
Save as Draft button

Posted November 6, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development.

As a first step in making the administration and posting interfaces as elegant as possible, I’ve started implementing some of the ideas I’ve had as a very frequent user of WordPress and those that came up from a discussion with Matthew Thomas. Last night I checked in the code that is essentially a “save” button for your online editing. Now the default button for the post form instead of posting something directly to your blog stores it as a draft in the database and takes you back to editing it. I know when I write long entries online in the browser I’m always paranoid, because I have lost too many words to the hostile enviroment of browser editing. However with the new WordPress quicktag code, I’m more comfortable writing on the post screen than just about anywhere else, so what I would do was every couple of minutes set the post status to draft, submit the post, and then click back to edit the post and continue working. This eliminates steps, will prevent accidentally postings (and pingings), and hopefully save a few posts.

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