Support » Plugin: Wordfence Security - Firewall & Malware Scan » Unable to configure Firewall on Siteground

  • Resolved kikaweb


    I’m trying to configure the firewall for a website hosted on Siteground. I followed the instructions and chose manual configuration, added the auto_prepend_file variable, checked that the .waf file is in place, but the diagnostic tab keeps telling me that waf auto prepend is not active.

    Any suggestions? I really need to get the firewall up and running!
    Thanks 🙂

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  • Plugin Author WFSupport


    Thanks for reaching out.

    Siteground has always been pretty easy to configure extended protection on, even though it does have the extra step. Can you send a diagnostic report to wftest [at] wordfence [dot] com? You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence Tools > Diagnostics page. Please add your forum username (@kikaweb) where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.

    Note: For the fastest response time, please make sure and add any information or questions directly to the post here and not the email address above.

    Thread Starter kikaweb


    Thanks for the fast reply,
    I’ve just sent the diagnostics report and added my username.

    Thread Starter kikaweb


    Please ignore the diagnostic file. There was some other plug-in that was messing with htaccess, still investigating which one.
    I solved that and now the Extended protection is on.

    Plugin Author WFSupport


    Awesome! Can you do me a favor and let me know which one when you find out? I’d appreciate it.


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