinational but there was always something that stopped me. It was probably that I felt I didn’t fit…



When I was asked to write an essay for HeroPress, I humbly accepted due to my desire to help others. HeroPress needs a post and perhaps something I say could have a positive impact on another person. Little did I realize that having to write as a “marginalized” individual would cause me to want to…

Second Chances: How A Trip Back  Into The WordPress Community Saved My Life

Second Chances: How A Trip Back Into The WordPress Community Saved My Life

Often, we refuse change and don’t get a second opportunity to make things right. But for me, June 17, 2017, changed my life forever. A life-threatening heart event forced me to start over and in the short time since WordPress helped me rediscover myself and to do the things I truly love. At 10 am…

How the WordPress community contributes to human development

How the WordPress community contributes to human development

In the beginning WordPress being an “open-source” platform concept was only an idea by Matt Mullenweg that was supposed to gather people to contribute for free for a greater cause with no guaranteed success. The idea to gather people around a vague and non-profit cause would not have succeeded without the generosity of WordPress pioneers,…

History and Future of Kids Heroes in WordPress

History and Future of Kids Heroes in WordPress

Kids events are not a new thing in the WordCamp and WordPress event space, however, the number of these events happening around the world are on the rise. Kids events focus on teaching children how to become content creators, creative thinkers, and even business owners. Numerous repeat attendees have morphed their personal blogs into businesses…

I Am Cookie Dough

I Am Cookie Dough

I was always told I had to go to college. I was “gifted” so learning came easy and I enjoyed it.  From ages 6 to 18, I went to competitive accelerated schools designed to churn out college students. It was a narrow path I’d been set on, without encouragement to explore beyond. Majoring in theater…